I have never once looked at sharing with others as debating Steven. I gave you that scripture for a reason and the reason was/is that there are certain things that we definitely are not to do or we are going to have huge problems.
I woke up this morning in pain yet I'm not in any pain now. I was reminded that all things are working for my good. I was also reminded that I need and needed not to think about myself. We don't have to remain in pain Steven, we don't have to give our pains not even a second thought.
This is my prayer for today if you would like to read it...
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Your Love, for Your Forgiveness of my sin, for Your Salvation, for Your Blood that You cover me with, for being my habitation, for Your Protection, for hiding me under the shadow of Your wings, for Your Promises, for Your Prosperity, for work, for love, for...
I start out my prayers the way Jesus Instructs us by thanking Him and praising Jesus and seeing the end result and then thanking Jesus and praising Jesus again. At times I thank Jesus and praise Jesus all day long because of what I post for everyone. I honestly don't need anyone to join with me in prayer for I know Jesus hears my prayers and I always get a Yes and Amen from Him.
We lead by example. I'm not perfect but Jesus, who lives in me is perfect so I become perfect. If I prayed to Jesus about mailing a package, I would see the package safely going through the mail and arriving at my friend's place with absolutely no worries. If a worry tried to interfere with me I would simply say Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for blessing the package to arrive at my friend's and leave it at that. Worry leave me in Jesus! Amen! Thank You Lord Jesus!
I am literally your friend Steven, I mean you no harm. I simply wish you and others could see what I see and believe what I believe without having to go through the pains and discomforts I have had to endure but I am quite thankful that I went through them for they worked for my good.
If I start to feel sick I speak sickness leave me for you are not allowed in me nor near me in Jesus so go from me in Jesus! Amen! Thank You Lord Jesus!
We can read and study our Bibles and only look at what seems bad or we can only concentrate on what seems good to us for Jesus does say all things work for our good if we truly love Him. We can read it is appointed for man once to die or we can read that we will not ever taste of death and only believe that we will not ever taste of death and simply believe it, know it.
We can read that the beasts of the field are at peace with the righteous and then later walk through the fields right up within an inch of a rattle snake and speak we are at peace with each other because of the Righteousness that lives in me through Jesus or we can fear the rattle snake and get bit by it because the Bible also says that there is none righteous no not one, yet I know that I am the Righteousness of God in Christ.