John 3:18 “He who believes in [Jesus] is not condemned [they have been forgiven and given the righteousness of Christ]; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. (bracketed information added)
While suicide is a sin, It is NOT the unforgivable sin. (There is only one unforgivable sin and it is rejecting Jesus. Read: What is the unpardonable (unforgivable) sin? What if I commit it?) Suicide is the taking of human life. It is a self-inflicted murder. However, just like any sin, it also has been paid for by Jesus. Jesus died to pay for ALL sins. And for those who belong to Him, all their sins are forgiven.
Therefore, if you are missing a friend, relative, or loved one who had been redeemed and regenerated by Jesus but committed suicide, their sin did not condemn them.
Every one of the believer’s sins were paid for by Jesus on the cross. When Jesus saved the person, the person received God’s forgiveness for every sin (past, present, and future), including the final sin of suicide. Jesus has promised that He has prepared a place for those who belong to Him and that He will come to receive them unto Himself (John 14:1-4). This was not a conditional promise. Jesus promised that no one can take one of His own out of His hand (John 10:28). That means that no sin a redeemed person commits will cause them to lose their eternal salvation. No one who belongs to Jesus will ever perish.
For a person who does not belong to Jesus and commits suicide, they face the consequences of dying in unforgiven sin. God will judge them accordingly. While God can forgive all sins, He cannot overlook any sin. All sin must be paid for. And if someone dies in their sin, they are already condemned.
While suicide is a sin, It is NOT the unforgivable sin. (There is only one unforgivable sin and it is rejecting Jesus. Read: What is the unpardonable (unforgivable) sin? What if I commit it?) Suicide is the taking of human life. It is a self-inflicted murder. However, just like any sin, it also has been paid for by Jesus. Jesus died to pay for ALL sins. And for those who belong to Him, all their sins are forgiven.
Therefore, if you are missing a friend, relative, or loved one who had been redeemed and regenerated by Jesus but committed suicide, their sin did not condemn them.
Every one of the believer’s sins were paid for by Jesus on the cross. When Jesus saved the person, the person received God’s forgiveness for every sin (past, present, and future), including the final sin of suicide. Jesus has promised that He has prepared a place for those who belong to Him and that He will come to receive them unto Himself (John 14:1-4). This was not a conditional promise. Jesus promised that no one can take one of His own out of His hand (John 10:28). That means that no sin a redeemed person commits will cause them to lose their eternal salvation. No one who belongs to Jesus will ever perish.
For a person who does not belong to Jesus and commits suicide, they face the consequences of dying in unforgiven sin. God will judge them accordingly. While God can forgive all sins, He cannot overlook any sin. All sin must be paid for. And if someone dies in their sin, they are already condemned.

Is SUICIDE an Unforgivable Sin?
Is suicide an unforgivable sin? Where is comfort in such a tragedy? God's Word offers ways to cope when a loved one has taken their own life.