I am so fed up with God, that I would like to turn

His indifference towards you? My friend, that is not God's indifference. Suffering is, as I said before, a part of life. We all have trials, tests and temptations. God has never promised us a life without suffering. In fact, He says we will suffer. Jesus said, "If they persecute Me, they will also persecute you." God allows suffering in our lives because of the valuable lessons that we learn through suffering. God is not a sadist. God does not enjoy our suffering. Suffering can, at times, be good for us. Of course it doesn't seem so at the time. Nobody enjoys suffering, but through these tough and difficult periods in our lives we become better people. Suffering changes us, some for the better and some for the worse. How you choose to change is your choice. You can either go forward, better and stronger then before, or you can sit back and complain about how unfair life is. The choice is yours, and yours alone. God gave us free will.
I understand that there is no way to live this life with out sufferings to all but if it's something you pry about years then it shows indifference. You say that God can say no or later. And that's fine but if that no or later if for years then it leaves impression that He simply doesnt care. It's so funny that to us christians He says that faith with out deeds is dead but He Himself doesnt seem to do much deeds either. You say that you dont know why God says no or later. if you dont know, how can you be sure that one of the reasons isnt that He enjoys my sufferings? Btw if suffering is good and draws us closer to God, can I then also make my wife suffer if I want her to come closer to me? Like first, ignore her completely for 4  years and not talk to her and not answer to her and then physically punish her for not being happy with it? After all it should draw her closer to me and we should happier marriage. Right? Now if you disagree with that why do you thing that suffering is good for me? How is suffering that God causes to me any different from suffering that I described? Think for a moment what would happen when I would kick my wife in her face. If it's first time and for good reason, she might even forgive, but if it happens over and over again for small reasons she would go and find another husband. Now what makes you think that it's different between me and God? So conclusion: If you want your wife to draw closer to you, make her suffer daily. You can even explain it away with Bible.


On our own, we have no real desire to love God or even to seek His divine forgiveness. God draws us to Jesus (John 6:44) and through the grace and the sacrifice of Jesus we are saved.
True. I also dont desire to love or seek Him anymore but seems like God is not drawing me either. What a powerless God.

(John 3:16)
That's cool story bro. But sadly for me as long as I have not seen the love myself it will be just story and nothing more.

If you are saved, you are going to heaven. There is no if or but about it. Salvation is eternal, once saved, always saved. God is not in the business of giving people false hope. God's promises are valid, all you need to do is trust in His word. God has not changed, He is the same yesterday, today and forever. 
If you dont believe, when you get to heaven, ask God about me. And then you will hear the truth that I am in Hell. I have already renounced Jesus and His salvation, so how can I still go to Heaven? You want to tell me that since I once got saved, I can from now on be dedicated satanist and still end up in heaven? Very well, then I will keep asking Jesus questions and make Him feel sorry for not answering me. You know what? I intentionally do some sin every time someone tells me God loves me to hurt God as bad as possible. It feels so Good. That's the only thing that gives me happiness in this world. And yes, He is giving false hope: First He promises something either trough bible or trough prophets or other christians. Then it doesnt happen. All that time I have had hope. f it didnt happen then it is false hope. I hope that God gonna do what He said He would and then He doesnt.

Yes, there are other religions that claim resurrection. How do I know Christianity is the one true religion? Honestly, I believe that Christ is Lord in much the same way as I believe in God, through faith. I believe in Christianity because it's main teaching is love. And love, my friend, is the most powerful force on earth. The Bible says, "Love God with all your mind, body and soul, and love your neighbour as yourself." Those two rules are the only law that Jesus has given to us. 
But still, if there are other religions then maybe one of these is right? What if u doe and then someone other than Jesus turns out to be real God and you go to Hell? I mean that's what you think that Jesus is the God, bu tyou dont know till you die. It's just your good wish.

God is more then willing to answer our prayers
Then where are my answers? ok, you start talking about no or later. But where is His willingness then? If He says now then you may say that prayer is answered but in fact He did not want to give me what I asked of Him. He is like ur not going to get anything. If he says later it doesnt show willingness either. It shows that He does not care and He is just using later as a polite excuse for not answering me.

We are responsible for our choices, not God.
But God made me do that choice. How? Read my previous posts.

God has not sown seeds of disappointment in you.
He has. No need to discuss that. He has, it's his fault, full stop.

He has a reason, a plan and only our well-being at heart.
How do you explain answering no with 'only our well-being at heart' when kid in africa prays for food and still starves to death? Or when girl prays not to get raped but still gets raped? So our well-being in heart mens that He knows the less niggas the better world, so He lets the kid in africa die so that europe would have less refugees (criminals) to deal with? Ok that would make sense.... But God let's christian girl be raped despite of her prayers? Guess it's to teach her the lesson that sex can be pleasure. Yep, surely He had our best interests in His heart.

True faith isn't born in an instant, it grows over time.
Ok, cool, He hasnt done anything for my fiath to grow.

If I believe in the existence of God, then I must believe in the validity of His word.
No. In islam for example, God can lie. Since He is all powerful who can do everything, He can also lie if He wants to.

Look at all the miracles that God has done for others.
No, they dont matter. I have not seen them with my own eyes. Nor have they happened to me. It's just a nice story.

However, if we have rejected God, we have also rejected Christ's sacrifice, and as such we are sinners who have rejected our only hope of salvation. 
So I can finally go to hell then!

Once again, this choice is yours to make, God will not make it for you.
Yes, the choice is mine but if I choose no I go to hell because I have rejected this gift. You see from one hand you seemingly have choice but from other hand you really dont have any other option because if you choose to reject you go to hell. So it is not some choice  that I want to do. I do that choice because I am afraid of going to hell and that what makes me do that choice. I dont really want to worship that Sadist but if I dont I go to hell, so I dont really have other choice than to accept this gift. You see I have choice but I am kinda made to make that choice. I dont choose to follow God because I love Him so much. I choose to follow Him because I want to get away from Hell and that's all.I am not interested in God Himself, just dont want to burn in Hell. Not really a choice. It's natural that whan you have 2 bad alternatives you pick one which is better. Even if you dont like neither of the options, if you are given 2 options you still pick best of these bad options.

God doesn't enjoy punishing us, but He must punish us if we are to turn from our sins and our disobedience. 
Great, I have already made decision in my heart that as soon as some punishment comes I go to grave yard with pendulum, candles, oujia board and stuff and make full decication to satan with all the blood drops and stuff and then summon as many evil spirits as I can. And I have already decided that if some nasty punishment  would come I would then dedicate my entire weekend for satanic spells. The reason for me to plan it in advance is that when God does something, it would be easier to stick to plan. Like if He scares me the I might not know what to do and then turn back to Him in fear but now I have already decided that I will go further from Him as soon as something bad happens.


If we get weary in well doing, that is our fault, not Gods. 
It is. He hasn't enabled me. He has not given me strength.
The reason I take some time to reply is because I am very busy these days and to answer your question, I know that God is love, of that I have no doubt whatsoever. And to be honest, I have never asked myself some of the questions you are asking. It takes time to reply because I need to read and study what the Bible has to say on certain subjects.

The picture you posted says, "Giving someone a choice between two bad options is not free will." First, what is so bad about loving God? God has, through the grace and sacrifice of Christ, saved us from damnation and hell. We are sinners, we are born in sin but all we have to do to receive our free gift of salvation is to accept the sacrifice that Christ has already made on our behalf. Is it so difficult to accept His sacrifice? Is it so difficult or painful to accept the love of God? Salvation is not earned, it is given. Salvation is free and everlasting. There are only two pre-conditions attached to salvation. The first is that you repent of your sins. In order to be saved we must repent our sins. Second, we must accept the sacrifice of Christ. We must accept that we cannot hope to earn our way to heaven, but through the love, grace, and mercy of Christ, we are saved. Is that so difficult or painful to comprehend? God has given us free will. We can choose to obey or disobey Him. We can choose whether we follow Him or go our own way. We can also choose whether or not we believe in Him. Of course our choices have consequences, that is part of free will. If I choose to believe and follow God, I know that I will be called upon to sacrifice everything for Him. That doesn't mean that God will demand that I go without everything to prove my love for Him. But He does ask that we are willing to sacrifice everything, if or when He asks it of us. If we follow God, God is our God, King, and Father. As God and King He gives us His commandments, and as a Father He loves us as a Father loves His children. As a Father, He both punishes us and forgives us when we go astray, because He loves us. 

1. You say, "I understand that there is no way to live this life with out sufferings to all but if it's something you pry about years then it shows indifference. You say that God can say no or later. And that's fine but if that no or later if for years then it leaves impression that He simply doesnt care."

No, once again, that does not show indifference. It really depends on what you are praying for. If you are praying for the wrong things, of course God will not answer you with "yes". Now, I do not know what you are praying for, and I do not need to know. As I said before, that is between you and God. 

Let me explain. Let us say you are praying for a better job, and let us say God's reply is "later". Now, after two years you still have the same job. Does this mean God does not keep His word? No. Maybe God had in mind a job that would be ready in three years, whereas you, after two years of waiting, begin to doubt God. Is that God's fault? God answered your prayer, He lined up a job for you that would be ready in three years, but you got tired of waiting after two. And yes, God could have gotten you a new job sooner, but maybe He knows that the jobs that are available at the moment would be jobs for which you would be ill-suited. When you pray, God will answer. But sometimes His answers take time. We must be patient and trust in God, because He loves us.

2. You say, " It's so funny that to us christians He says that faith with out deeds is dead but He Himself doesnt seem to do much deeds either."

Yes, the Bible does say that faith without deeds or actions is dead. (James 2:14-26) What does it mean? Simply put, believing in God is not enough to be saved. Satan also believes in God, but he most certainly is not saved. We must also accept the blood of Christ as our salvation, because by His blood, we are saved. By His stripes we are healed and through His blood we are forgiven and saved. That being said, we must put into action our beliefs, because if we truly believe, we will willing and gladly demonstrate our faith to God and to the world. The Bible says that if we are ashamed of God in this wicked world, God will be ashamed of us in the next life. (Mark 8:38) That being said, if we see someone who is in need, and we are in a position to help them, and instead all we say is "God will help you", that is not enough. Yes, we have demonstrated our faith by saying, "God will help you", but we have disobeyed the commandment to love our neighbour as ourselves. Our neighbour in this instance means our fellow man. If we are in a position to help someone, and we don't, we are essentially turning our backs on our fellow man. If we fail to put into action our faith, of what good is it? So yes, faith without actions on our part is dead, because it is literally of no use at all. 

Now, you accused God of not backing up His words or promises with actions. God does answer prayer, as I said before. Just because H answers no, does not mean that He hasn't answered. There are numerous well-documented miracles throughout history, including modern times. So to answer your accusation, yes, God does do miracles, He is still alive and very active. Of course, whether you consider the works of God miracles or dumb luck is your choice. If I pray for a car, and God does a miracle and I get the car, it will not say on the car, "Here is the answer to your prayers." God doesn't usually work like that. He could, but that isn't usually how He does things. 

3. You say, "You say that you dont know why God says no or later. if you dont know, how can you be sure that one of the reasons isnt that He enjoys my sufferings? Btw if suffering is good and draws us closer to God, can I then also make my wife suffer if I want her to come closer to me? Like first, ignore her completely for 4  years and not talk to her and not answer to her and then physically punish her for not being happy with it? After all it should draw her closer to me and we should happier marriage. Right? Now if you disagree with that why do you thing that suffering is good for me? How is suffering that God causes to me any different from suffering that I described? Think for a moment what would happen when I would kick my wife in her face. If it's first time and for good reason, she might even forgive, but if it happens over and over again for small reasons she would go and find another husband. Now what makes you think that it's different between me and God? So conclusion: If you want your wife to draw closer to you, make her suffer daily. You can even explain it away with Bible."

First, what you just described would, I believe, be classified as domestic abuse. And no, it doesn't resemble in the slightest what God does when He punishes us. 

First off, not all suffering comes from God, in fact, most of it is not God's doing. Most suffering, believe it or not, is our fault. Most of our suffering comes as a result of choices or decisions that we have made. That is not God's doing, but our doing. Now, some suffering does come from God. The death of a loved one, for example. Now, we call this suffering, but to God's point of view, He has just called home one of His faithful. Of course it is suffering. As anyone who has lost someone close can tell you, it takes lots of time to come to terms with the death of a loved one. But the truth is this, we grieve for ourselves, not for the dead. The dead have gone to a better place, where there is no death, sickness, pain or suffering. We grieve because we miss them, but God has given them their well-earned reward. We can take comfort however, knowing that one day when our time comes, we will see our loved ones again. Now, we can look on this as punishment and suffering, or we can look at it as finally going home to our Father. 

Let me try to explain in a bit more in-depth some of the reasons God allows suffering. This is not, of course, a complete list.

1) To draw us closer to Him. When all is well many people feel they don't need God. Often it takes suffering for us to finally turn to Him. What about if there was no suffering? Would we still need God? The answer to that question is yes, my friend. Even without suffering, we would still be sinners, in need of redemption. If however all is going well, no suffering and no consequences for our actions, how many of us would really feel a need to turn to God and ask for His love and forgiveness?

2) Compassion for others. If we, as Christians, never suffered, how could we have compassion for the people who are suffering? How can we minister to those in need if we do not understand their pain? Nobody enjoys suffering. But if we never suffered, how could we understand those who have suffered?

3) Humility. Suffering keeps us humble. If we never suffered, we would have no humility.

4) Suffering makes us stronger. Let me explain. When you exercise it is at times painful and exhausting. But after a time, you will begin to notice that you can endure more, that you are stronger and healthier. The same is with suffering. It is painful and difficult at the time, but afterwards you will find that you are stronger spiritually and better for the experience. God has to break us at times, in order to re-make us.

5) Suffering teaches us lessons that we would never learn otherwise.

6) Suffering helps keep us on God's path. The Bible says, "Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept thy word." (Psalm 119:67)

The good news for us Christians is that God has guaranteed that He will not allow us to face anything that we cannot, with His help, endure. So yes, our lives will be filled trials and tests. But with God's help, we will endure and we will grow and be strengthened by them. My friend, I know that it is not easy. But being a Christian is not easy. Following God is not easy. Trusting in God is not always easy. Many Christians make this mistake, they think that since they believe in God, all their problems are over. They fail to realize that God promised nothing of the sort. The Bible, as I said before, promises the exact opposite. Jesus said, "If they persecute Me, they will also persecute you." The Bible calls Jesus "a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief" (Isaiah 53:3) Jesus suffered, as we suffer. Jesus understands your pain, my friend, because He too suffered and was tempted. Jesus understands what you are going through, my friend, because He too was human. He knows we are weak, but He is strong. When our strength fails us, we must turn to God, because while for us it may be impossible and hopeless, with God nothing is impossible. Have faith and trust in Him, my friend.

4. You say, "True. I also dont desire to love or seek Him anymore but seems like God is not drawing me either. What a powerless God."

Not a powerless God, but a God that has granted you free will. He has called you, but you have rejected Him. When has He called you? I believe that He has called you in the past, but I know that He is calling you right now. But you forget free will. God WILL NOT force you to believe in Him or follow Him. He wants willing followers, not mindless robots you have no control over their actions. So, to repeat, God is calling you now, how you answer His call is up to you. You say you have no desire to seek Him any more. My friend, you yourself say that you have rejected God. The Bible says, "because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved... God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie" (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12)

5. You say, "That's cool story bro. But sadly for me as long as I have not seen the love myself it will be just story and nothing more."

You claim to have never witnessed the love of God. My friend, God gave you life. God gave you free will, the freedom to choose between right and wrong. God gave you the ability to reason, to think and to understand. God gave you gifts and talents. And on top of all this, God will give you forgiveness for your sins and eternal life in paradise, all you need do is ask Him. How is that not love?

6. You say, "If you dont believe, when you get to heaven, ask God about me. And then you will hear the truth that I am in Hell."

I don't agree. Before you said you were saved and believed in God. My friend, I said this before, salvation is eternal and doesn't have an expiry date. Once saved, always saved. But, as I said before, just because we are saved does not mean there are no consequences to our actions. If we choose to go directly against the will of God, then yes, He will punish us. You called God a sadist, but the truth is that God disciplines us as any parent would their child. When parents discipline their children, they do so out of love and concern for their children. And it is the same with God.

7. You say, "But still, if there are other religions then maybe one of these is right? What if u doe and then someone other than Jesus turns out to be real God and you go to Hell? I mean that's what you think that Jesus is the God, bu tyou dont know till you die. It's just your good wish."

What you call my good wishes, I call my faith. I have faith the Christ rose from the dead and I have faith in the existence of God.

8. You say, "Then where are my answers? ok, you start talking about no or later. But where is His willingness then? If He says now then you may say that prayer is answered but in fact He did not want to give me what I asked of Him. He is like ur not going to get anything. If he says later it doesnt show willingness either. It shows that He does not care and He is just using later as a polite excuse for not answering me."

Where are your "yes" answers? Honestly, I cannot possibly answer that question. I am not God, and I am not privy to His reasons for why He has answered you as He has answered you. All I can tell you is this, God has His reasons and He always has your best interests at heart. You say where is His willingness to answer your prayers. He is willing to answer your prayers, but He will answer them according to His will, not ours. We cannot tell God how He should answer our requests. God is not our servant, He is our God and our Father. He will answer in His time and according to His will. 

9. You say, "But God made me do that choice. How? Read my previous posts."

If I am correct, you are referring to how God didn't answer your prayers the way you would have liked. My friend, I will repeat myself, we cannot tell God how He should answer our requests. God is not our servant, He is our God and our Father. He will answer in His time and according to His will.

10. You say, "He has. No need to discuss that. He has, it's his fault, full stop."

It is easy to blame God and a lot harder to blame ourselves. Why? We are human, and we like having a scapegoat to blame when things go wrong, and God is a very convenient scapegoat. But the truth of the matter is that we are usually responsible for the state in which we find ourselves. As I said above, most of our suffering is the result of our actions. When we make the wrong choice, is that God's fault? No, of course not.

11. You say, "How do you explain answering no with 'only our well-being at heart' when kid in africa prays for food and still starves to death?"

The sad fact is that once again, we are to blame. Now, when I say we, I mean humanity as a whole, not necessarily you or me. Is it God's fault that in some countries they throw away excess produce or pay the farmers not to plant crops in order to keep the prices high? No. Is it God's fault that they throw away excess food instead of giving it to the poor? No. The fault is our greed. God gives us all a choice, and when someone chooses to act selfishly, how is that God's fault? You may argue that God should step in and stop such acts of greed. But the truth is that if He did that we would have no free will will. 

Why does God allow evil? Read this article: Why Does God Allow Evil

12. You say, "Ok, cool, He hasnt done anything for my fiath to grow."

By your own admission you don't read the Bible. That is the only way to have faith, by reading God's word. If you don't do what is required in order to have faith, it is your fault that you have no faith, not God's.

13. You say, "No. In islam for example, God can lie. Since He is all powerful who can do everything, He can also lie if He wants to."

True, God can lie. He is all-powerful, and He can, if He so chooses, tell lies. How do I know that God is telling the truth? God hates lies and considers them an abomination. Also, if God is all-powerful, I fail to see why He would need to lie. If He wanted something done, all He has to do is think it. It is not that God cannot lie, it is that God will not lie. There is a difference. 

14. You say, "So I can finally go to hell then!"

Is that really where you want to go?

15. You say, "Yes, the choice is mine but if I choose no I go to hell because I have rejected this gift. You see from one hand you seemingly have choice but from other hand you really dont have any other option because if you choose to reject you go to hell. So it is not some choice  that I want to do. I do that choice because I am afraid of going to hell and that what makes me do that choice. I dont really want to worship that Sadist but if I dont I go to hell, so I dont really have other choice than to accept this gift. You see I have choice but I am kinda made to make that choice. I dont choose to follow God because I love Him so much. I choose to follow Him because I want to get away from Hell and that's all.I am not interested in God Himself, just dont want to burn in Hell. Not really a choice. It's natural that whan you have 2 bad alternatives you pick one which is better. Even if you dont like neither of the options, if you are given 2 options you still pick best of these bad options."

I fail to see how living in paradise with God is a "bad option". Yes, we are offered two choices, and both of them have consequences. Our choices are good or evil, our way or God's way. There is no third option.  You can cry unfair, but that is the reality of life. If we choose God's way, we will live a life filled with sacrifice, trials and tests. It will also be a life filled with joy and fulfilment, because there is no greater calling then serving God. 

I am praying for you, my friend. GBY!
Now, you accused God of not backing up His words or promises with actions. God does answer prayer, as I said before. Just because H answers no, does not mean that He hasn't answered. There are numerous well-documented miracles throughout history, including modern times. So to answer your accusation, yes, God does do miracles, He is still alive and very active. Of course, whether you consider the works of God miracles or dumb luck is your choice. If I pray for a car, and God does a miracle and I get the car, it will not say on the car, "Here is the answer to your prayers." God doesn't usually work like that. He could, but that isn't usually how He does things. 
But if God can say no then why does He expect me to help others?

That being said, if we see someone who is in need, and we are in a position to help them, and instead all we say is "God will help you", that is not enough.

Just because He answers no, does not mean that He hasn't answered.
So why is it ok for God to answeer not to me but not when I answer no to someone in need? Like if homless need food then I should also able to say no if I want to. It's unjust if God can say no but we are expected to help. God shouldn't put higher standards on us than he takes on him. If he is allowed to answer no then we should be allowed to answer no as well. You see I am in need, and God is in a position to help them, and instead all He say is "No/Later". Now we we as a christians are to be like God, so I should also be allowed to answer no to homeless who is asking for food and who is starving to death.

1) To draw us closer to Him.
Not true. I already read  about crystals, ouija boards, pendulums, spells, etc. Why? Because sufferings have ended my faith in Him. So you can say that it is to draw us closer to Him. Can you see how what I described is drawing closer to Him? I have already set dates on which at latest I take next steps in witchcraft/satanism, so are you still sure these sufferings draw me closer to Him? Ok, you may start again with useless text that it is my own choice and my own fault that I lost faith but even if it is it doesnt change the fact that sufferings are driving me further from God instead.

Suffering helps keep us on God's path.
No. It's a standard christian answer. Have you seen this working that way on me? My rules is: The more sufferings the more I serve satan. I have set this rule so that 1) God would think before sending me sufferings 2) that when something bad comes unexpected or scares me I would already have plan to do. And then I would stick to that plan.

He will not allow us to face anything that we cannot, with His help, endure.
Before I fell off I asked Him to help me to endure, He didn't hel me to. So you see it's lie.

But with God's help, we will endure and we will grow and be strengthened by them.
Nope, I didn't I repeatedly asked His help. Still didnt.You may again start to complain that it's my own fault. But that doesnt change the fact that I didnt endure.

"because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved... God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie" (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12)
It's more like God rejected me when I asked love and truth of Him. Now it's entirely His fault.

You claim to have never witnessed the love of God. My friend, God gave you life. God gave you free will, the freedom to choose between right and wrong. God gave you the ability to reason, to think and to understand. God gave you gifts and talents. And on top of all this, God will give you forgiveness for your sins and eternal life in paradise, all you need do is ask Him. How is that not love?
But this is what everyone gets. And giving life is not love always. For example, some people get kids to sell them. Some people get kids because they need more work force. Some get kids to sacrifice them to devil. That's not love. I could "give life" to robot because I need some tasks to be done fast, it doesnt mean I love that robot.

I don't agree. Before you said you were saved and believed in God. My friend, I said this before, salvation is eternal and doesn't have an expiry date. Once saved, always saved. But, as I said before, just because we are saved does not mean there are no consequences to our actions. If we choose to go directly against the will of God, then yes, He will punish us. You called God a sadist, but the truth is that God disciplines us as any parent would their child. When parents discipline their children, they do so out of love and concern for their children. And it is the same with God.
So, by always saved you mean that if I renounce Jesus and His salvation today and from now on be full time satanist with never repenting and turning back, I would still go to heaven? [yes/no]

God has His reasons and He always has your best interests at heart.
I see. He probably wanted me to have in-depth understanding of satanic spell casting and summoning demons with ouija board, and that's why He has been answering no/later for so long.

The sad fact is that once again, we are to blame. Now, when I say we, I mean humanity as a whole, not necessarily you or me. Is it God's fault that in some countries they throw away excess produce or pay the farmers not to plant crops in order to keep the prices high? No. Is it God's fault that they throw away excess food instead of giving it to the poor? No. The fault is our greed. God gives us all a choice, and when someone chooses to act selfishly, how is that God's fault? You may argue that God should step in and stop such acts of greed. But the truth is that if He did that we would have no free will will. 
Here again you change the topic bu blaming us. Yes I agree that it is our fault but it doesnt change the fact that kid in aftica dies in hunger. It it not his fault. You see it's our's fault, not the fault of kid in africa. But that doesnt stop God answering no to kid's prayer. Whether or not it's fault of us, doesnt change the fact that prayer is unanswered. And also you shouldnt blame europe or america because it's not their job to fund africa. Niggas in africa havent done anything to make food grow in europe.

By your own admission you don't read the Bible. That is the only way to have faith, by reading God's word. If you don't do what is required in order to have faith, it is your fault that you have no faith, not God's.
But God has taken away my desire for it. So it is His fault.

Is that really where you want to go?
It depends. In hell I would be separated from that careless God who doesnt love me. That would be good. In heaven I would be constantly asked why I dont wish to worship God and probably God and his angels would constantly keep punishing me there for not pretending I am happy to worship God which is bad. From the other hand, in heaven I could constantly remind God his unanswered prayers and tell everyone how bad he treated me and spit in his face every time I see him which is good because then I could make Him suffer as badly as He has made me suffer. If I would get to heaven I would pay back for everything! And every time He asks for praise I would tell him to go and find another christian because if he answered me with no in earthly like then I also answer him no on heavenly life.
1. You say, "But if God can say no then why does He expect me to help others?"

First, we cannot compare ourselves to God, He is divine, we are mortal. He is the Creator and we are His creations. Second, when God says no, He has a good reason for saying no. We may not always understand or comprehend His reasoning, but we know that God loves us and only wants the very best for us. We are mortal, He is divine and we cannot hope to even begin to understand the mind of God. 

When we see our fellow man in need, and we have the ability to help them, what good reason could we possibly have for saying no? There is no good reason for not helping our fellow man when we have the ability to help them. When it is in your power to do good for others, and you do not, that is sin. It is as simple as that.

2. You say, "Now we we as a christians are to be like God, so I should also be allowed to answer no to homeless who is asking for food and who is starving to death."

You say the right thing but interpret it wrongly. As Christians we are to be an image of God to the world. That does not mean that we are equal to God. If you believe that, then you believe that we are all God in our own right. God is God, and we are His children, His servants, His subjects. We are not God, nor are we equal to God. As I said above, when God says no, it is because there is a good reason for saying so. That is where faith comes in again. We must have faith and trust that God knows what He is doing and that God has a purpose and a reason for saying no.

3. You say, "Not true. I already read  about crystals, ouija boards, pendulums, spells, etc. Why?"

Key words, "I read". God is not making you do these things or read up on these subjects. You are doing them of your own will. You say that the suffering which God has allowed has driven you to this point. The only reason you didn't endure is because of your lack of faith. In order for God to help us, we must have faith in Him. You say it is God's fault that you have no faith. My friend, if you refuse to read and study God's word, how can you have faith? You say the Bible is boring. Is it God's fault you found His word boring? The Bible isn't a novel, it the the Word of God. If you fail to do what He asks, how can you blame Him for not doing what you ask? You say that before this you tried to be a good Christian. My friend, the Bible says "pray without ceasing". The Bible says that we must get desperate with the Lord. God doesn't always answer right away. If God doesn't answer right away, and you are sure that what you are asking for is His will, then keep on praying. Something that you might be forgetting is that when we pray we must add, "Not my will, but Thine be done." God will then decide how and when to answer our prayers. God will answer our prayers in His time and according to His will. 

4. You say, "No. It's a standard christian answer. Have you seen this working that way on me? My rules is: The more sufferings the more I serve satan. I have set this rule so that 1) God would think before sending me sufferings 2) that when something bad comes unexpected or scares me I would already have plan to do. And then I would stick to that plan."

Key phrase "My rule is". Your rule is a rule born of you choosing to go your own way. Make no mistake, you chose to go your own way. I already said this, when suffering comes, we have two choices, one easy the other hard. You will find, my friend, that the right choice is often the harder choice to make. Your choices are 1) sit back and complain about how life and God have dealt you an unfair deal, or 2) Trust in God and with His help continue on to become better and stronger then before. It really is that simple. Of course the easier choice is to sit down and complain. It is easy to blame God for everything. But the truth is, we are responsible for most of the suffering that comes our way, as I explained before.

5. You say, "Nope, I didn't I repeatedly asked His help. Still didnt.You may again start to complain that it's my own fault. But that doesnt change the fact that I didnt endure."

You failed to endure because you failed to believe. True faith keeps on believing, even when all hope is lost. True faith can say, without a shadow of a doubt, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him." Faith is believing without seeing. So yes, we are to blame for when we fail to endure. We fail to endure when we stop trusting in God. We fail to endure when we become "weary in well-doing". So yes, once again we are the ones to blame for failing to endure, not God. 

6. You say, "It's more like God rejected me when I asked love and truth of Him. Now it's entirely His fault."

We have already discussed this. How did God reject you? By not saying yes to your prayers? That isn't rejection. I already said this, God has His reasons for answering the way He has answered us. When He says "no" to our requests, we must have faith and trust that He has our best interests at heart. If however you do not trust that He cares for you, then you are essentially admitting that you have no faith in Him. Once again, the fault is our if we fail to believe, not God's.

7. You say, "But this is what everyone gets. And giving life is not love always. For example, some people get kids to sell them. Some people get kids because they need more work force. Some get kids to sacrifice them to devil. That's not love. I could "give life" to robot because I need some tasks to be done fast, it doesnt mean I love that robot."

Life is a gift of love, whether you believe it or not. It isn't God's fault what people choose to do with the gift God has given them. God has granted us the free gift of life, and just because everyone has it, does not diminish the value or the fact that God loves us. But you need to remember that while life is of God, He has given us the free will to choose how we will use this gift. We are free to choose between good and evil, free to choose to use our life to accomplish something, or free to waste our life doing nothing. The choice is yours, and yours alone.

8. You say, "So, by always saved you mean that if I renounce Jesus and His salvation today and from now on be full time satanist with never repenting and turning back, I would still go to heaven? [yes/no]"

Can you renounce Christ and still be saved? The answer is a bit more complex then a simple yes or no. We will never truly know for sure the answer to that until the next life, but I can tell you my opinion. Keep in mind though, that Christians are very divided on this issue and there are many who will disagree with me. My opinion is yes, you are still saved. I believe that once saved, a part of you belongs to God, no matter what path you choose to take with your life. The Bible says, "He is not willing that any should perish". In my opinion, salvation, once given, will never be taken away. You belong to God now, and I don't think He will hand you back to the devil. 

9. You say, "I see. He probably wanted me to have in-depth understanding of satanic spell casting and summoning demons with ouija board, and that's why He has been answering no/later for so long."

That was your choice, not God's. It is easy to blame God, but the fact of the matter is, He is not to blame.

10. You say, "Here again you change the topic bu blaming us. Yes I agree that it is our fault but it doesnt change the fact that kid in aftica dies in hunger. It it not his fault. You see it's our's fault, not the fault of kid in africa. But that doesnt stop God answering no to kid's prayer. Whether or not it's fault of us, doesnt change the fact that prayer is unanswered. And also you shouldnt blame europe or america because it's not their job to fund africa. Niggas in africa havent done anything to make food grow in europe."

No, it is not the fault of the child in Africa. But it is the fault of humanity, not God. They have the ability to help, but they have chosen not to. That is free will. The same goes for wars. God hates war, but people have free will, and what they choose to do with their free will is their responsibility, not God's. You blame the actions of man on God, but God gave them free will. You say it is not their job to fund Africa. But I repeat, it is their fault. They have the ability to help, they could share what they don't need, but out of greed they do not. That makes it their choice not to share and as such their choice to watch while their fellow man goes without. 

I am praying for you, my friend. May God Bless and Keep you!
You say, "Here again you change the topic bu blaming us. Yes I agree that it is our fault but it doesnt change the fact that kid in aftica dies in hunger. It it not his fault. You see it's our's fault, not the fault of kid in africa. But that doesnt stop God answering no to kid's prayer. Whether or not it's fault of us, doesnt change the fact that prayer is unanswered."

You accuse God of failing to answer the child's prayers. Let me ask you a question. If someone in need asks God for help, and God sends you his way, and you pass him by without helping him even though it is in your power to do so, has God answered the poor man's prayer? Yes, He has answered his prayer. In answer to His prayer God sent you, but you choose not to help the man in need. Yes, God could do it another way, but God often works through us. God will not force us to help those in need, but if we do not, God will lay their unanswered prayers at our feet. If we are unwilling, God will answer their prayers in some other way, but the blame still lies with us. What about the Christians who are being persecuted and imprisoned for their belief in God. Has God ignored their prayers? No. Perhaps it is God's will that they remain in jail, not to punish them, but so that they can minister to the other inmates. God works in mysterious ways His wonders to preform. As I said before, we cannot hope to understand the mind of God and often we will be unable to comprehend His will. When we fail to understand why God has done something, that is when we must trust that God knows what He is doing, even if we do not fully comprehend why.
First, we cannot compare ourselves to God, He is divine, we are mortal.
So if He as a divine already says no then why cant we? Why does he expect us to help someone in need every time we can when He himself answers no to those in need? He is setting higher standards on us than he has taken on himself.


hat good reason could we possibly have for saying no?
Because we can. And that's what god does. He says no just because He can. It's like being dictator. He knows that angels dont have power to throw Him into Hell, so he does ignore all the 10 commandments as much as He wishes. He enjoys our pain because He knows that now one can throw Him in Hell anyway so why bother. It's like on earth, dictators such as Putin or Kim ignore the laws because they know that no one can do anything. They can kill people if they one and no one makes them responsible. The same is true for God. He knows that no one can do anything, so He abuses power as much as He can. And now ur enough brainwashed to support him. Why cant u just admit that God is wronged me and stop telling lies about Him?

There is no good reason for not helping our fellow man when we have the ability to help them.
One good reason is that we as God's people should reflect God truthfully and if God is asshole we have to be asshole as well because we as a christians should be the image/reflection of God here on earth and this is how we can show to others who God really is.

The only reason you didn't endure is because of your lack of faith.
But why didnt he Give me the faith? You say I should have read the bible but then why didnt God give me the interest? You dont expect me to read that boring made up story full of false promises? If God wants me to read it He should give me interest in that.

In order for God to help us, we must have faith in Him.
And since God isnt doing anything to make that faith grow in me there can be any improvement to my situation either which means that it would forever stay like that. And as I mentioned before I dont really believe in the bible anymore and it's very hard to find interest in something you dont believe to be true, and it's ery hard to read something that ur not interested in.

My friend, the Bible says "pray without ceasing". The Bible says that we must get desperate with the Lord.
I have done this.

2) Trust in God and with His help continue on to become better and stronger then before. It really is that simple.
I am not intentionally blocking Him. If my disbelief/disappoitment is too much for Him, then He simply isnt all powerful. You cant explain it with free will, because to answer my prayers He wouldnt have to go against my free will. I am totally letting Him to help me. I am even giving Him time before I do next step in going closer to satanic spells and further from God. So u see I give Him all the opportunities  but just as He did not use previous ones He wont use this one so eventually I would still end up fixing my problems with help of satan and God only watches me with out giving s**t about it.

You failed to endure because you failed to believe.
But I failed to believe because God havent given reason to. The more I pray the more unaswered prayers I see, and the less I believe. It's not my fault that God isnt doing anything. It's not my fault that God God didnt do anything when I still was christian.

True faith can say, without a shadow of a doubt, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him."
But you wont be able to say this and mean it unless you have experienced God yourself. You know there is a difference between ur own real experience and hearing that someone else had experience.

So yes, we are to blame for when we fail to endure. We fail to endure when we stop trusting in God. We fail to endure when we become "weary in well-doing". So yes, once again we are the ones to blame for failing to endure, not God. 
I have already explained how it's result of God not caring about me.

We have already discussed this. How did God reject you? By not saying yes to your prayers? That isn't rejection. I already said this, God has His reasons for answering the way He has answered us. When He says "no" to our requests, we must have faith and trust that He has our best interests at heart. If however you do not trust that He cares for you, then you are essentially admitting that you have no faith in Him. Once again, the fault is our if we fail to believe, not God's.
Ok, let's call it with other word. He has ignored me instead of He has rejected me. You can blame me. But just because you blame me doesnt change the fact that God is ignoring me. You think that blaming me somehow changes the fact that God has been ignoring me? No. Just it's my fault doent make Him un-ignore me.

When He says "no" to our requests, we must have faith and trust that He has our best interests at heart.
So His best interest is for us to suffer forever and ever. so loving of Him.

hen you are essentially admitting that you have no faith in Him.
In case you want to be sure, I can directly admit it as well:

Before the almighty and ineffable God Satan/Lucifer and in the presence of all Demons of Hell, who are the True and the Original gods, I, <name removed> renounce any and all past allegiances. I renounce the false Christian god Jehova, I renounce his vile and worthless son Jesus Christ, I renounce his foul, odious, and rotten holy spirit.

I proclaim Satan Lucifer as my one and only God. I promise to recognize and honor him in all things, without reservation, desiring in return, his manifold assistance in the successful completion of my endeavors.


My opinion is yes, you are still saved.
What if I told you I have prayed this prayed above over and over again? What about parable of sowing the seeds.

18 “Hear then the parable of the sower: 19 When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart. This is what was sown along the path. 20 As for what was sown on rocky ground, this is the one who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy, 21 yet he has no root in himself, but endures for a while, and when tribulation or persecution arises on account of the word, immediately he falls away.[b] 22 As for what was sown among thorns, this is the one who hears the word, but the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and it proves unfruitful. 23 As for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it. He indeed bears fruit and yields, in one case a hundredfold, in another sixty, and in another thirty.”

It would complain about turning away if it was once saved always saved. Or why does bible say about Judas who betrayed Jesus:

The Son of Man goes as it is written of him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been better for that man if he had not been born. If he did went to heaven, Jesus would not have said this.

Or why does bible say that if u do what I did -  turn away from God u have even worse punishment in hell than u would have if u never knew lord?
2 Peter 2:20-22 For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the last state has become worse for them than the first. For it would have been better for them never to have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them. What the true proverb says has happened to them: “The dog returns to its own vomit, and the sow, after washing herself, returns to wallow in the mire.”

Or here is written about me and that my future is hell:
Hebrews 6:4-8 For it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly
gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, and then have fallen away, to restore them again to repentance, since they are crucifying once again the Son of God to their own harm and holding him up to contempt. For land that has drunk the rain that often falls on it, and produces a crop useful to those for whose sake it is cultivated, receives a blessing from God. But if it bears thorns and thistles, it is worthless and near to being cursed, and its end is to be burned.

Or here it also says that if I dont abide in christ I go to hell:
John 15:6 If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned

Or if I dont obey I go to hell:
John 3:26 Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him

Or as you like to tak about free will: I should have free will do decide what I do, right? How can u say that I have free will if there is no option for me to choose hell over heaven? I mean once saved always saved means that one I am saved I am unable to go to hell if I wanted to which would mean that God would not respect my free will.  You see not being able t go back to hell contradicts with ur once saved always saved.

Or Heb 10:26-27

26 For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries.

Or why did Paul give such a hard warning to christians? The letter he wrote, he wrote to christians not to non-believers. So the warning was meant to warn christians:

But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. 19 Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, 20 idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, 21 envy,[d] drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do[e] such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

And an other warning from falling away:
10 And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. 11 And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. 12 And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. 13 But the one who endures to the end will be saved.

No, it is not the fault of the child in Africa. But it is the fault of humanity, not God. They have the ability to help, but they have chosen not to. That is free will. The same goes for wars. God hates war, but people have free will, and what they choose to do with their free will is their responsibility, not God's. You blame the actions of man on God, but God gave them free will. You say it is not their job to fund Africa. But I repeat, it is their fault. They have the ability to help, they could share what they don't need, but out of greed they do not. That makes it their choice not to share and as such their choice to watch while their fellow man goes without. 

But why would I spend my money on kids in africa? There is always infinite amount of poor.  I dont have obligation to work for some one else. Many problems that that africans have are because they are too lazy to do anything. Why should we as europeans work hard if blacks themselves are too lazy to help themselves. We also have our rights  for rest and you cant expect us to work 16  hours a day instead of 8 hour a day just because there are kids in africa. There is absolutely no oblication (not even moral one) for us feed the kids in aftica. I can see that you are brainwashed and I will not discuss this topic any more.

Yes, He has answered his prayer. In answer to His prayer God sent you, but you choose not to help the man in need. Yes, God could do it another way, but God often works through us.
But all powerful god should know in advance that I wouldnt help, and choose some one else. In my opinion innocent person should not suffer because of my disobedience. And if my disobedience causes innocent person who has always done the will of God to be with out prayer answer then God is not powerful enough to help him, that's all. You see it's not his fault that I am unwilling to obey God. So it's God's job to make sure that his prayer gets answered, not mine. After all God can send angels in form of humans and they could help person in need. And if God does not do that it simply shows that God does not care enough. He may care about his problem, but only as much as send me there and if I refuse He doesnt care enough to use angels instead.

God will lay their unanswered prayers at our feet.
But I am not God that I should answer prayers or be responsible for unanswered prayers. God could have chosen someone else at first point. Secondly, nowhere in my life have I signed contract where I agree to help people in need. And if I have not signed such cotract He cant demand of it. I have not said that "yes, I am willing to be used as a prayer answer".
Father God, Please ignite the fire of hope within the hearts and minds of all those crying out to You right now. May Your divine power penetrate the very fiber of their being and may every petition that fits within Your perfect will be answered in a mighty way in Jesus Holy Name. Amen.
So if He as a divine already says no then why cant we? Why does he expect us to help someone in need every time we can when He himself answers no to those in need? He is setting higher standards on us than he has taken on himself.

I already answered this. In summary, when God says no, He always has a reason, and He always has our well-being in mind. He says no because He wants the best for us. Sometimes we ask for something good, but God says no, because He wants to give us something better. On the other hand, when it is in our power to do good and help others, and we say no, what good reason do we have for saying no?

he does ignore all the 10 commandments as much as He wishes

The 10 Commandments were for us, not God. And we are no longer bound by the 10 Commandments anyway. Jesus said that He would give us only two Commandments, Love God with all our hearts, and love our neighbour (fellow man) as we love ourselves. If we obey those two commandments we are doing all that Christ has asked of us. 

He enjoys our pain

God is not a sadist. I already told you why God allows suffering.

He abuses power as much as He can

How has He abused His power? By loving us and forgiving us and granting us eternal life?

And now ur enough brainwashed to support him. Why cant u just admit that God is wronged me and stop telling lies about Him?

What you call brainwashing and lies, I call my faith. You say God has wronged you. My friend, I already told you, most of our suffering isn't God's doing, it is our doing. Science says that for every action there is a reaction. Cause and effect. It is the same with our actions. For every action that we take following our own path, there is a reaction. For every sin we commit, there is a consequence. 

One good reason is that we as God's people should reflect God truthfully

I agree, we should reflect God truthfully. My friend, God is love, not a vindictive sadist. As such, since God is love, should we not reflect His love to others? 

But why didnt he Give me the faith? You say I should have read the bible but then why didnt God give me the interest? You dont expect me to read that boring made up story full of false promises? If God wants me to read it He should give me interest in that.

How is it God's fault that you find the Bible boring? I told you before, the Bible is God's word, not a novel. Let me ask you a question, do you enjoy reading maps? Probably not, but that does not make them any less useful. The Bible is our map to life. In it we will find all we need to know about God and how to live. I am sorry you don't find it interesting, but that doesn't make it any less useful. You asked why God has not granted you faith. My friend, if you don't do your part, God will not do His part. God helps those who help themselves. Let me explain. If you ask God for a job, but don't bother to look for a job, how can God give you a job? If you do your part and look for a job, God will do His part and provide you a job. We do the possible, then God steps in and does the impossible. Yes, God could do it all without us having to do anything, but that is not how He works. If you don't read and study God's word, how can you have faith in His word?

I have done this.

But have you ever said, "Not my will, but Thine be done?" My friend, even Jesus surrendered His will to God. Jesus said, "Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done." (Luke 22:42) If even Jesus, the Son of God, without sin, surrendered His will to the Father (God) how much more should we, being mortal and sinners, surrender our will to God? You have prayed and sought the Lord in desperation, but you have refused to accept His answer. When God answers our prayers, we must accept His answer, not keep on insisting that we know best. God knows best, not us. We see only our present needs, we do not see the future. We see only what we want now, we cannot see how our requests will affect us in the future. As I said before, maybe you are asking God for something good, but He has something better planned for you. Or maybe you are asking for something that is simply against His will. I told you before, true faith is saying "Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him. Though all seems lost, yet will I have faith in Him. Though all seems hopeless, yet will I have hope in the Lord." Of course it isn't easy, but being a Christian is hard, and our lives will be filled with sacrifices, trials and tests. All we need do is have faith in Him.

I am not intentionally blocking Him. If my disbelief/disappoitment is too much for Him, then He simply isnt all powerful. You cant explain it with free will, because to answer my prayers He wouldnt have to go against my free will. I am totally letting Him to help me. I am even giving Him time before I do next step in going closer to satanic spells and further from God. So u see I give Him all the opportunities  but just as He did not use previous ones He wont use this one so eventually I would still end up fixing my problems with help of satan and God only watches me with out giving s**t about it.

Do you know what I find interesting? You have enough faith to believe in the Devil, but you say you have no faith in God. My friend, you say that to answer your prayers He wouldn't have to violate your free will. I already answered you as to why God doesn't, at times, answer our prayers. As I said before, it isn't out of cruelty or spite, but rather because either it is against His will, or because He has something better in store for you. 

But I failed to believe because God havent given reason to. The more I pray the more unaswered prayers I see, and the less I believe. It's not my fault that God isnt doing anything. It's not my fault that God God didnt do anything when I still was christian.

Has God always answered  my prayers in the way I would have chosen? No. If you ask most Christians, they will tell you that many times God has answered no or later to their prayers. I told you already, when God says no or later, He has a good reason. Do we always understand why God said no? No, we do not. There will be times when we will only understand God's reasons for saying no after a lengthy period of time and there will be times when we will never, in this life, fully comprehend God's reasons. God will explain His reasons in the next life, for now, all we need to do is trust and believe in Him. Once again, is it easy to trust when you do not comprehend the reasons? No, but as I said before, the life of a Christian will never be a an easy life. But I assure you, the life of a Christian is a fulfilling and rewarding life. We will know pain, suffering, sacrifice, hardship, and problems, but God has promised that He will more than repay us for our tribulations and sacrifice. God has promised in His word that He will wipe all tears from our eyes. 

But you wont be able to say this and mean it unless you have experienced God yourself. You know there is a difference between ur own real experience and hearing that someone else had experience.

The Bible says that it is better to believe without seeing, then to believe having seen. God wants us to have faith in Him and in His promises. If Jesus was your next door neighbour, it wouldn't take much faith or any to believe in Him, would it? 

Ok, let's call it with other word. He has ignored me instead of He has rejected me. You can blame me. But just because you blame me doesnt change the fact that God is ignoring me. You think that blaming me somehow changes the fact that God has been ignoring me? No. Just it's my fault doent make Him un-ignore me.

I am not blaming you. I am however stating that it is our fault, not God's, when we fail to believe. My friend, trusting in God means trusting even when all goes wrong.

So His best interest is for us to suffer forever and ever. so loving of Him.

That is not His wish nor His will. I told you before why God allows suffering and evil. 

The parable of the sower explained: Parable of the Sower

2 Peter 2:20-22 isn't talking about losing your salvation. What it says is that if you have heard and known the truth and rejected it, it would be better for you to have never heard the truth. It is better to have never known the love of God then to have known the love of God and rejected it.

Hebrews 6:4-8: There are two interpretations to this verse. Both of these interpretations support the security of the believer in Christ. The first interpretation presents unbelievers rejecting Christ and thereby losing their chance of salvation; the second interpretation presents the very idea of believers losing salvation as impossible. Many scriptures make it abundantly clear that salvation is eternal (John 10:27-29; Romans 8:35, 38-39; Philippians 1:6; 1 Peter 1:4-5), and Hebrews 6:4-6 confirms that doctrine. Read this: Hebrews 6

John 15:6: This verse in about unbelievers not Christians.

John 3:26: Again, talking about unbelievers

John 3:36: Read the KJV. Jesus says that if we believe in Him, we will have eternal life. But if we reject Him, the wrath of God abides on us. This is what I was saying before, without Christ we are damned. Through Christ we are saved and will be granted eternal life in paradise.

Read this article about salvation: Can Christians Lose Salvation

You see not being able t go back to hell contradicts with ur once saved always saved.

Can you lose your salvation? In my opinion, yes and no. Let me explain. Salvation is forever, and nobody can take it from you. But if you truly ans sincerely do not want it, God will not force it on you. If you, of your own free will, truly reject God in your heart and mind, then yes, I suppose it is possible that you can lose your salvation. Why you would want such a thing is beyond my comprehension, but that is another discussion. But just because someone is sent to hell, that doesn't mean they are damned for eternity. God is love, and He is unwilling that any should perish. I believe that even in hell a person can repent and be granted forgiveness and salvation. Salvation is a gift, a free gift, and while God wants us to accept His love and gift of salvation, He will not force it on us. 

 Hebrews 10:26-29 warns against the sin of apostasy. Apostasy is an intentional falling away or defection. Apostates are those who move toward Christ, right up to the edge of saving belief, who hear and understand the Gospel, and are on the verge of saving faith, but then reject what they have learned and turn away. These are people who are perhaps even aware of their sin and even make a profession of faith. But rather than going on to spiritual maturity, their interest in Christ begins to diminish, the things of the world have more attraction to them rather than less, and eventually they lose all desire for the things of God and they turn away. 

 God will not take our salvation if we sin against Him, or none of us would be saved. We have all sinned and come short of His glory. Christ died for our sins. However, if we reject God we are essentially rejecting the sacrifice that Christ made for our sins. If we reject the sacrifice of Christ, how can our sins be forgiven? If we reject the love of God, how can we be saved? 

 Galatians 5:19–21: In summation, this verse says that if we continue to wilfully sin against God or worship idols, etc. we are giving evidence that we are not saved, because a true Christian who is saved and loves God will not wilfully sin against God. Yes, he will sin against God, we are sinners, all of us, but he will not continue to commit the same sins over and over again. Read this article: Works of the Flesh

 Matthew 24:4-14 This is talking about false prophets and the end of days. In the last days of this earth, many will forsake Christ, but those who forsake Christ never truly believed in Him, and are Christians in name only. There are many who call themselves Christians, but who, when tested, don't truly believe in Him. I will be the first to admit, I have seen more of God in some atheists then in some so-called Christians. Calling yourself a Christian doesn't make you a Christian any more then calling yourself God makes you God. 

 But why would I spend my money on kids in africa? There is always infinite amount of poor.  I dont have obligation to work for some one else. Many problems that that africans have are because they are too lazy to do anything. Why should we as europeans work hard if blacks themselves are too lazy to help themselves. We also have our rights  for rest and you cant expect us to work 16  hours a day instead of 8 hour a day just because there are kids in africa. There is absolutely no oblication (not even moral one) for us feed the kids in aftica. I can see that you are brainwashed and I will not discuss this topic any more.

 First, nobody asked you to work 16 hours a day. As it is, with an 8 hour work day, the West has enough extra to make a big difference in Africa and other poor countries. The reason that they don't do this is because of greed and a general lack of willingness to share with those in need. Second, yes, there will always be poor in this world. But that definitely isn't a reason not to help them. Yes, I agree we cannot help everyone. If I give some money to a poor person, it doesn't help his equally poor neighbour, but I have done what is in my power to help. That is all that God asks us as Christians, that we do what we can to help others. God hasn't asked us individually to solve world hunger, though perhaps there would be a lot less hungry and poor people in this world if we all did our part to make this world a better place. You say there is no moral argument for feeding the starving in Africa. I disagree. They are starving, and we in the West can help them. I am not saying we should go hungry so that they can eat, that would not be right either. But what the West has in excess, do you not think that we should share what we don't need? 

 But all powerful god should know in advance that I wouldnt help, and choose some one else. In my opinion innocent person should not suffer because of my disobedience. And if my disobedience causes innocent person who has always done the will of God to be with out prayer answer then God is not powerful enough to help him, that's all. You see it's not his fault that I am unwilling to obey God. So it's God's job to make sure that his prayer gets answered, not mine. After all God can send angels in form of humans and they could help person in need. And if God does not do that it simply shows that God does not care enough. He may care about his problem, but only as much as send me there and if I refuse He doesnt care enough to use angels instead.

 Yes, God could bypass us all together and send it angels to do His bidding. He could, it is within His power. And sometimes He does choose to do just that. But mostly He prefers to work through us to accomplish His will. God is not limited by us, my friend. If we are unwilling to do His will, then He will bypass us and use someone else. However there are consequences for those who disobey God. If you are unwilling to obey God, that is your fault, not His. If you do not wish to do the will of God, that is your choice, however there will be consequences for our choices. Cause and effect. As I said before, we bring upon ourselves the majority of our suffering, the result of wrong choices and wrong decisions. 

 But I am not God that I should answer prayers or be responsible for unanswered prayers. God could have chosen someone else at first point. Secondly, nowhere in my life have I signed contract where I agree to help people in need. And if I have not signed such cotract He cant demand of it. I have not said that "yes, I am willing to be used as a prayer answer".

 No, you are not God. But as a Christian you are God's representative on earth. If you are a Christian, you have signed a contract with God. As a Christian you have:
 1. Accepted the sacrifice of Christ 
 2. Acknowledged your sins 
 3. Accepted His free gift of salvation from damnation
 4. Agreed to obey His commandments (Love God with all your heart and soul and love your neighbour (fellow man) as yourself)
 5. Surrendered your will to His
 6. Accepted His adoption and love for you, His child
 7. Agreed to be His representative and ambassador for Him on this Earth

Yes, it is not your job to answer prayer. But it is your job to obey God. And if you see someone in need, and it is within your power to help, and you do not, then you are disobeying God. 

I am praying for you, my friend. I am praying that God shows you His will. I am praying that you come to know His love, because God is love, and God does love you. You can call me a liar or deluded, but the fact remains that God does love you. May God bless you, my friend. 

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