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I am not able in this life either because I dont have anyone to touch or love or hug and therefore not being able to enjoy life anyway so why not then already cut my throat and ask demons to tear me pieces?never be able to touch hug love talk or enjoy any part of life
According to bible, God doesnt punish kids for parents sins.I have two kids one of Which i believe is dying bc of my sin the other sick bc of my sin
I wish I could but I am not able to trust Him because I already know in advance that it would only end with just an other rejection, just an other hurt, just an other disappointment. I dont wish that to happen anymore.Please find away to forgive God
Hundreds of christans have already prayed with no result. Why do you think you are heard? You just told u've done sins. God's ear is deaf to sinners. And diBut i pray God would reveal himself to u and u escape the darkness.
True, but I already know that this help will never come. It's just to break the false illusion of other Christians that God is loving, caring and all powerful. As my comments to previous post showed, he is are crying out for help.
If God says so then I havent I received it? What if God is the father of all lies and deceit? Because I have not experienced any of that. Father Satan just opened my eyes to see the truth, that's all, you cant blame Him for that.but our God is a God of Love, Peace, Understanding, Grace, Mercy and most of all Forgiveness.
Ok, suppose I allow... Then if God is all powerful, why doesn't He stop them then? And how is it moral for him to send me to hell for being victim of satan who blinded me? If I am blinded I dont see where I am going so it is immoral for him to make me responsible for that.You are allowing Satan and his minions to monopolize your mind, thoughts and actions.
Then why havent I received any?He only gives us GOOD things!
To wast 1.5 hours on listening christian lies about how good and loving is God and to be brainwashed to hope in God who has always failed me? Why would he care for me this time?the bottom line is go to church
If God have used any in about last 4 years what makes you believe that He would now?Pray everyday, give God another chance, he's given you at least that and more.
Lie! How can you tell this after reading all my posts? By now you should be already be ashamed to be christian.I promise you that God has not forsaken you.
If he wants then why havent he? Why didnt he use his chance when I have prayed about it?He wants to heal those deep wounds that have been there for years, he wants to heal the scars that have been ripped open time and time again, but you have to let go and let GOD!
Ok, how do you put together this statement with what I am going trough? Is that love? Is that care? In this case I even treat drunkards in the park better than God has ever treated me. I have given homeless drunkards cents if they have begged - not saying to boast but to sow that I have at least given something. But God havent given to me anything. So if I have done something but God has done nothing then I am better person than God. And therefore, on last day I should be the one who tells God what his punishment would be in hell not he who sends me hell.He loves you with an everlasting love Testy!
I am not scared of that! I can open gate to hell with ouija board and summon 2 legions of demons.Lord I ask that you would send a legion of angels to surround this soul.
Thanks for praying, now I can see how God miserably tries tto answer and fails just as He has failed all the previous times. It's so good that God is powerless, I can mock him all the time and he cant do anything about it. Hey God, here's challenge for you if you see this post: try to answer prayer that he wrote if you can! I enjoy watching how You fail!Father I ask all these things in your mighty and Holy name
I am not able in this life either because I dont have anyone to touch or love or hug and therefore not being able to enjoy life anyway so why not then already cut my throat and ask demons to tear me pieces?
According to bible, God doesnt punish kids for parents sins.
I wish I could but I am not able to trust Him because I already know in advance that it would only end with just an other rejection, just an other hurt, just an other disappointment. I dont wish that to happen anymore.
Hundreds of christans have already prayed with no result. Why do you think you are heard? You just told u've done sins. God's ear is deaf to sinners. And di
dnt you think that if God did exist then He would already have answered this prayer because of great multitude of those who pray? What a loving God would not answer when He hears the same prayer from hundreds of different people? With me it has happened so He is either not exist, not loving, not caring or not all powerful.
True, but I already know that this help will never come. It's just to break the false illusion of other Christians that God is loving, caring and all powerful. As my comments to previous post showed, he is not.
If God says so then I havent I received it? What if God is the father of all lies and deceit? Because I have not experienced any of that. Father Satan just opened my eyes to see the truth, that's all, you cant blame Him for that.
Ok, suppose I allow... Then if God is all powerful, why doesn't He stop them then? And how is it moral for him to send me to hell for being victim of satan who blinded me? If I am blinded I dont see where I am going so it is immoral for him to make me responsible for that.
Then why havent I received any?
To wast 1.5 hours on listening christian lies about how good and loving is God and to be brainwashed to hope in God who has always failed me? Why would he care for me this time?
If God have used any in about last 4 years what makes you believe that He would now?
Lie! How can you tell this after reading all my posts? By now you should be already be ashamed to be christian.
If he wants then why havent he? Why didnt he use his chance when I have prayed about it?
Ok, how do you put together this statement with what I am going trough? Is that love? Is that care? In this case I even treat drunkards in the park better than God has ever treated me. I have given homeless drunkards cents if they have begged - not saying to boast but to sow that I have at least given something. But God havent given to me anything. So if I have done something but God has done nothing then I am better person than God. And therefore, on last day I should be the one who tells God what his punishment would be in hell not he who sends me hell.
I am not scared of that! I can open gate to hell with ouija board and summon 2 legions of demons.
Thanks for praying, now I can see how God miserably tries tto answer and fails just as He has failed all the previous times. It's so good that God is powerless, I can mock him all the time and he cant do anything about it. Hey God, here's challenge for you if you see this post: try to answer prayer that he wrote if you can! I enjoy watching how You fail!
So then God is not all powerful. He can only do as much as I allowed Him to do.Testy, I can tell you why God hasn't done anything, because of your FREE WILL!
My will has been to receive prayer answers. I still didnt get anything. Even in times when I allowed him to be god in my life.God will NOT go against your WILL.
But why would I do anything for God who doesnt love me and who doesnt care me? And how can you say I I dont care about truth? I have seen the truth. I have wanted to see that god is trustworthy but he just havent managed to show that. Do you expect me to believe something that I have never seen or experienced? Isnt it more christian brainwash?Why would anyone do anything for someone who doesn't care about the truth
Correct! See you yourself said no one. God is not able to do that! His powers are so limited. Btw why should I have faith in someone who has always failed me? Can you give me a guarantee that if I put my faith in god that he would care about me this time? And since you said no one t also means that I cant do anything about it. Sometimes I even want to but I cant. I have tried, but God havent helped me when I have tried. so what can I do? God also has a free will an if it's not his will to help me when I cry out to him than what can I do about it?Testy you have no FAITH and NO one can give you that!
It has happened. When I was christian I even did it daily. After I understood that God is useless garbage it became less and less. Sometimes I wish (pray) that I may be able to come out of it and then ask for forgiveness in hope that maybe he hears me this time but when I see that he did not care then I go back to my normal life (talk as much bad of him as I can, because he cant do anything about it anyway). Las time I think was yesterday because I got little too much brainwash.When is the last time if ever that you asked God to come into your heart and asked for FORGIVENESS and to wash away the sins in your life and to make your heart white as snow once again.
But what if I do have will to be normal christian but no ability/power to do that and god doesnt give me that either despite of my prayers? Basically in your long letter you just accuse me for things that God did wrong. I have none my part over and over again. That is to pray and ask for forgiveness. God has not done his part (which is to answer prayers). I dont understand why do you treat me as if I had never wanted to be christian?Of course, man is limited in "doing" according to his (physical and mental) ability, not his will. For example, I will to jump over the moon. It's not my will that precludes this. It's my physical ability.
That's the classical christian brainwashing scheme. You cant show that God is loving, then you try to explain it away with free will, and now you are threaten me with curses for not believing in liar who lies that he loves me? And why would curse my family? What have they done wrong? Bible even teaches that each one get punishment for their own sin. You dont even have correct understanding of Bible. See there are many worldly people who are not cursed. Why would I get cursed? See Bill Gates or Putin or just every day people who go work on week days and clubbing on week ends. Where is their curse.and you have incurred curses on yourself as well as your family
I am willing but and screaming for help but God is not able. Only right tong I can do about it is to cast spells that make me forget about God. This way I get out of it because I wouldnt thing about god anymore and if I dont think about him I would no get hurt by thinking that either. If I never became christian at first point my life wouldnt be miserable right now. ll my problems I have right now are because of christ. My life would be better if I never got to know him.Until you are ready and WILLING to let go of this you are going to be miserable.
Looks like God finally managed to create stone that is too heavy for him to lift. It's God's fault. If he had answered me when I still had hope in him, surely my heart would be different than it is now. If he never answers me and never cares and only gives me false promises what shall my heart become then? Shall I be like Please give me more of ur lies that I may live even more in illusion and hope that never will become true? See, I have put way more effor in my relationship with God than those who were born in christian families and who were brainwashed from early childhood. But as you can see God doesnt give s**t about it. He, even if he knows how I feel, simply doesnt care (enough) to do anything about my can any one thing penetrate your heart that is so harden by anger and other things.
I believe that there is better way than that, but god does not want me to have it so all I can do in my case is try to forget it as soon as I can and then try to live normal life by thinking as little about God as possible. Like work hard, do hobbies, find girlfriend, what ever helps to consume my time so that I wouldnt think of God. Right now I am busy with master thesis. But nice and worldly girlfriend would probably help a lot because then I would finally have something better to think about than how I was once victim of fraud called christianity. And usually happy thoughts help to forget bad memories so I think like year after finding girlfriend or so I wouldnt even think about God. Not even christmas time. And then I would no loger feel miserable because the reason I feel miserable is that I think too much about God,and it makes me feel bad every time I do.However, I will still pray for you and believe that misery is no way to live,