Please all pray lord photographes are so so very important to me they create memories lord I also want be confident on videos call look amazing on video call lord nothing is impossible for you you lord can do all things lord I ask you please lord by your power please lord bless me please lord to...
Please please all pray lird photographes are so so very important to me lord thet create memorys lord I also want to be very confident on videos call lord nothing is impossibme for you you lord can do all things I ask you please please lord by your power plesse bless me to please look incredibly...
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Please all pray lord nothing is impossible for you your word says ask and I will recieve lord photographes are so so very important tobme lord thet create memories i also want to be so very confident on videos call lord I ask you please pleass lord by your power bless me please to look...
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Please please all.pray lord ph6ate so geth important to me they create memories I also want to be confident lord on video call lord nothing is impossible for you lord you lord can do all things your word says ask and I will recieve I ask you please please by your power lord please bless me...
Please all pray lord I ask you please please bless my weight to please drop to 8 stone right now please lord without any delay in jesus name bless me please lord with alot alot faster motablism in every way now always in jesus name please lord remove all fat from my whold stomach hips whole body...
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Please all.prat lord photographes ate so very very important to me your word says ask and I will recieve I ask you please lord by your power please bless me lord to look incredibly beautiful stunning radiaht outstanding amazing in everh single way in every part of me in all every single all...
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Please all pray lord photographes are so so very important to me they create memorys lord you lord can do all things I dont want to fear getting my photographes taken lord being on video call I ask you please lord by yout power bless me please lord to look please incredibly beautiful geourgeous...
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Lord please please bless my weight to please drop to 8 stone my desired weight right now please withiyt any delay please lord make my whole motablism alot alot alot faster in every way now always lord pleass please remove all fat from my whooe stomach hips whole body permantly right now never...
Lord please please bless my weight lord to please plesse drop to 8 stone my desired weight now please without any delay please lord bless me please with alot alot alot faster motablosn in every way now always plesse lord remove all fat from my whole stomach hips whole body permantly permantly...
Lord I ask you please pleass bless my weight to please drop to 8 stone right now please without any delay my desired weight in jesus name bless me please lord with alot alot alot faster motablism in every way now always in jesus name bless me plesse lird with pure flat tonned stomach in every...
Lord I pleass blessake my weight please lord drop to 8 stone my desired weight now right now in jesus name bless me please lord with alot alot faster every way now bless me please with pure flat stomach in every way now remove remove all fat please lord from my whole...
Please please allnpray I command all fat leave burn off totally totally dissolve in every way from my while stomach hips whole body permantly right now never ever to return in jesus name I commabd my weight drops drops to 8 stone right now without any delay in jesus name my motablism is alot...
Lord please please bless my weight to please please drop to 8 stone my desired weight now right now without any delay in jesus name I command all fat all fat leave burn off totally totally dissolve in every way from my whole stomach hips whole body permantly right now never ever ever return ever...
Please all.pray lord nothing is impossible for you please lord remove all fat please from my whold stomach hips whole body permantly now never ever to return please please bless my weight please lird to drop to 8 stone my desires weight now right now without any delay in jesus name pleass please...
Very very urgent please please all pray lord I cant take this dryness anymore in my eyes inam asking you pleass lord you are my healer please lord touch heal my eyes in evefy single way permantly right now from all dryness permantly all watering permantly all every dark circles hollow under my...
Lord please pleasd remove all fat from my whole stomach hips whole body permantly now never to return in jesus name give me lots lots self control with food lord in jesus namf please lord bless my weight to please please drop to 8 stone my desired weught now right now please without any delay in...
country: united kingdom
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Please please lord remove all fat from my whole stomach hips whole body permantly now pleass never to return give me lord self control with food in jesus name pleass lird bless me weight to please drop to 8 stone my desired weight now please without any delay in jesus name please please lord...
Please all pray I command my weight to drop to 8 stone right now without any delay in jesus name I command my whole motablism alot alot alot faster in every way now always I command all fat leave burn off totally totally dissolve in every wah from my whold stomach hips whole body permantly now...
Very urgent please all.pray lord please touch heal my eyes permantly from all dryness all watering all discomfort all dark circles permantly now please never to return in jesus name pleass lord heal me from asthma every all symptoms of asthma permantly now never to return in jesus name heal my...
Very urgent please please all pray lord please please touch heal my eyes permantly please right now from all dryness all watering all discomfort all dark circles hollow under my eyes permantly that I am amazed please lord in jesus name please please lord remove all fat from my whole stomach hips...