Please please all.pray lord photographes videis are so so very important to me lord nothing is impossibme for you lord I want desire to feel so very confident getting my photographes videos taken being kn face time video call I ask you please lord with all my heart please please bless me please...
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Please please all pray lord photographes videis are so so very important tobme lord they create memorys lord I want to be confident lord getting my photographes taken being on video call lord nothing is impossible for you lord can do all things your word says ask and I will recieve I ask you...
country: united kingdom
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Please please all pray I command all all fat leave burn off totally totally dissolve on my whole stomach hips whole body permantly right now never ever ever return ever in jesus name I commabd my whole motablosn alot alot alot ally faster in every way now always I commabd my weight to drops...
I command all fat leave burn off totally totally dissolve from my whold stomach hips whole body permantly permantly permantly right now never ever ever return in jesus christ namess
I command all fat leave burn off totally totally dissolve permantly permantly from my whole stomach hips whole body permantly permantly right now never ever return ever in jesus namess
Lord please please remove all fat from my whole stomach hips whole body permantly permantly please right now never ever to return in jesus name please lord bless me please with pure flat tinned stomach that I desire now please in jesus name please lord bless maje my whole motablosn alot alot...
Please please all pray lord photographes videos are so so very important to me I am asking you please lord your word says ask and I will recieve I ask you pleass lord bless me please lord to look incredibly beautiful incredibly geourgeous stunning sexy radiaht striking glourious outstanding...
country: united kingdom
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Very urgent please all pray lord please heal my eyes in every way now please lord remove from my eyes lord please all dryness permantly all watering permantly all pain all discomfort all itchiness all inflamation all irritation all every dark circles hollow under my eyes please permantly right...
Lord please please remove all fat from my whole stomach hips whole body please right now never ever to return in jesus name lord I ask you please please bless me please with alot alot alot faster motablosn in every way now also bless my weight to plesse drop ton8 stone my desired weight now...
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country: united kingdom
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Please please all pray lord p please build boast my self esteem self confidence self worth in every way incredibly abubdantly now please lord bless your beauty glory radiance shigina glory to be apon every part of me now always in jesus name lofd please please photographes videos selfies are so...
Lord please please heal my stomach in every way permantly now in jesus name please heal my eyes in every way nos heal my scalp hair in every way now heal me from asthma heal every part of me now please lord in jesys name please please lord remove fat from my whole stomach hips whole body...
Please please all pray my lord my god photographes videos are so so very important to me lord your word says ask and I will recieve lord nothing is impossible for you I ask you please lord bless me please lord by your power to please please look incredibly beautiful geourgeous stunning radiaht...
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country: united kingdom
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Lord please please remove all fat from my whole stomach hips whole body right now please never ever to return ever in jesus name please lord bless me with alot alot faster motablosn in every way now always please lord bless my weight to please drop to 8 stone right now without any delay my...
Lord I ask you please please bless me with the new very best ever new foundations tinted mostruisers cosmetics I desire please lord the very very best in every way for my skin that I put on dont want take off thst I look please lord incredibly beautiful stunning radiant abundantly now please...
Please please all pray lord jesus photographes videos are so very important to me lord they create memories lord photographes videis calls are so popular now a days lord I don't want to admire other people photographes videos lord your word says ask and I will recieve lord I ask you please in...
country: united kingdom
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Please please all pray lord jesus photographes videos are so so very important to me they create memorys lord I will not admire other peoples photographes videos all my photographes videis are now in jesus name titally titally incredibly admired in every way now always in jesus name I ask you...
country: united kingdom
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Please please all.pray lord jesus photographes videos are so so so very important to me lord I wang to be really very confident getting my photographes taken being on video call lord you can so all things nothing is impossible for you your word says ask and I will recieve lord I stand on your...
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country: united kingdom
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Pleaee all pray lord photographes videis are so so very important to me pird they create memorys lord nothing is impossibme for you you lord can do all things your word says ask and I will recieve I ask you please lord by your power please please bless abd make me please every single part of me...
country: united kingdom
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Please please all.pray lord photographes videis are so so very important to me I ask you please please lord nothing is impossible for you you lord can do all things your word says ask and I will recieve I ask you please pleass lord bless make me please every single part of me please lord...
beautiful gorgeous stunning radiant sexy striking outstanding
country: united kingdom
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Lord photographes videis are so very important to me they create memories lord I also want to do modeling lord nothing is impossible for you I asj you please lord bless make every single part of me please lird incredibly totally totally amazly outstandly so so very photogenic in every way in...