Lord please pleass touch heal my eyes in every way permantly please from all dryness all watering all discomfort dark circles hollow under my eyes that I am amazed now permantly in jesus name heal my stomach permantly please from all inflamation all pain all tenderness all swelling all fat all...
I decree and declare my weight drops drops drops to 8 stone ny desires weight right now without any delay in jesus christ name I get to 8 stone so so very easily effortlessly now without any delay in jesus name I commabd all fat leave burn off totally totally dissolve from my whoke stomach hips...
Please please all pray in jesus name there is power power I command all fat leave burn off totally totally titally dissolve in every way from my whole stomach hips whole body permantly right now never ever return in jesus name I decree declare my weight drops drops to 8bedtime right now without...
Lord I ask you please please bless my Weight to please drop to 8 stone right now please lord without any delay in jesus remove all fat from all my whole stomach hips whole body permantly right now never ever to return in jesus namess
Very urgent please all pray lord please pleass tou g heal my eyes permantly in every way now please from all dryness all watering sllnpain all discomfort all irritation all every dark circles hollow under my eyes permantly now never to return in jesus name please lord heal me please from asthma...
country: united kingdom
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Lord please please bless my weight lord to drop to 8 stone right now please without any delay in jesus name bless me please lord to get to 8 stone right now my desires weight so so very easily now please without any delay in jesus name I commabd in jesus name all fat leave burn off totally...
Please all pray lord please please renew restore my whole beauty and youth in every way in every part of me now in jesus name bless me please lord to look 25 years younger than what I really am in every way part of me now always please please lird bless me please to look total total incredibly...
Lord please please bless my weight to please drop to 8 stone now please without any delay bless me please lord to get to 8 stone so do very easily now please without any delay bless me please lord with a very very fast motablism now right now always restore my figure in every wah better than in...
Please please lord photographes ate so so very very important to me I am asking you please lord bless me please to look incredibly totally totally beautiful geourgeous stunning radiaht sexy young youthful gooyruous totally outstanding please lord in every way in every part of me in all every all...
Please please all pray lord photographes ate so do very important to me lord you know this and nothing nothing I'd imposdibke for you lord can do all things your word says ask and I will recieve I stabd in your word and I ask you pleass lord by your power bless me please lord to look incredibly...
In jesus name there is power power I command all fat leave burn off totally totally dissolve in every way from my whole stomach hips whole body right now permantly in jesus name I command my whole stomach hips totally incredibly flat tonned tight in every way right now always in jesus name I...
alot alot
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country: united kingdom
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Very urgent please please all pray lord I ask you please please touch heal my eyes in every single way permantly from all dryness all watering all discomfort all pain all irritation all every dark circles hollow under my eyes permantly never ever to return in jesus name heal my sore gum teeth in...
Very urgent please please all pray lord please touch heal my eyes permantly please from all dryness all watering all pain discomfort allnirritatiin all dark circles permantly rught now never to return in jesus name heal my sore gum permantly now heal all my teeth gums now permantly heal me from...
Please please all pray lord nothing is impossible for you you can do all things your word says lord ask and I will recieve I stand on your word lord I ask you please please bless me please lord to look incredibly beautiful geourgeous stunning radiaht sexy striking outstanding totalky amazing...
Lord I ask you please please bless my weight to please drop to 8 stone right now my desired weight without any delay in jesus name bless me please lird to get to 8 stone right now without any delay so so very easily right now without any delay lird pleass please remove all fat from my whole...
Lord.please pleass bless my weight to plesse drop to 8 stone my desired weight now please without any delay bless me to get to 8 stone so so very easily now plesse bless me to stand on scales and be 8 stone now without any delay pleasd lord remove all fat from my whole stomach hips whole body...
Lord please please remove all fat please from my whole stomach hips whole body permantly now never return please lord bless me with pure pure flat tonned stomach in every way now always bless my weight lord to please please drop to 8 stone right now without any delay bless me pleasd lord to get...
Lord photographes are so so very important to me I ask you please lord bless me please with alot alot better mobile phone camera mobile phone than the one I gave now in every way very good price in jesus name lord nothing is impossible for you I ask you please lord bless me please please lord to...
country: united kingdom
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Please please all pray lord photographes are so so very very important to me lord you can do all things I ask you.please lord bless make every single part of me pleass incredibjy amazly so do very photogenic in every eaybpsrt of me in all every photographes every videis selfues snap chats watapp...
Lore I ask you pleass please remove all fat from my whole stomach hips whole body permantly now never to return lord please pleass bless me with pure flat tonned stomach in every way now always please speed up my whioe motablosn in every way now always lird I ask you.please please bless my...