Lord please please remove all every fat please from my whole stomach hips whole body please permantly permantly permantly right now please never ever to return ever in jesus name I ask you please please lord bless me please with alot alot alot faster motablosn in every way please rught now...
Lord please please remove all every fat please from my whole stomach hips whole body permantly permantly please rught now never ever to return ever in jesus name please lird make ny whole motablosn please alot allt alot alkt faster please lord in every way rught now always please bless me please...
Lord I ask you please please remove all fat from my whole stomach hips whole body permantly permantly right now never to return ever in jesus name please lord bless me with alot alot faster motablosn in every way now always please lord bless me please with pure flat tonned stomach in every way...
I ask you please please please remove every all fat please lord from my whole stomach hips whole body please permantly rught now never ever to return ever in jesus name pleaee please please lord bless me please with alot alot allt faster motablosn in every way now always please bless me please...
Please please all.pray pird please please remove every all fat from my whole stomach hips whole body permantly rught now please never ever to return ever in jesus name please lord bless me please with alot alot ally faster motablosn in every way now always please in jesus name please lord bless...
Lord please please remove all fat please from my whole stomach hips whole body permantly now please never ever to return ever in jesus name please lord bless me please with alot alot faster motablosn in every way now always in jesus name please bless me please lord with pure flat tinned stomach...
Lord I ask you please please please removexall every day please lord from my whole stomach hips whole body permantly now please lord never ever to return in jesus name please lord bless me please with alot alot alot faster motablism please lord in every way now please lord bless me please with...
Lord please please remove all fat please from my whole stomach hips whole body please permantly rught now never ever to return ever bless my weight lord to please please drop to 8 stone my desired weight rught now please without any delay please lord bless me please with alot alot allt faster...
Lore I ask you please please bless my weight to.plesse please drops to 8 stone my desired weight now rught now please without any delay in jesus name please bless me please lord rught alot alot faster motablosn in every way now always in jesus name please bless me please lord wuty a pure pure...
Lord please please bless me please with alot allt faster motablism please in every way now always please lord bless my weight lord please to please drop to 8 stone ryght now without any delay please lord remove all.fat please from my whole stomach hips whole body permantly permantly permantly...
Lord please please remove all every fat please from my whole stomach hips whole body please permantly permantly rught now please never ever to return In jesus name I ask you please lied bless me please with pure pure flat tonned stomach in every way now always please in jesus name please please...
Lord please please please bless me please with alot alot faster motablosn please in every way rught now always in jesus name please please lord bless my weight to please please drops to 8 stone my desired weight rught now please without any delay in jesus name please lord bless me please with...
Please please all.pray lord photographes videis are so so very important to me lord they create memories lord nothing nothing is impossible for you your words say ask and I will recieve I stand on your words lord I ask you please please lord bless me and please pord make me me every single part...
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I ask you please please lord bless me please wuty alot alot alot faster motablosn in every way rught now always please lird remove all every fat please from my whole stomach hips whole body permantly rught now please never ever to return ever in jesus name please bless me please lird with pure...
Lord please please bless me please with alot alot alot faster motablosn in every way now always please lord remove all fat from my whole stomach hips whole body permantly now please lird bless my weight to please please drops to 8 stone my desired weight now right now without any delay in jesys...
Lord please please bless me please with alot allt faster motablosn please in every way now always I command all fat leave my stomach hips whole body permantly right now never ever to return ever in jesus name I command my weight 8 stone right now without any delay no weapons formed against me...
Lord I aak you please please maje my whold hair please mega mega abubdantly alot thicker fuller alot allt longer stronger radiaht please now more more every day that I am titally amazed please in jesus name please lord bless me please with abundant more hair please on my whole head now please...
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country: united kingdom
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Please please all.pray I command all fat leave burn off totally dissolve from my whole stoma h hips whole body right now in jesus name never ever return ever in jesus name I cimmand my whoke motablosn alot alot faster in every way now always in jesus name I command my stomach totally totalky...
Please please all pray lord please please remove all fat please lord from my whole stomach hips whole body please rught now never ever to return ever in jesus name please lord bless me please with alot alot ally faster motablism in every way please now always bless me please lord with pure pure...
country: united kingdom
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pure flat toned stomachstomachhips
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Lord plesse plesse remove all every fat plesse from my whole stomach hips whole body plesse right now permantly plesse never ever to return ever in jesus name plesse lord bless me plesse with happy alot alot faster motablism in every way now always plesse in jesus name plesse lord bless me...