Very very urgent lord please please heal my under eyes under cheekbone mu whoke scalp skin nerves iron blood confidence every single part of me now please lord in jesus christ name please please lird streanthen streanthen every single part of me please lord in mighty mighty Power please lord...
blood confidence
cheekbone mu
country: unknown
financial income savings
healing mighty power strength peace
human understanding joy
mighty power
scalp skin nerves
Prayer request for peace and deliverance. I am tormented and bullied by people. I know that's the struggle as a Christian but I think this kind of suffering is to much. This doesn't seem normal for me to suffer through. I get bullied at every job, every school I went to the in the past, every...
Very very urgent lord please please remove all every filler raises bits dark circles hollows under my eyes permanently perform miracles wonders of healing for me please please heal every single part of me please lord keep me in perfect peace streanthen me in mighty power please lord in jesus...
Very urgent please pray Lord please please take all every bit of filler under my eyes completely permanently away all raised bits all every dark circles hollows under my eyes away make dissolver work please lird key my iron levels be normal right now always let my blood iron results dhow my iron...
Very urgent I decree and declare my iron levels are normal right now always my blood is healed in every way every single part of me is healed healed in every single way right now please lord streanthen every single part of me in mighty power let your peace rule in my mind thoughts whole body...
Very very urgent lord please please fix my under eyes perfectly awsomley amazly with absolutely no no dark circles hollows raised bit lumps or bumps at all awsome anazing desired results only please please give doctor darren incredibly incredibly wisdom skill please lord to fix my under eyes...
Very very urgent lord please please give doctor darren supernatural incredibly skill to fix my under eyes perfectly thsg there is absolutely no no dark circles hollows raises bits lumps or bumps please give doctor darren incredibly understanding compassionate patience towards me fix restore my...
bits lumps
compassionate patience
country: unknown
dark circles
deepest desires
doctor darren
healing power strength
peace joy
power mighty power flood je
Very very urgent lord please please heal every single part of me in jesus name please please streanthen every single part of me in mighty mighty streanthen fill flood me lord with your healing love ligjt peace that passes all human understanding joy please please heal my under eyes with...
brand new skin desire
camouflaging heal
country: unknown
dark circles
doctor darren
healing love light peace
hollows lumps bumps
human understanding joy
skill wisdom
Very very urgent lord heal me from all fear all anxity all deppression all every weakness nerve problems feeling being nervous legs going shaky thin hair itchy scalp asthma every all symptoms of asthma negative thoughts emotions all lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage all every...
Very very urgent lord heal me from all fear anxity all deppression heal me every where I need healing please streanthen every single part of me in mighty mighty power flood me lord with your healing peace power steeanth joy make doctor darren fix under my eyes perfectly where there is absolutely...
Very very urgent lord please please touch heal under my eyes make filler please please go completely totally smooth where there is absolutely no raised bits at all right now without any delay make doctor darren fix my under eyes without any delay where there is absolutely no raised bits be...
Very urgent please pray Lord please please melt mightly incredibly every single part of Paul a heart ways attitude tougue words to me towards me mightly incredibly that I am truly amazed make him deeply sincerely apologise to me for upsetting me I pray Paul a will never ever be hard rude...
cheeky insensitive heal
country: unknown
divine connection
heart ways attitude
other women girl
singlepartsingle way
stress worry anxiety fear
wisdom insight understanding discernment
Lord please please make my under eyes completely totally smooth no raised bits at all please in jesus christ name please please lord cancel and delete and nullify every single all sude effects with cerelle mini pill that I am able to take it again with abundantly no side effects at all absolute...
Very urgent lord please please cancel delete nullify every single all every side effects with cerelle mini pill when I take it again please bless it to be a blessing to me nit harm me in any way and to get absolutely no side effects that I am truly amazed please lord do this for me please in...
Lord please please melt melt mightly incredibly every single part of Paul a heart ways attitude tougue words every single part of him please to me towards me that I am amazed in jesus christ name please lord make me and paul a relashionship alit allt closet stronger deeper flourish in every way...
Very very urgent lord please please melt melt mightly incredibly every single part of Paul a heart ways attitude tougue words to me towards me in every single way incredibly right now always please lord make Paul a please please sincerely deeply incredibly apologies to me in every way right now...
Very urgent lord please please melt melt every single part of Paul a heart ways attitude tougue words to me towards me in every single way right now always that I am truly amazed please make Paul a sincerely deeply apologise to me without any delay in jesus christ name please please heal.paul a...
Very very urgent lord please please make doctor darren please please fix my under eyes to perfection where there is absolutely no no raised bits dark circles hollows under my eyes at all when I go on Monday please lord in jesus christ name please please lord cancel cancel delete nullify every...
bad negative side effects
cerelle mini pill
country: unknown
dark circles
dkij hair scalp lungs
doctor darren
eye problems
healing love peace joy
mighty power
Very very urgent lord please please please melt mightly incredibly every single part of Paul a heart ways attitude tougue words every single part of him to me towards me that I am truly amazed astonished make him deeply sincerely apologise to me make him please fix restore brown tooth bottom...
Very very urgent lord please please heal every single part of me in jesus name please streanthen every single part of me in mighty mighty power please right now more more every day please heal Paul a from all anger aggression being hard difficult rude cheeky everwhete he needs healing melt...