Very urgent please pray Lord please please make my relationship with Paul a please lord alot alot closer stronger deeper flourishes in every single way bring unity unity between me and Paul a please lord that we can be in agreement with all things bless me abd Paul a please lord with a divine...
anger aggression
country: unknown
deeper flourishes
divine connection
divine love
right words
singlepartsingle way part
supernatural wisdom discernment insight
unity deep understanding
Lord I ask you please please renew restore ny whoke health beauty skin under eyes youth hair confidence faith in jesus christ name lord I ask you please please bless make me please please look every single part of me please please look alot alot alot better please lord than every every single...
country: unknown
electricity bill
financial income savings
gas bill
health beauty skin
income desire
photographer videos
radiant young youthful
youth hair confidence faith
Please all pray I ask you lord please reduce my gas bill to 40 pounds right now always in jesus name I ask you lord please bless protect and multiply please my finances my financial income savings in Millions millions as I deeply desire right now please lord without any delay in jesus christ...
country: unknown
doctor darren
financial income savings
gabs bottom teeth
gas bill
heart ways attitude
lumps bumps
right spots places
single bit filler
Lord I ask you please please please bless make me me every single part of me please look alot alot alot better please lord than all all every single all every filters without any filters at all incredibly beautiful incredibly geourgeous incredibly stunning incredibly radiant incredibly glourious...
Please please pray Lord your words says ask ask and I will recieve I ask you please please please lord photographes videos are so very important to me nothing absolutely nothing is impossible for you to do lord I ask you please please bless make me every single part of me please please lord look...
app videos
country: unknown
facebook instagram
jesus bane
photographers videos
photographs videos selfies
singlepartsingle way part
top class models celebrities
videos video calls
Lord please please heal my scalp from all itchiness permanently please multiply the whole hair lord on my whole head incredibly abundantly where there is absolutely no spaces at all it is soo incredibly thick full long string very radiant please lord make the whole hair on my whole head please...
bad period pains
country: unknown
full long string
loneliness singleness lateness
mighty power
nerve problems
nervous legs body
sadness sorrow misery
skin problems
Very urgent lord please please make Paul dentist please please do composite bonding on all my teeth make them all alot white brighter as I desire contour shave all lomg teeth down at bottom of my teeth same size as crowns fill in all gaps at bottom teeth awsomley amazly gice hin incredibly skill...
Lord please please make my relationship please with Paul a alot alot closet stronger deeper flourish in every single way bring unity between us that we can please be in agreement with all things bless me and pa with a divine divine connection in every single way I decree and declare Pa cabt stop...
Lord please please destroy every all itchiness please on my scalp frkm the roots right now never to return ever in jesus christ name please please lord make doctor darren please inject alot allt more disdolver than before under my eyes in all the right spots places get rid of every bit of fillet...
Very very urgent please please all pray Lord please please destroy every all itchiness every all scalp problems dandruff from my scalp from the roots right niw please please never ever to return ever in jesus christ name please lord multiply multiply multiply incredibly abundantly the whole hair...
breat bum
country: unknown
evaluation lighting
face book
mobile phone camera
mobile phone videos
singlepartsingle way part
snap chat videos
top class models celebrities
Very very very urgent lord please please destroy destroy permanently all itchiness in my scalp all every scalp problems dandruff in my scalp from the roots right now please please lord never ever ever to return ever that I actually enjoying wasting my hair with absolutely any shampoo absolutely...
awsome amazing incredibly beauty glory radiance shigina glory
country: unknown
face book
girls women
hair scalp problems
itchiness discomfort dandruff
singlepartsingle way
thickening shampoo
top class models
Very very urgent lord please please make Paul my dentist please please do composite bonding on all my teeth awsomley amazing make them soo much whiter brighter fill in all gaps at bottom teeth fix tooth bottom moving fill in gaps bottom teeth file down all bottom teeth same leanth as new crowns...
Please please all pray Lord please please make Paul a please please take me to benidorm this October this year for 2 weeks pay for it all can't wait to go with me please make my relationship with Paul a alot alot closer stronger deeper flourish in every single way lord please bring unity unity...
cheeky insensitive heal pa
country: unknown
difficult cheeky insensitive selfish cold
divine connection
divine love
light blessing
other girl women
singlepartsingle way level
wisdom insight
Lord lord please please make Paul a please please take me to benidorm Spain in October please lord for 2 weeks pay for ot all can't cant wait to go with me please lord make my relationship with Paul a please please lord alot alot closer stronger deeper flourish in every single way bless ot in...
Lord I ask you please please photographes videos are so very important to me they create memories lord no no more dissappoitments in any way form with any photographes videos selfies snap chat photograohes snap chat videis watsapp videos face time videos shy video calls taken of me please in...
Very very urgent please please all pray Lord please no no no more lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage dissappoitments rejection critasism delay stagnation obstacles misery suffering sadness sorrow lack poverty misfortune in my life please lord in jesus christ name I ask you please please...
alot alit alot closet
country: unknown
loneliness singleness lateness
marriage disappointment rejection criticism
other girl women
other people person
singlepartsingle way part
top class models celebrities
wisdom discernment insight
Please please please pray Lord please please bless me and Paul a please lord with a divine divine connection in every single way to totalky connect in every single way level a divine love in every way please lord make my relationship with Paul a alot alot closet stronger deeper flourish in every...
Lord lord please heal my scalp from all itchiness permanently every all scalp problems permanently all dandruff permanently please that I actually enjoy washing my hair with absolutely no itchiness please lord multiply the whole hair please on my whole head please incredibly abundantly where...
bad period pains
country: unknown
euro millions tickets
financial income savings
loneliness singleness lateness
long strong radiant
marriage disappointment rejection criticism
singlepartsingle way part
skin problems
Lord please heal my scalp from all.itchyness little spots all evert scalp problems dandruff permanently now please in jesus christ name please lord multiply the whole hair on my whole head incredibly abundantly where there is absolutely no space at all it's soo incredibly thick full In jesus...
Lord lord please please make p aa please please take me to benidorm Spain in October please for 2 weeks pay for it can't can't wait to go with me please lord in jesus christ name please lord make my relationship with p a alot alot closer stronger deeper flourishes in every single way more more...
benidorm spain
country: unknown
deeper flourishes
divine connection
divine love
love affection joy happiness fulfillment kindness
other girl women
quality time
singlepartsingle way