Very urgent lord please please melt mightly every single part of Paul a heart ways attitude toungue words every single part of him to me towards me right now always that I am truly amazed please lird make my relationship with Paul a please lord alot alot closer stronger deeper flourishes in...
Lord lord photographes videos are so so very very very important to me lord they create memories I ask you please please please lord no no no more dissappoitments please please lord in any way form please lord with any any photographes videos selfies snap chat photograohes snap chat videos...
amazing incredibly beauty glory radiance shigina glory
country: unknown
mobile phone camera
mobile phone videos
photographers videos selfies
photographs videos selfies
single area partsinglepartsingle way part
top class models celebrities
Very very urgent lord please please melt mightly incredibly every single part of Paul dentist to me towards me in every single way that I am truly amazed I pray he will not not reject me in any way form ever again ever in jesus name I pray he will not be hard rude difficult cheeky insensitive yo...
Lord please please heal me from all every nerve problems feeling nervous being nervous heal my nerves in every single way make me super incredibly string calm confident I pray my legs never ever shake go shaky ever again heal me in every way streanthen Me in mighty mighty power fill me every...
Lord lord your words say ask ask and I will recieve I stand lord On your words promises lorr photographes videos are soo very very important to me they create memories I ask you please please please no no no more dissappoitments in any way form with Any any photographes videos taken of me that I...
clothes posture
country: unknown
face hair eyes brows
face skin lip teeth
incredibly joy
lorr photographes videos
photographs videos
time videos calls
top class models celebrities
Very very urgent lord please please make Paul dentist call me in morning be incredibly incredibly super nice to me in every way can't wait to talk to me have a huge huge change heart fix all my teeth the way I want them please please lord melt melt melt mightly incredibly every single part of...
Lord please heal Paul a from all anger all aggression all hardness being hard difficult rude cheeky insensitive all worry all stress all anxity all fear anywhere he needs healing convict Paul a for the way he treated me lord thst he has no no peace at all till he sincerely deeply apologise to me...
Lord I ask you please please please no no more poverty lack living in 1 bedroom council flat please lord u ask you please please please lird bless make me please please please win millions millions if pounds I deeply desire please please lied in thd euro milliind tickets I buy put on on all...
Urgent lord please please convict Paul a very very strongly in every single way par6 of him for the way he treated me that he has no no peace at all till he sincerely deeply apologises to me without any delay at all please please lord move make Paul a please please call me text me send me card...
Lord I ask you please heal my blood in every single way heal my iron levels in every way heal me from asthma every all symptoms of asthma permanently heal me lord from all every nerve problems feeling being nervous all weakness all stress all worry all anxity all deppresdion all fear all...
Lord I ask you please please photographes videos are soo very important to me they create memories no no no.more dissappoitments woth any photographes videos taken of me ever ever again ever thst I need to delete feel insecure about I ask you please please lord bless make me every single part of...
Lord please please melt Paul a heart ways attitude tougue words every single part of him to me towards me incredibly right now always please please make Paul a truly deeply sincerely apologise to me in every single way without any delay in jesus christ name please heal Paul a from all stress all...
council comfort
country: unknown
deeper flourishes
deepest feeling
divine connection
heart ways attitude
insight discernment wisdom
right words
singlepartsingle way
Lord please please make move in Paul a please lord to sincerely apologise to me contact me text me please lord without any delay ask me to meet up with him please lord one to one without any delay please melt every single part of Paul a heart ways attitude tougue words to me towards me...
Lord lord please please convict every single part of Paul a please lord fof the way he treated me in every single part of him please lord very very strongly very heavily that he has no no peace until he truly deeply sincerely apologise to me without any delay in jesus christ name please make...
cheeky hard heal
country: unknown
courage boldness confidence
divine connection
heart ways attitude
other girl women
singlepartsingle way part
stronger deeper flourishes
wisdom discernment knowledge
Lord please please make move in Paul a to please please text me call me contact me please lord without any delay sincerely apologise to me please please lord without any delay please please lord melt Paul a heart ways attitude tougue words every single part of him please lord towards me to me...
Lord no no more lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage in my life please in jesus christ name I ask you please please lord bless me and pa with a divine divine connection in every single way a divine love in every way please move in pa make him please please lord text me sincerely apologise...
country: unknown
deepest feeling
divine connection
divine love
loneliness singleness lateness
singlepartsingle way
stronger deeper flourishes
Lord lord please deliver heal Paul a please lord from all anger all aggression being hard rude cheeky Difficult insensitive heal every part of Paul a that needs healing use me lord please to heal him council him encourage him love support compliment him understand him give me insight with every...
Lord lord lord please please make Paul a text me sincerely apologise to me without any delay ask me please to meet up.with him one to one without any delay please please lord make my relationship please with Paul a alot alot stronger closer deeper flourish in every single way bring unity between...
Lord lord please please heal every single part of me heal me from all anxity all fear all pmt all every nerve problems itchy scalp asthma all every symptoms of asthma heal my blood heal my blood platelets heal my iron levels heal my skin hair scalp heal my mind emotions every single part of me...
Lord please please heal every single part of me heal my blood heal my iron levels heal my skin scalp hair lungs emotions mind confidence every single part of me please lord in jesus christ namess