Salvation and rapture ready - Please pray for me - Michelle, my daughter Kaya and her boyfriend Ash and my grand-children Sophie, Misti, Jazmyn and Aurora. Also my mum and dad Janice and Pat. I pray this scripture over us - and the Lord thy God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your...
Salvation and rapture ready - Please pray for me - Michelle, my daughter Kaya and her boyfriend Ash and my grand-children Sophie, Misti, Jazmyn and Aurora. Also my mum and dad Janice and Pat. I pray this scripture over us - and the Lord thy God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your...
I heard a new "prediction", from someone proclaiming that the rapture would be in April5 2022 for the dead, then April 8 for the living. BUT what you must realize when looking at these "predictions" is that Jesus said,"Concerning that day noone knows the day or the hour, neither the angels in...
Please pray for me - for salvation and to be rapture ready Michelle, my daughter Kaya and her boyfriend Ash and my grand-children Sophie, Misti, Jazmyn and Aurora. Also my mum and dad Janice and Pat. I pray this scripture over us - and the Lord thy God will circumcise your heart and the heart of...
"Behold I show you a mystery.We shall not all sleep but we shall be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye.The dead in Christ will be rise first then we who are alive an remain shall be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air. And so shall we ever be with the...
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness for Us All, for Redeeming Us All from Our curses, for Showing Us Your Incredible Glory, for Your Rapture, for Removing the enemy of All of Our Lives, for Delivering us from All of Our sinfulness, for Removing the Hold the...
In Yeshua's name, To my Heavenly Father, I pray that Susanna Moser, my true love who does love me, confess she loves me and marry me. I pray that she be my perfect wife and I be her perfect husband until death or the rapture do us part. I pray that she comes to me very soon Amen
Heavenly father pls save all those that r not saved and all those have took the coronavirus vaccine and my mom dad sister and two brothers. That they will make the rapture and make it to heaven. Amen.
Heavenly father pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all unrighteousess. Pls sanctify me and my heart and pls help me to make the rapture. Pls help me that I will have a new job. And a new home to live. Pls deliver me from all idolatry and pls help me to not idolize anymore. Pls save...
I need your help Lord Jesus like never before, have mercy on Your Children and save us all and make us all ready for the rapture. Come quickly. Sometimes it is just too much to even begin to describe. I want to share the positive that you do for me, not the negative, at least not the negative...