
  1. Anonymous

    Heavenly father pls forgive me of all ...

    Heavenly father pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins. Pls prepare me that I will make tha rapture. In Yeshua mighty name. Amen.
  2. Anonymous

    Heavenly father pls forgive me of all ...

    Heavenly father pls forgive me of all sins and pls wipe out all sins. Pls that I will have my ultimate joy and satisfaction in u and have my attention on tha heavenly things. That I will remain in u at all times and be rapture. In Jesus mighty name. Amen.
  3. Anonymous

    That I will be truly living for ...

    That I will be truly living for God at all times and that I will make tha rapture and be totally blameless and righteous in all areas in my life and in my thinking at all times. In Jesus mighty name. Amen.
  4. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls forgive me of all sins ...

    Heavenly pls forgive me of all sins and pls wipe all sins. That I will totally repent of all sins and totally turn to u and totally be on your side. That i will be totally be prepared be rapture ready. Pls come in my life I give my heart and my life totally to u and I totally accept u as my Lord...
  5. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls forgive me of all sins ...

    Heavenly pls forgive me of all sins and pls wipe all sins. That I will totally repent of all sins and totally turn to u and totally be on your side. That i will be totally be prepared be rapture ready. Pls come in my life I give my heart and my life totally to u and I totally accept u as my Lord...
  6. Anonymous

    Heavenly father pls be with me this ...

    Heavenly father pls be with me this night. Pls be with me as I sleep this night and pls be with me in tha morning. Protection from bad dreams nightmares evil thoughts wicked thoughts and spiritual attacks. That I will make tha rapture. That my heart and brain will be totally committed to u at...
  7. Anonymous

    Heavenly father pls be with me this ...

    Heavenly father pls be with me this night. Pls be with me as I sleep this night and pls be with me in tha morning. Protection from bad dreams nightmares evil thoughts wicked thoughts and spiritual attacks. That I will make tha rapture. That my heart and brain will be totally committed to u at...
  8. Anonymous

    Heavenly father pls be with me this ...

    Heavenly father pls be with me this night. Pls be with me as I sleep this night and pls be with me in tha morning. Protection from bad dreams nightmares evil thoughts wicked thoughts and spiritual attacks. That I will make tha rapture. That my heart and brain will be totally committed to u at...
  9. Steven Bobb

    Any Christian who's NOT rushing the Rapture ...

    Any Christian who's NOT rushing the Rapture is a masochist or a fool.
  10. Anonymous

    Heavenly father pls be with me this ...

    Heavenly father pls be with me this night. Pls be with me as I sleep this night and pls be with me in tha morning. Protection from bad dreams nightmares evil thoughts wicked thoughts and spiritual attacks. That I will make tha rapture. That my heart and brain will be totally committed to u at...
  11. Brother James

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for ...

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Providing, for Your Great Love, for Your Salvation, for All of our Brothers and Sisters, for Your Promises, for Your Rapture, for meeting our needs, for blessing us with favour, for guiding us, for blessing us with food, clothing, shelter, transportation...
  12. Francis Kusi.

    Heavenly father how much longer till tha ...

    Heavenly father how much longer till tha rapture.
  13. Anonymous

    Heavenly father pls forgive me of all ...

    Heavenly father pls forgive me of all sins and wipe off all sins. Pls help me that I will make it to heaven and tha rapture. In JESUS precious name. AMEN.
  14. Steven Bobb

    Wonder what happened with the Rapture.I thought ...

    Wonder what happened with the Rapture.I thought it would be here by now.
  15. Steven Bobb

    That the Rapture happens before my next ...

    That the Rapture happens before my next negative experience.
  16. Steven Bobb

    I dont know how long God is ...

    I dont know how long God is gonna drag it out before the Rapture, but I've about had it with this world already.
  17. Steven Bobb

    That the Rapture comes before my next ...

    That the Rapture comes before my next troublesome experience. Escapism or not, that's how I feel.
  18. Anonymous

    I've been hearing that tha rapture may ...

    I've been hearing that tha rapture may take place this year next year or immediately in 2023. I just hope that this is true.
  19. Anonymous

    That I will be totally ready for ...

    That I will be totally ready for tha rapture. In JESUS precious name. AMEN.
  20. Wylandadh

    smoking and hell

    please pray i can stop smoking im trying to cut down and cant even do that im so useless i really need Jesus presence again it was so easy with Him. I know the rapture is coming soon and He is looking for a bride spotless without wrinkle i could even die in my sins and end up in hell for my...
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