I'm feeling really anxious because I have been seeing people saying the rapture is going to happen, and i don't think I'm ready for it, i want to repent for my sins and be cleansed. pls pray for me
Please pray for my daughter Kaya. She believes in Jesus now but sadly she is still living in sin with her boyfriend Ash. Please pray either that Ash comes to accept Jesus and they get married or else that they would split up so she is not commiting fornication and can go on the rapture. Also for...
Please pray for my daughter Kaya. She believes in Jesus now but sadly she is still living in sin with her boyfriend Ash. Please pray either that Ash comes to accept Jesus and they get married or else that they would split up so she is not commiting fornication and can go on the rapture. Also for...
We hear of earhquakes increasing...other signs of the end. Yet each day I wake up, still in this miserable life, and the only thing happening is the devils persecution increasing. Where's the Rapture already?I wish I could fast forward the time like a vcr tape.Let's speed things up!
Have you ever
considered what
life on earth would
be like if what
they say about the
Rapture is true?
I would never want to offend you. In fact,
greatly care for you. So that’s why I take the
risk of giving you this thought-provoking
book about what would happen to the world
if what they...
Please pray for all my students to be saved and be on their way to heaven. I worry for each one of them. I do not want anyone to miss the rapture and then be with the Lord forever. Amen
When I worked for the messenger service, one of their favorite lines when a messenger made a delivery was,"What took you so long?"If and when the Rapture ever gets here, I'm going to ask God,"What took you so long?"Can't wait to get out of this stupid world.
When I worked for the messenger service, one of their favorite lines when a messenger made a delivery was,"What took you so long?"If and when the Rapture ever gets here, I'm going to ask God,"What took you so long?"Can't wait to get out of this stupid world.
We hear of little steps showing the collapse of the world,"birth pangs" as Jesus would say,but yet not enough to tilt us towards our deliverance.Why is God dragging it out step by painful step, as we go through it? Where's the Rapture already?
"Im the last days scoffers will come, saying, "Where is this promise of His coming?For ever since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as before." Yeah me!!I'm saying that!All I see is the problems {getting worse} that I face but no Rapture.
1}Im heartbroken because I'm always busy and I never have time for myself, and 2}I'm tired of life in this world with all the selfish people who only care about themselves and screw me up.Tired of life in this world but the Rapture is always 90,million years in the future, despite most...