Praise report! Today I post a request for finding the documents of the car. Thank you for your prayers! They definitely help and are always very powerful. We found the documents and everything is all right. Thank you all! God bless you!
PRAISE REPORT I want to thank everyone who prayed for my mother to get her power back on. She did get her power back this afternoon. Praise God and thank you Father for all you do for us. In Jesus name I Pray Amen
prais ereprot: i pthank OYu Lor for helaign my favial bones jaw alignmnt is sis somuch better thank yu so mcuh. thanky uf or ypr prayer.s prleas pra ymy dad is healed hsi heart an dmy mom is healed too her body and for their salvation. pleas epra ym mom is heale dof aspergers syndorme. pelase...
abba father
bacteria infections
country: hungary
dementia small bowel obstruction syndrome
facial bones jaw alignment
jesus christ
new organs bone limbs teeth
recreativ emiracle sin
I have an urgent need for prayer as I have a life threatening, advanced case of cervical stenosis which is putting pressure on my spinal cord threatening paralysis and pressure on the phrenic nerve which could cause respiratory failure and even now is causing me breathing problems. Needless to...
cervical stenosis
country: united states
life threatening advanced case
necessary tests
phrenic nerve
respiratory failure
spinal cord
urgent need
PRAISE REPORT Heavenly Father thank you for the people who helped out the duck in the lake that was tangled in fishing line. After a visit to the vet the duck was well enough and released today where they caught her. Thank you Father for the people who came together to help her out. Thank you...
Praise report!: the Lord Jesus Christ has giv en me healignin my jaws facial boen snoes eyes and kidneys! THank YOu lord Jesus Christ! thank you Lord Jesus Chirst! thank you to all praiyng fo rme! thank You churhc! I love oyu! I pray he well hela my of all metbaolic issues and heal my grandma...
praise report! Thank YOu Lor di recieved mcuh healign on my facial bones jaw alignemnet and strogner teeth thanks to the Lord Jeus Chirst. please pray the Lord dleiver my from flehs eaitgn bacteir and my fmaily too. pleas epray we are dleivere dof lal metablic disoroders. prais ethe Lord thnak...
praise report i recieved helaign in my bones form the ord and on teeth .pleas epray the Lor dheals me 100% please Lor dhela me for your glor yplease thank you. hela al my fmialy members please Lord Jeus Chirst. thank you
PRAISE REPORT Heavenly Father THANK YOU so much Mom is able to take the pill for the cancer in her breast. Prause God and thank you Father for this and help the cancer to disolve and go away and Mom will be cancer free to live the rest of her life. Thank you Father. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen.
Praise report. I had a request about my colleague and my job to be able to get my commission, because when it comes to money she is very tricky. Thank you for your prayers. I was able to get my commission. Thank You, Lord. Thank You!
PRAISE REPORT Heavenly Father THANK YOU so much Mom is able to take the pill for the cancer in her breast. Prause God and thank you Father for this and help the cancer to disolve and go away and Mom will be cancer free to live the rest of her life. Thank you Father. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen.
praise report!: the Lor dhas given me much helaign on my facial bones. less acid on my teeth.! praise God thank youf or your praiyers. Aksign God to remove all sdaness bitterness and hela broken teeth acid eroded teeth and severe dehydration. diabetes type 1 and diabete sinsipidus flehs eating...
PRAISE REPORT Heavenly Father THANK YOU so much Mom is able to take the pill for the cancer in her breast. Prause God and thank you Father for this and help the cancer to disolve and go away and Mom will be cancer free to live the rest of her life. Thank you Father. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen.
PRAISE REPORT Heavenly Father THANK YOU so much Mom is able to take the pill for the cancer in her breast. Prause God and thank you Father for this and help the cancer to disolve and go away and Mom will be cancer free to live the rest of her life. Thank you Father. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen.
praise report!: i recieved healing in my facial bones today and teeth in bette rposition shifted by the Lord thank You Lord JesusChrist!!! Great Physician! Best Dentist ever! thank YOu! . praise the Lord! thank you For prayers. Pleas epray the lord helas my fmaily form all metabloc acidosis and...
Praise report: the other day i was VERY depressed.... and i asked for prayer and i felt better whischis truly a miracle%% like really! thanky OU Lord thanks for praying for me. pelas epray i am delivered of intrusive thoughts.. pelase thank you
Praise report: thank OYu Lord for your presence an dhelaignof my jaw alignment thanky ou Lord for shift things and for helpoing me clena house. Please help me to clean YOur House and pelas ehelp em to care for my fmaiyl with wisdom and strong guidanc eof oyur Holy spirit. thank you for your...
cancer diabetes earthquake debris
country: hungary
entire family blood line
family bloodline
form periodontosis disease
holy blood
holy spirit
jaw alignment
strong guidance
Praise report:' i would liek to give tanks tot the Lord for giving me healing in my jaws teeth today Thank You Lord Jesus Christ our Christour Savior Pleasew pray for ym grandma to be healed of alll defrormitie of the bowels hippy and all her spin and all her body healed of all manner os f oc...
Praise report: Thanky ou Lord for brignign helaign to my facial boens jow boens and teeth. thank OYu Lord that my grandam said soem words. Lor dprlease retore her to exceleltn health for your glor yna dby your powwer. thank you for all your healign touches. pelase heal al who ar ein need of oyur...
PRaise Report Thank You Lord! thank you for healing my teeh and teth jaw alignmentment bones. thank OYu Lord Jesu chirs.t thank YOu for your prayers. thank OYu Lord All glory ot OYu GReat Physician. thank You