praise report!: the Lor dhas given me much helaign on my facial bones. less acid on my teeth.! praise God thank youf or your praiyers. Aksign God to remove all sdaness bitterness and hela broken teeth acid eroded teeth and severe dehydration. diabetes type 1 and diabete sinsipidus flehs eating...
PRAISE REPORT Heavenly Father THANK YOU so much Mom is able to take the pill for the cancer in her breast. Prause God and thank you Father for this and help the cancer to disolve and go away and Mom will be cancer free to live the rest of her life. Thank you Father. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen.
PRAISE REPORT Heavenly Father THANK YOU so much Mom is able to take the pill for the cancer in her breast. Prause God and thank you Father for this and help the cancer to disolve and go away and Mom will be cancer free to live the rest of her life. Thank you Father. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen.
praise report!: i recieved healing in my facial bones today and teeth in bette rposition shifted by the Lord thank You Lord JesusChrist!!! Great Physician! Best Dentist ever! thank YOu! . praise the Lord! thank you For prayers. Pleas epray the lord helas my fmaily form all metabloc acidosis and...
Praise report: the other day i was VERY depressed.... and i asked for prayer and i felt better whischis truly a miracle%% like really! thanky OU Lord thanks for praying for me. pelas epray i am delivered of intrusive thoughts.. pelase thank you
Praise report: thank OYu Lord for your presence an dhelaignof my jaw alignment thanky ou Lord for shift things and for helpoing me clena house. Please help me to clean YOur House and pelas ehelp em to care for my fmaiyl with wisdom and strong guidanc eof oyur Holy spirit. thank you for your...
cancer diabetes earthquake debris
country: hungary
entire family blood line
family bloodline
form periodontosis disease
holy blood
holy spirit
jaw alignment
strong guidance
Praise report:' i would liek to give tanks tot the Lord for giving me healing in my jaws teeth today Thank You Lord Jesus Christ our Christour Savior Pleasew pray for ym grandma to be healed of alll defrormitie of the bowels hippy and all her spin and all her body healed of all manner os f oc...
Praise report: Thanky ou Lord for brignign helaign to my facial boens jow boens and teeth. thank OYu Lord that my grandam said soem words. Lor dprlease retore her to exceleltn health for your glor yna dby your powwer. thank you for all your healign touches. pelase heal al who ar ein need of oyur...
PRaise Report Thank You Lord! thank you for healing my teeh and teth jaw alignmentment bones. thank OYu Lord Jesu chirs.t thank YOu for your prayers. thank OYu Lord All glory ot OYu GReat Physician. thank You
Praise report!: I want to give thanks and praise to Almighty God our Lord Jesus Christ fro healign my teeth jaw bones alignment today. thank yu Lord for all your Healing to me and deliverance from satan thank YOu Lord Jesus Chrpst all praise Glory and Honour go to Yőu for it was You whohealedme...
Praise report: the Lord gav em lot sof hesaling in my facila bones teeth gums and bones. I praise the name of the lOrd Jeus Chirst. He is is our hesaler it is by His stripes we are healed.thank OYu Lord. all power in heaven and earth is yours. Praise to You Lord! By His stripes we are healed...
prasie reprot: i have recieved much helaign in ybody thnaks to the lord Jeus Chirst particularly my facial bones teeth laignemnts.. pelase pray i amd rid fo all worry and worry related illness in the name of the Lord Jeus Chirst nad pleas ealso pray this for my whole fmaily and future spouse na...
PRASIE REPORT: thank you Lord fo rbrignign helaign to my teeth gums and body.
thnak you LOrd YOu are thre great physician! thank you Lord. thanky ou! pleaae deliver me form the acid please fix the broken teeth new growth. heall teeth for all peopelt hank you. please dlieve rmy whole fmaily...
PRAISE REPORT! I won at a lottery scratch ticket. Please my Lord I humbly pray I will win either the Texas Lotto or Texas Mega Millions. Thank you Jesus. Your will be done. Amen.
Praise reprt: thank You Lord!! i recieved lots of healing in my teeth my skull and bones. praise to the Lord Jesus Christ. Pleas epray my whoel fmaily is saved by the Lord Jesus Christ and all peopel too. Pleas epray amy whole fmaiyl is delivered form all mnaer of sickn ness and disease and...
PRAISE REPORT....Thank you to all who have prayed for more freelance work! The door has opened and I have a small contract and some additional work. Praise God! My project has not received the 'yes' answer and I need prayer for it to be successful. Amen.
Praise report: wanna praise God fr healign me in my body . and boens facial bones teeth.Praise to teh healer our Lord Jeus Chirst. nothign is impossible for our God! thank YOu Lord for eternal Life. may all have your salvation and please set us free form all demonic opression sickness and...
PRAISE REPORT. Thank you Father for my brother finding the car key today. He found it in the kitchen near some grocery bags. Thank you also for Rocki got a dental apt for on Thurs. Thank you Father for all you do for us. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen
PRAISE REPORT. Thank you Father for my brother finding the car key today. He found it in the kitchen near some grocery bags. Thank you also for silent request. Thank you Father for all you do for us. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen