praise report

  1. Jesussaves89

    praise report: thank you Lord for your ...

    praise report: thank you Lord for your healing touches on my teeth and jaws thanky ou LOrd Jesus Christ thank you forever! Also thanky ou Lord that my grandma is doign better after very scary incident. Please alsway sprotect her ofrm lal eivl.pleas ehal her bowels and dleive rher form all...
  2. Jesussaves89

    praise reort! Thank you Lord Jesus christ ...

    praise reort! Thank you Lord Jesus christ for giving me healin in ym teet and jaw posistions thank You Lord Jesu Christ please heal all who ned healing and fdeliver us all from all evil. LOrd i ask you to please heal al those including family memebrs from all metbolic acidosis blood sugar blood...
  3. Jesussaves89

    praise report: i prais eGod for giivng ...

    praise report: i prais eGod for giivng me healign iny mteet praise the Lord!please pray fo rmy dad to get a full refund form the eye glasses that and Angel assits him and tha this vision is healed. INT HE NAMOE FTHE lORD jEUS cHIRST. LOR DGIV EHIM THE BEST GLASSES EVER PERFEC TPERSCIRIPTIONA D...
  4. Jesussaves89

    praise reprot!: I recieved my helaign in ...

    praise reprot!: I recieved healing in my teeth yesterday! thanky ouLord for shifitn my teeth givign me a stogner jaw prais eot your forver thanky ou Lord Jesus Christ thank you!! thank you for ypur prayers Family in Christ prais eGod who has helpe dme with the faucet. i praise God for he has...
  5. Jenoch

    Praise report: I thank God for the ...

    Praise report: I thank God for the many brothers and sisters who prayed for my request. I thank you Jesus for his mercy and grace, he has given me confirmation that he is interciding in both my sisters lives. Hallelujah 🙌 Glory, honor and praise to the Lord all mighty
  6. Steven Bobb

    Praise report!!I must say, Articles is giving ...

    Praise report!!I must say, Articles is giving more personalized responses, compared to the "by rote" responses they used to give. Good improvement!
  7. Jesussaves89

    Praise report: i had a trauma to ...

    Praise report: i had a trauma to my jaws and i want tell you the Lord s so good healed my jaws and facial bones! prais ebe to the Lord Jesus Christ fille dmy mouth with good thignsthank you Lord for your helaign and all your blessings! please birgin your full salvaiton and delieranc eot all my...
  8. Saraha

    Heavenly Father we thank you that Officer ...

    Heavenly Father we thank you that Officer Wilt is doing better, they took him off one of the breathing machine and moved him to another hospital for his continued recovery. He is in critical but stable condition. He is the Officer that was shot by the gunman 3 weeks ago. PRAISE REPORT We thank...
  9. Saraha

    Heavenly Father we thank you that Officer ...

    Heavenly Father we thank you that Officer Wilt is doing better, they took him off one of the breathing machine and moved him to another hospital for his continued recovery. He is in critical but stable condition. He is the Officer that was shot by the gunman 3 weeks ago. PRAISE REPORT We thank...
  10. Saraha

    Heavenly Father we thank you that Officer ...

    Heavenly Father we thank you that Officer Wilt is doing better, they took him off one of the breathing machine and moved him to another hospital for his continued recovery. He is in critical but stable condition. He is the Officer that was shot by the gunman 3 weeks ago. PRAISE REPORT We thank...
  11. Jesussaves89

    praise report: The Lord shifted my jawa ...

    praise report!: The Lord shifted my jaws a dn teeth alignement yesterday!! thank yo u SO mcuh Lord Jesus Christ praise to your forevr and ever!!!!! thank You Lord! also prais e to you Lord that last week i had a dte with i htink may mma be my husband formt he Lord. Lord iso excited is he really...
  12. Saraha

    Heavenly Father we thank you that Officer ...

    Heavenly Father we thank you that Officer Wilt is doing better, they took him off one of the breathing machine and moved him to another hospital for his continued recovery. He is in critical but stable condition. He is the Officer that was shot by the gunman 3 weeks ago. PRAISE REPORT We thank...
  13. LindaLamb

    Please pray for Nelson, he has a ...

    Please pray for Nelson, he has a job interview tomorrow. Please ask the Lord to bless him and help him get a good job soon. Thank you and God bless you. Also, a praise report: Joe got a good job, thank you for praying for him! May God return the blessing to you many times over!
  14. Saraha

    Heavenly Father we thank you that Officer ...

    Heavenly Father we thank you that Officer Wilt is doing better, they took him off one of the breathing machine and moved him to another hospital for his continued recovery. He is in critical but stable condition. He is the Officer that was shot by the gunman 3 weeks ago. PRAISE REPORT We thank...

    PRAISE REPORT, I ADOPTED a kitten Thank ...

    PRAISE REPORT, I ADOPTED a kitten Thank you JESUS. Please bring the owners of these 3 adults in Jesus name amen
  16. Saraha

    Heavenly Father we thank you that Officer ...

    Heavenly Father we thank you that Officer Wilt is doing better, they took him off one of the breathing machine and moved him to another hospital for his continued recovery. He is in critical but stable condition. He is the Officer that was shot by the gunman 3 weeks ago. PRAISE REPORT We thank...
  17. Saraha

    Heavenly Father we thank you that Officer ...

    Heavenly Father we thank you that Officer Wilt is doing better, they took him off one of the breathing machine and moved him to another hospital for his continued recovery. He is in critical but stable condition. He is the Officer that was shot by the gunman 3 weeks ago. PRAISE REPORT We thank...
  18. Anonymous

    Praise report! Thank you Jesus, thank you ...

    Praise report! Thank you Jesus, thank you saints for your prayers! I had prayer request that I have no cancer. This lump is not cancer, says the doctor! It is not dangerous! Thank you for your prayers and support. Glory to You Jesus! Glory to Your Name Jesus!
  19. Jesussaves89

    praise report: the lOrd has giv en ...

    praise report: the lOrd has giv en me much healingl in my dental flesh! Beis the healer!!! thanky ou for yur prayewrs. i love oyu brothers and sister isn Chris ti love you!!! YOu knwo i knwo that when i go helaing on my teeth I KNEW it was cause of your prayers of faiht in the Lor.d the lOr dis...
  20. Saraha

    PRAISE REPORT Thank you Father for watching ...

    PRAISE REPORT Thank you Father for watching over Scotia the cat and she is recovering. Update Scotia was diagnosed with mastitis caused by the bacteria E. coli. She started on a specific antibiotic & her temp has gone down to 101.8F (normal), & she is eating! Praise God and thank you Father for...
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