normal stomach acid

  1. natasha2

    Wound lipps, stomach acid

    Wound in the corner of my lipps. Very irritable. When i stretch it hurts. Normal stomach acid. No gastritis. No diggestive issues.
  2. natasha2

    Stomach; body inflammations

    Pray against gastritis and for normal stomach acid. Pray against any inflammation in my body and dryness or irritation of lines.
  3. natasha2

    Relaxed healthy body, hormonal balance

    1) nervosity gone 2) hormonal balance 3) normal periods(not to long or excessive) 4) regular periods 5) healthy female organs 6) everything that is not of Jesus in my body be removed or dissolved - evil.spirits, growths, anything bad... 7) healthy peaceful.stomach and diggestion 8) normal...
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