Pain inflammation, cyst, carrhies, swelling, plaque, anything that is not of God in my mouth, dental flesh, teeth let it be plucked out, and planted into the sea, let it be flushed out from my body in Jesus name, amen.
I rebuke any gastrointestinal desease and curse.
I rebuke gastritis, acid...
Normal stomach acid.
No acid reflux or gastritis.
Normal diggestion.
No toxins.
No unease or tension in my body.
Regular menstrual.cycle 28-30 days. Not shorter.
Moderate healthy 4-6 days period. Not longer.
Health of all lines, tubes, glands, organs, tissues reproductive system...
Purifying, detoxifying my teeth, dental flesh, jaw, ear area and all surrounding tissues from remaining inflammation/abscess of the tooth. No pain, or unease in Jesus name!
Normal stomach acid and good diggestion. No diggestive issues or diarrhea. Amen
Wisdom, instructions in treating teeth...
No feeling of fever.
Normal stomach acid.
Normal diggestion. No diarrhea.
No pain in the jaw, teeth, dental flesh, espcially right side.
No feeling of chills.
Good sweet sleep.
Normal heart beat.
Normal stomach acid.
No gastritis.
Healed all lines of gastrointestinal system.
Good diggestion.
No stress or any feelings/thoughts that cause stress or gastritis.
Broken generational problems with gastrointestinal system. Amen
Clear, not blury vision.
Excellent eyesight.
No diarrhea.
Normal stomach acid.
No weird sensations or unease, or pain, in my teeth, dental flesh, jaw, connected glands around it.
No pain or inflammation anywhere in my body.
Healthy and opened sinuses.
Good circulation everywhere.
Stomach healed.
No diarrhea.
NOrmal good diggestion.
Normal stomach acid.
No weird sensations.
No pain in the jaw, teeth, dental flesh and near areas.
Freshness in all those areas.
Glands healthy.
Pure skin, no itchiness.
Toxins, viruses...
areas glands
country: croatia
good circulation
harmful bacterias inflammations infections
healthy pure skin
jaw teeth dental flesh
normal good digestion
sea amen
weird sensations
Opened sinuses.
Normal stomach acid.
No gastritis.
No boiling in my stomach.
Good diggestion.
No pain in my teeth/dental flesh, jaw, mouth flesh, facial bones, or sinuses In Jesus name.
Healthy teeth and dental flesh.
No inflammation or infection anywhere in my body.
No pain in the area between...
Normal stomach acid. No gastritris.
No pain in my jaw or teeth.
Everything completely healthy in my jaw, mouth, stomach and gastrointestinal system.
Good mood, joy, positivity.
I dont know why, but the devil is reversing in my head all things where i made a mistake and accusing me that i am guilty and i feel bad. Its like a circle. PLease pray for the peace of mind.
Bruise under my knee, pray for no swelling and no pain. Quick healing
Normal stomach acid. No acid...
My next door neighbours are doing something in their appartement, making noise. Its 4 am.
PLease pray for them to go to sleep or go out.
Also for me to have normal stomach acid and good sweet sleep.
1) Feeling light and easy in my body
2) Pepp iny stepp
3) Strength, energy
4) Health - whole body
5) Good mood, joy, positivity
6) Good diggestion
7) Normal stomach acid
8) Normal body temperature
9) Normal blood pressure
10 Easy swallowing
11) Healthy throat
12) Protection from Corona and other...
11 healthy throat
country: croatia
good digestion
good mood joy positivity
harmful bacteria
normal blood pressure
normal body temperature
other viruses
strength energy 4
Please pray
1) for normal stomach acid
2) healed lines of gastrointestinal system, including mouth and throat (to strong gasric acid)
3) no irritation, inflammation or occasional pain in my diggestive tract
4) healed dental flesh, dental nerves and teeth (connected to gastritis)
5) good sweet...