normal stomach acid

  1. natasha2

    Irritation, inflammation: stomach acid

    No inflammation. No itchiness. No irritation. Anywhere in my body. Normal stomach acid. Not strong.
  2. natasha2

    Stomach acid, healed lines

    Healed any dammage done in my diggestive system from to strong acid. Healed lines, especiallly stomach, throat area....I feel it when i swallow something is wrong. And normal stomach acid now. Thank you.
  3. natasha2

    Diggestion, menstr cycle

    Normal stomach acid. No weird sensatons in my stomach and body. No diarrhea. Moderate period.
  4. natasha2

    Stomach health, eyes health

    Please pray for everything healthy in my stomach and gastrointestinal system, and normal stomach acid. Pray for healthy eyes, no blury vision or any usual aging degeneration, clear vision and excellent eyesight for me. Also for my brother and parents. Health of our whole bodies.
  5. natasha2

    Health, my family

    Health for me, my brother and my parents. No diggestive issues, no high blood pressure, any pain get out of our bodies, inflammations/infections go away, weakness out, dryness of skin/itchiness out, Corona or any other virus/harmful bacteria - you dont have any access to my close or extended...
  6. natasha2

    Gastritis, body temperature, blood pressure, vision

    Please pray for normal body temperature. Normal stomach acid. Good diggestion. No gastritis. No diarrhea. No feeling of vomiting or boiling in my stomach. Normal blood pressure, not high. Clear excellent eyesight, no blury vision. Thank you
  7. natasha2

    Jaw, teeth, mouth, blood pressure, heartbeat...

    No pain in the jaw or any teeth. Everything healthy in my mouth. No.gastritis, normal stomach acid. No blury vision. Clear excellent eyesight. Normal heartbeat and normal blood pressure. Normal breathing. Physical.strength.
  8. natasha2

    Wound in my throat

    Wound/irritation or swelling in my throat that hurts when i swallow probably from gastritis. Please pray that it will heal. Pray also.for normal stomach acid.
  9. natasha2

    Health (periods, teeth, mouth)

    Mensrrual cacle regulated. No to long periods or excessive bleeding. Normal healthy moderate periods (4-6 days). Normal regular menstrual cycle (cca 28 days). Normal stomach acid. No gastritis. Healthy teeth, dental flesh gums and everything in my mouth. No inflammations or irritations. No...
  10. natasha2

    No diarrhea, peace in my stomach

    Peace in my stomach now. I must go to work. No nervosity in my stomach and intestines. No diarrhea. Normal atomach acid. In Jesus name amen.
  11. natasha2

    Strong stomach acid

    Please pray for normal.stomach acid. No unease in my gastroint system..normal blood pressure and heart beat. Normal diggestion. Good sweet sleep. Thank you
  12. natasha2

    Menstrual cycle, gastritis, stolen bag, life partner

    Normal stomach acid. No gastritis. Returned stolen bag (books, notebooks for my teacher work, 3 battery chargers for my cellphone... ). Stop to long period. Regular normal healthy period. Amen Godly mate. Suitable life partner for me. I am 50. Am frustrated and sometimes desperate. Thank you.
  13. natasha2

    Couple of requests

    Obstacles in my school removed. People not cooperating regarding order and desinfection. (Especially cleaning ladies). Secretary doesnt want to.print our working contracts. She is lazy. Her office is being renovated but she doesnt want zo walk and print us (20of us) copies of our working...
  14. natasha2

    Stomach acid, normal period, stolen bag

    To long period. Stop the bleeding. Normal moderate period. Regular menstrual.cycle. Stolen bag with stuff returned. Normal.stomach acid. Thank you
  15. natasha2

    Stpmach acid

    Normal stomach acid. No.gastritis.Good diggestion.
  16. natasha2

    Stomach - health

    Normal stomach acid. Good diggestion. No gastritis. No bloating etc...No diarrhea.
  17. natasha2

    Period, stomach

    Normal stomach acid. No diarrhea. No gastritis. Moderate healthy period. Regular menstrual cycle. Not to long periods.
  18. natasha2

    Diarrhea; menstr cycle

    No diarrhea. Normal stomach acid. No.gasteitis Moderate period. Normal regular menstrual cycle Not to long periods. Thank you
  19. natasha2

    Mouth, stomach

    Please pray againat any inflammation or swelling in my body, especially in my mouth, dental flesh and stomach. No carrhies or plaque. Normal stomach acid. Thank you
  20. natasha2

    Vision, stomach..... my father-surgery recovery

    Please pray 1) that my father will finaly heal/recover from surgery (little tumors/warts on his forefront). That he will not be forced to take very heavy antibiotics. No complications around wounds from surgery. Supernaturaly quickly healed wound/stitches. 2) for me CLEAR excellent vision on...
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