asking God to forgiv my sisn help me feed and cleanm y grandma withotu any problems . i need the neergy i need soem faith , :or dhela my mom dleiver her form all evil. Lord healmy grandma heal my dad help my borther and wife and bab oversees. if you wan them to live there than pleas eprovide the...
PRaise Report: Thank You LOrd Jeus for the trmendous amoujn tof helaign on my facial bones adn jaw teeth alignnmenth fetl tinglign shiftign of teeht itno please healign thank yu Lor dthnak you Lord Jue sChirs.t Pleas epray fo rmy grandma dn ym partnes their salvaiton adn healing int he nameo fof...
IM askign God to pela shelp em i have aske dfor several year si dotn knwo how many times. i suffer from er ybad dehydration problem and i jsut can thandle it anymore. ialso care fo rmy grandma also suffeirmng form this problem. I am fighitng for my lfie and my grandmas all day and triyng to help...
Lord join me wiht the flehs of my flehs boien of my bone. whoeevr this man is i pray you forc ehim to find me make him find me. helpp him realize that iti snot goof for man to be alone that oyu have made a help mete for him, onyl you knwo who this man is so i surrender my speculation in your...
Lord join me wiht the flehs of my flehs boien of my bone. whoeevr this man is i pray you forc ehim to find me make him find me. helpp him realize that iti snot goof for man to be alone that oyu have made a help mete for him, onyl you knwo who this man is so i surrender my speculation in your...
Lord join me wiht the flehs of my flehs boien of my bone. whoeevr this man is i pray you forc ehim to find me make him find me. helpp him realize that iti snot goof for man to be alone that oyu have made a help mete for him, onyl you knwo who this man is so i surrender my speculation in your...
Lord pelas eha l my parent sof all helath issues mentally physicall emtionally. please Lord save their souls help them live fo rCHirst bless them keep them protect themf orm death accidents adn form all demons and sicknesses int he nameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirst same with all people thank you Lord
please dleive rme form intursiv ethoguhts Lord. pleas ehal all dentla flesh and do this for lalpeople. please ressurec tbodies organs so that we ave YOur lif eLor.d pleas edliev eur sform the devil in every way Lord Jeu SChirs tto YOu be the glory. LOrd and Savior of all true God and eternallfie...
Lord join me wiht the flehs of my flehs boien of my bone. whoeevr this man is i pray you forc ehim to find me make him find me. helpp him realize that iti snot goof for man to be alone that oyu have made a help mete for him, onyl you knwo who this man is so i surrender my speculation in your...
pleas epra yi can ge tall my tasks doen easily and tha tht eLor dheal smy of my helath issues. Lor dpleas ehelp me. plea sie feel so down... please rpray of rmy fmialys slavaiton restoraton and helaign in the nameo fthe Lord Jeus chirs itn every wa.y please pray the Lor djoins me and the husband...
Lord join me wiht the flehs of my flehs boien of my bone. whoeevr this man is i pray you forc ehim to find me make him find me. helpp him realize that iti snot goof for man to be alone that oyu have made a help mete for him, onyl you knwo who this man is so i surrender my speculation in your...
praise report: i want to testify the Lord has given much healign in my facial bone sand jaw teeth alignment. shifted int o place. thanky u Lord Jeus Chirst! YOu are our Lord Savior and the only doctor! thanky ouLOrd htanky ou allf or oyur orayers. pelas epray fo r my fmaily salvation and toal...
Lord Join me with the flesh of my flesh b oen and bone and let US recognize eachoter as husband and wife int he Lord Jesus Christ. have best communcation ever. no coutnerfeit husband no satnic spirit husband . Lord oyu knwo what i ean. the tue Husband form the Lor dplease giv eto me Lord Jeus...
Lord please hela my grandma and help em to care for her aslo please provide a mobile bed for oyur glory and by your power. Lord giv eme wisdom how ot help her. help me to be strogn. pleas ehal my grandma form all brian damage all neurdegnerative diases dementia everyhtign that is formt he enemy...
Lor dplease destroy the work fo the deivl in my fmaily life. please release my entire fmaily bloodlien form all satanic captivits form witschcraft form all eivl spirits int he nameof the Lord Jeus Christ. please pray that if the Lord has a spouse for me that the Lor diwll be the One His spirit...
counterfeits false husbands
country: hungary
eivl spirits
entire family bloodline
family life
holy spirit
satanic captivity form witchcraft
askign God to forgiv emy sisn and provide a mobile bed for my grandma.Lor dplease please giv efavour and the perfect for ifor my grandma send and angel to t do the work. help get speka to the right builder who will do a great joba nd somehow egt extra strong perfect wheels. Lor dpelas ehal my...
praise report I felt the Lord's helaign otuch onmy facial bones thank YOu Lord Jesus Christ for your healing touch on my facial bones. pelas ehal my famiyl form all ilness sickness and disease. Lord have emrcy help me to repent. thank YOu forhelaign thank YOu lord Jeus Chirst for your salvaiton...
LOR Dplase reveal oyurself to my mother in a VERY BERY ERY Strogn way Lord Jeus Chirs tpleas ereveal yoursle fot my mother so storngly and all my fmaily memebrsa
or dpelas eintervene int he live sof htose hwo ar eocnstantly over worked. if something satanic is behind this please remove whatever evil is makign peopel over work. pelase Lord let everyoen have a life of moderaiton oenoguh work enough rest enought time with their fmialies and time with OYu...
alle ivl pleas
best pelas
clear boundaries
country: hungary
everlasting covenant
pelas elaos
power jesus chris
property mold pests
relative empathy
Lor dplease safley take out the ant stick in th matress itn he nameo fof the Lord Jeus Christ pelase take out the ant safley get the ant out lor dpelase sned an dangel to relase th ant formt he matress. pelase thank YOu Lord Jeus Chirst. pelase heal and regrow limb ont he ant sim sorry Lor.d pelase