jesus christ

  1. Jesussaves89

    askign the Lord Jeus Chirs to give ...

    askign the Lord Jeus Chirs to give me a miracle souse. someoen who loves the Lord and would truly love me and we would have ahppy logn lif togther. im 34 and im tire dof waiting . im tired of waiting. my life has passe dme by. im nto perfect btu why would God giv eme this desire and nto brign it...
  2. Jesussaves89

    Lord please ehal my and my famiyl ...

    Lord please ehal my and my famiyl an dlal . please heal my eyes. pleas ehelp me to got to appointment on time adn speak Your Words. please heal my eye sin the name of the Lord Jeus DChirst. please give your salvation to all at the eye clinis. be wiht me as i do diapers and go to appointment and...
  3. Jesussaves89

    pleas epray i am freeof this ra ...

    pleas epray i am freeof this ra tor pest in my walls please its really too mcuhr igh tnow i nee dhelaign aLor dtka away this rdoent help me in any way ou can Lor dpleas ei beg you Lord Jeus Chirst. help help help
  4. Jesussaves89

    please pray for me as i get ...

    please pray for me as i get some tasks done.please pray God keeps me safe and usses me the way He wants.please pray that depression lonliness leave me and my family and hubby from the Lord. Lor please giveme the strnght to get the garbage basgs get the soap and whateve ri sneeded. please dont e...
  5. Lewdfird

    I pray for president Putin of Russia ...

    I pray for president Putin of Russia so that he seeks the help of the holy spirit and change his ways. He likes to portrait himself as a defender of christianism. It would be great if he realy become a truly christian leader, and pray for forgiveness and conversion of himself, and asks himself...
  6. Jesussaves89

    pleas epray for me. pleasew pray God ...

    pleas epray for me. pleasew pray God heal smy grandma. i am her caregive rbut im metnally and physcialy ill. I also help my mom 24/7 who has asperger syndorme. Askign for God to mov ein our lives. Lord Jeus Chirst please save us help us. pelas epray fo rus. i feel so alone. őéease also őray that...
  7. Jesussaves89

    pleas pera ym da dis homelss and ...

    pleas pera ym da dis homelss and laoen pelas epray God gives him a pensionand the Lord Jeus Chirst helps HIm. also rats ipelas pray the Lord doe sall in His power to dleiver us form rats form enterign . please its really stressful and i need to care for my grandm and help my mom. pleas epra ythe...
  8. Jesussaves89

    urgent:my gradnam needs urgent sprayers pleas ei ...

    urgent:my gradnam needs urgent sprayers pleas ei beg you andmy da dishomeless and i am very very tired caregiver withhelath issze sneeidng helaign my mom need helaign form asperger syndorme.Please their are also soem kind of animal rmice ratr andi im reallay really tire di feel so ALoen pelase...
  9. Jesussaves89

    i odtn knwo who this is for ...

    i odtn knwo who this is for but pelas eknwo the LOrd Jeus Chirst will nver eve relave oyu sr forsake you. thank you Lord. no matter what sogignign .. God is greater the Lord Jesus Christ is our LOrd and Savior .
  10. Jesussaves89

    im gettign weary very weary. Lord please ...

    im gettign weary very weary. Lord please shine oyu s tired of cleanign too and caregivign im so burnt out . pelase give me some joy in my life. also i nee dhelaing as well pelas ehal all my fmaiyl memebrs husband form the Lord if he need shealign. Lor dim weary. so weary feel so aloen...
  11. Jesussaves89

    me and mymothe rfight everday for years. ...

    me and mymothe rfight everday for years. i jsut so drianed i need space Lor di m tired of the fighitng i feel so trapped i ask OYu Lord pelas ehal my grandma ma ymom my da dmyself andall peopel of all illness. Lor dif oyu have husband for em pleas eodnt mak eit hard pelase brign us togethe rat...
  12. Jesussaves89

    praise report. thank you Lord Jeus chirst ...

    praise report. thank you Lord Jeus chirst ofrg ivign me helaign on my teeth. pelase heal all the sick. pelas ehela my grandma. and my fmaiyl memebrs. hela mymdad shear tnad my moms too. please hela my brothers dentla flehs .pleas eprtoect my fmaily form al levil. pelase giv eus all your...
  13. Jesussaves89

    please pray god fix what i messed ...

    please pray god fix what i messed up somehow bring good of it. to heal my relationship wit my mother. to give us healing salvation my own miracle loving devoted husband and me to him by gds spirit.lord im goin through a lot emotionally. please memet me now in my time of need. please guide em...
  14. Jesussaves89

    pleas epray for my grandmas healign she ...

    pleas epray for my grandmas healign she need shelaign deliverance form small bowel obstruction syndrom blood suagr issues dleiverance of all unclean spirits she need shelaign desparately Lord pelase activate faith in you otr hela her pelas ehal her she has been ebdridden for several years. help...
  15. Jesussaves89

    im aksign God to send someoen into ...

    im aksign God to send someoen into my life who will eb nice to me oda.y it sbeen so logn tha ti I felt loved by anone. i feel so burdenered. pelas epray God helps me. Lord hela me. pelas esend me my own husband who will love me for me and nto wa ti can do and vice so lonley. ihurt lal...
  16. Jesussaves89

    askign God to please make my fmailiys ...

    askign God to please make my fmailiys life mroe enjoyabel better health and no mor eblodo suagr issues diabetes and mroe fiaht itn he Lord aaksing God ot helamy dads heart valve. havent seenmy dad in 7 years. pelase Lor dprovide finances amnd means so he cna trvel and see us.pelas ealsop hel p...
  17. Jesussaves89

    praise the Lord I have had helaign ...

    praise the Lord I have had helaign in ym jaw alignment praise tot he Lord Jeus Chirst thanky ou God and thanky ou for your prayers. Please continue topray fo rmy parnests asalvationa dn helaign form all emotional trauma post traumatic trauma mental physcial healign form abuse heal ing of asper...
  18. Warfalwa

    Karla Daniela Paniagua Avila is bipolar also ...

    Karla Daniela Paniagua Avila is bipolar also with anorexia, bulimia and glutony. Hurt her self too when sje eat now. Many times tried to suicide. She is obssesed with her weight and her look. Claim for her, to be free, healed, for peace in her tormented mind. That she get free of this madness...
  19. Jesussaves89

    Lor dpelase fix wsher dryer pleas eint ...

    Lor dpelase fix wsher dryer pleas eint he nameo fthe Lord Jesus Christ. Lor di pray ou can send someoen to just giv em a helpign hand today. someoen nice to me. i dotn get aogn wiht a reltive and i am always with them. Whiel i pra you belss them ehal them giv ehtemabundan tlife . i feel so...

    Prayers to complete healing of my skin. ...

    Prayers to complete healing of my skin. it's looking so much better Thank you. Also praying for the 2nd interview for next week have them called me. And THANK YOU !!! In JesusChrist holy name amen
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