Pleas epray in agreement that the Lord dleivers me and heals me of type 1 diabetes heals the cause theros heal y my kidneys heal my from diabetes insipidus . LOrd please heal the cause of these problms pelase have mercy .please do all in your power to help me with these problems. pelase do the...
pleas Lord haev mercy help em care for my grandma who is evry ill and bedridden for several years. iaslo have to help my momw ho has aspergers.i haevtn elft the house in years also have coronaphobia and spend lt sof tiem washing my hands..etc.. LOr di need oyur help I dotn knwo howmany times i...
Lord pelase giv eme my husband from the Lord int he Lord. Lord brign me and my husband together Lord JesusCChristif you have husband for me pelas ebrign us togther no more delay i beg you all by the pow rof Your holy spirit .let nothing come between me and my husabdn formt he Lord . please...
Praise report: Thanky ou Lord for brignign helaign to my facial boens jow boens and teeth. thank OYu Lord that my grandam said soem words. Lor dprlease retore her to exceleltn health for your glor yna dby your powwer. thank you for all your healign touches. pelase heal al who ar ein need of oyur...
pleas epray fo rmy grandma to be heale dof small bowel obstruction syndorme. Lor dhave mercy brign healign to her bowels. please dleive rher form blood sugar issues.pleas ehela her for your glory. please do all iny our powere to help Schnieder Vilmosné not have trapped waste or bowel obstruction...
country: hungary
enemy plans
family life
form blood sugar issues
holy spirit
life word
many way
schneider vilmos lord
small bowel obstruction syndrome lord
PRaise Report Thank You Lord! thank you for healing my teeh and teth jaw alignmentment bones. thank OYu Lord Jesu chirs.t thank YOu for your prayers. thank OYu Lord All glory ot OYu GReat Physician. thank You
Lord pelase giv eme my husband from the Lord int he Lord. Lord brign me and my husband together Lord JesusCChristif you have husband for me pelas ebrign us togther no more delay i beg you all by the pow rof Your holy spirit .let nothing come between me and my husabdn formt he Lord . please...
pleas eoray fo rmy mom who is sick today. pelas epray God remove all illnessa dn restore her to excellent health and remove eevrythign out of her life tht is not good for her or good to her. in the name ofthe Lord Jesus Chirst. please pray she is heale dof asperger syndroemperiodontosis disease...
Praise report: the Lord gav em lot sof hesaling in my facila bones teeth gums and bones. I praise the name of the lOrd Jeus Chirst. He is is our hesaler it is by His stripes we are healed.thank OYu Lord. all power in heaven and earth is yours. Praise to You Lord! By His stripes we are healed...
Lorn dplease fix this corrupt healthcares systme in Hungar ypelase od osmehtign today to help em an dmy fmaily.t o helpt he poor and needy. WHo on earth is in charge here. pelas eput peopel in charge who actually do OYur Will.pelas ien the namoe fhte Lord Jeus Chirs.t pleas let us have favor...
corrupt healthcare system
country: hungary
diaper perscription
diaper prescription
family diaper
great physician
great t physician
prasie reprot: i have recieved much helaign in ybody thnaks to the lord Jeus Chirst particularly my facial bones teeth laignemnts.. pelase pray i amd rid fo all worry and worry related illness in the name of the Lord Jeus Chirst nad pleas ealso pray this for my whole fmaily and future spouse na...
Lord giv eme wisdom wiht my relationship with my mother. pelas ehal her heairgn her osteoporosis . help her to quit eatign junk. please giv eher the nutrition she needs. please dleiver her form all unclena spirits. pleas egive her merry heart and also a good logn helathy liv and Your salvation...
i would like to be healed of type 1 diabetes kidney failure tumor diabetes insipidus and metablic acidosis and tartar ont eeth to dissovle teeth to be healed and gums and boens ot be restored by the power of the Holy spirit int hename of the Lord Jeus Chirst. thank you for oyur prayersl. Please...
LOrd help em take acar eof my slef .my livign situaiton stresse sme out so much my life is so stressful. pela sie beg oyu Lor dif you can do anythign to help em please do so. als I pray yu giv eme the husband You made me for. the HUsband I was made for by GOd HImself find me in thenam eof the...
Lord pleas eheal and restoire and reunite all my fmaily in every way all glory to YOu Lord Jesus Christ by YOu HOly Blood and Power. Forgiv eus our trespasses please and thanky ou for oyur helaign thnaky ou for lal your helaign touches that you gave em today. pleas ehal all on this site. Please...
Lord please heal and restotre all marriages that oyu have brough together, if oyu have a usband for me pleas eprepare me and him to be one flesh and equally yoked lovign one another and servign Christ together fot he res tof our lives and i pray our families will too as well. LOr dif You know...
Praise report: wanna praise God fr healign me in my body . and boens facial bones teeth.Praise to teh healer our Lord Jeus Chirst. nothign is impossible for our God! thank YOu Lord for eternal Life. may all have your salvation and please set us free form all demonic opression sickness and...
Hello. I hate to ask of anything because I love Christ and want nothing more than to please him. However, it isn’t fun going through life in pain. I have severe stomach, throat; and colon pain. And anemia. It is truly debilitating and I need a miracle to heal. I want to be healed so I can live a...
colon pain
country: united states
extreme gas acidity problem
health affliction
lonely feeling
normal life
pain agony
severe stomach throat
stomach acid
throat acid reflux disease
praise report: i praise the Lor dand testify of His healign power. The Lord Jesus Christ healed my jaw alignment teeth alignment and healed my eyes.t hank YOu Lord Jeus Chirst.please heal all who need helaign .pleas save and heall all peopel in thename oft he Lord Jesus Christ
URGENT prayer request. my grandmother Schnieder Vilémosné has small bowel obstruction syndorem because of osteoporosis and muscle deformities hip prosthetics misalignment muscle atrophy deformations. she cannot get rig od waste easily she cannot eat or drink much . This has been goign on for...