
  1. allie222


    Please help jd relax and stop being angry with me. Help him talk to me and be his playful self. Help have faith in me
  2. allie222


    Please help jd have faith in me. Help him be his playful self and start communicating with me. Help him stop being so angry
  3. allie222

    Less time gaming

    Please help pj spend time with his wife and kids instead of gaming for hours. Help him distance himself from jd. Help him see his friendship is toxic. Help him find other interests and hobbies. Help him bond with his wife. Help jd spend time with his gf Instead of gaming.
  4. allie222


    Help jd talk to me and be his playful self. Help him stop overthinking every little thing. He takes very thing to seriously. Help him see me in a positive way. I'm trying to bond with him. Help us bond grow and bond
  5. allie222


    Please help jd talk to me and stop being so angry all the time. Help him relax
  6. allie222

    Spending time together

    Please help jd and me have a good time today and bond with each other. Help him not game today
  7. allie222

    Stop communicating

    Help Brittney stop communicating with jd. Help her see its toxic and not healthy. Help her concentrate on herself, career, family , friends and relationship with her guy.
  8. allie222


    Please help jd be positive and start talking to me. Help him stop being upset with me
  9. allie222


    I feel like me and jd are falling apart. Please help us bond and start communicating and spending time together. Help us understand each other better. Help us forget past relationships and crushes. Thank you God
  10. allie222

    Fresh start

    Please help Brittney find a nice guy and forget about past loves and crushes. Help her distance from jd. Help her see its toxic and not healthy
  11. allie222

    New day

    Please help me and jd bond and grow. Help jd talk to me and be his playful self. Help him be understanding and more caring.
  12. allie222


    Please help jd relax and stop being angry and upset with me. Help him be his playful self. Help him talk to me.Help me and jd bond. Help us forget about past loves and relationships. Let us move forward.
  13. allie222

    Getting off

    Please help pj get off the computer and spend time with his wife and kids instead of gaming. Help him distance himself from jd
  14. Anonymous

    I ask you please please please please ...

    I ask you please please please please bless me every single part of me please please please lord to please please please look incredibly incredibly soo very beautiful incredibly geourgeous incredibly stunning incredibly sexy incredibly radiant incredibly glourious incredibly young incredibly...
  15. allie222


    Please help jd relax and start talking to me. Help him stop being angry and upset with me all the time.
  16. allie222

    Getting off

    Please help pj stop gaming all day and do something else. Help him see its not healthy. Help him distance himself from jd
  17. allie222

    Getting off

    Please help pj get off the computer and realize his friendship with jd isn't healthy.
  18. allie222


    Please help pj distance himself from jd. Help him see there friendship is toxic. Help pj get off the computer and do something else then gaming all day
  19. allie222


    Please help jd see he's ruining his relationship by pushing me away. Help him want to spend time with me, want to bond with me. Have alone time. Help him get off gaming earlier. Help him find his romantic self again
  20. allie222

    Time together

    Please can me and jd have a good time tomorrow. Help us bond and get to know each other. Help jd relax and not rush the day tomorrow. Let us be understanding and loving to each other
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