
  1. allie222

    New day

    Today is a new day please help jd talk to me and be his playful self again.
  2. allie222


    Please can jd talk to me and be his playful self again. Help him stop ignoring me help him stop being so stubborn.
  3. allie222


    Please can jd relax and stop stressing out. Please help him talk to me and be his playful self again
  4. allie222


    Please God, can jd talk to be. Can he be his playful self again. Can we bond again. Can he stop being so stubborn with me right now
  5. allie222

    Space and distance

    Please help pj get off the computer and do something else instead. It's not healthy. And help him distance himself from jd.
  6. allie222


    Hoping that pj distance himself from jd. Help him see there friendship isn't healthy. Help him Spend less time gaming and do something else
  7. allie222


    Please help jd relax about doing the papers right now it's not the right time and help him stop overthinking about having no job at the moment
  8. allie222


    Please help pj spend less time on the computer playing video games online. Help him distance himself from jd.
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