
  1. Sundewen


    Please help jd relax and have faith in me. Help him stop being so angry. Help him be positive
  2. Sundewen


    Please help jd relax and stop being upset. Help him be his playful self and positive. Help see this in a good way
  3. Sundewen

    Fresh start

    Please help jd forget and move forward with what happened. Help him see me in a positive way. Help him have faith and believe. Help him see everyone makes mistakes and isn't perfect.
  4. Sundewen

    Spending time

    Please God help me and jd bond and communicate with each other better. Help him have patience and be understanding with me. Help me see him how I use to. Help us grow closer and spend time together. Being positive together.
  5. Sundewen


    Please help jd forgot about what he saw on Sunday. Help him have faith and believe in us. Help us grow and bond.
  6. Sundewen


    Please help jd relax and stop stressing out about the papers. Help him have a positive attitude. Jd's parents are stressing him out about it too. Help them all have a peaceful conversation. Nothing about the papers. Just nice things. Just until everything goes well
  7. Sundewen

    Getting off

    Please help pj get off the computer and do something else help pj realize his friendship with jd is not healthy. Help jd realize the same thing. Help them distance from each other
  8. Sundewen


    Please help me and jd bond and start communicating better with each other. Help jd want to spend time with me. Go for a walk together, sit by the lake, and more. Please help him try to be understanding and try to see things differently. Help him be open-minded to trying new things. He's very...
  9. Sundewen


    Please help jd relax and stop being upset with me. Help him see me in a positive way. Help him be his playful self.
  10. Sundewen

    Time together

    Please God. Help me and jd have a great day together today. Help us bond and grow together. Help us be relaxed and be positive. Help jd not to rush home. Help him want to be there today. Thank you God
  11. Sundewen

    Time together

    This Friday me and jd are spending the day together. Please help us have a good time. Help jd relax and not rush to go home. We never get to go out very much. Help him have a peaceful and fun day. Full of laughter and memories. He is usually moody and always upset easily. Hoping for a normal day...
  12. Sundewen


    Jd keeps stressing out. Please help him relax and stop stressing out about the papers and his parents. Help him have a nice relaxing fun day with me. Without the computer that makes him angry and aggressive sometimes.
  13. Sundewen

    Time together today

    Help jd want to spend time with me today. He's always on the computer playing games. It's Saturday a nice day help him spend it with me. Just for a little bit at least. I want to bond with him
  14. Sundewen

    Spending time

    Help jd get off the computer gaming all day and spend time with me. Help him see there's more then just gaming. Help us bond and grow together. Having a fun Saturday together.
  15. Sundewen

    Something else

    Please help pj get off the computer gaming all day and enjoy his time with family and friends. Help him see his friendship with jd is not healthy
  16. Sundewen


    Please can jd talk to me and be his playful self again. Help him to stop stressing out. Help him have faith in me.
  17. allie222

    Getting off

    Please help pj get off the computer gaming and spend time with his wife and kids. Help him distance himself from jd.
  18. allie222


    Please help jd stop being angry and start talking to me and be his playful self. Help us start the day fresh.
  19. allie222


    Please help jd talk to me and be his playful self
  20. allie222


    Please can jd talk to me and be his playful self. Help him stop being angry with me
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