holy presence

  1. Lambert

    Empty life no more.

    Our life on earth is an empty canvas, it becomes whatsoever we paint on it. It could be boredom, stress, worry, fear, we can paint misery or we can paint blessings of the Lord along rejoicing in His holy presence. An empty life comes from satan who want us all feeling so alone in this world...
  2. Bortek

    Happiness and joy on Easter Day.

    True happiness is walking with Jesus along our way and speaking to Him with songs of praise to Him. Enjoying His company and living in peace with others. Obeying His voice. Follow peace with all men and holiness without which no one shall see the Lord. As I walk through the door I sense His...
  3. SisterConsolatta

    Happy Easter to everyone. May the Lords ...

    Happy Easter to everyone. May the Lords blessings come to your life, to your home and to those you are praying for. Jesus is alive forever more and He is coming soon to take us all home to heaven. Pray for the unsaved who refuse to come to the altar of God and give themselves to Jesus. Pray for...
  4. BrotherDouglass

    How to live a glorious life.

    To live in the holy presence of Jesus is to live a glorious life here on earth. It is a preparation to enter heaven where we shall see millions of angels singing praises to Jesus along with all the prophets of old and the saints of God who went ahead of us. Angels voice ever singing, Round...
  5. Antonn

    What it means Holy Week?

    This is a priviledge time to reflect on what Jesus went through to save us from sin and evil. To help us to live a holy and pure life and to heal our troubled souls. We are called to draw closer to Jesus and go through what He went through. To live close to His heart and to live in His...
  6. SisterDoreen

    Jesus I adore Your holy name.

    When we come to the holy presence of God, bow down and know that His holy presence will change your life and will bless everything you do. Bless us o Lord, help us o Lord, heal our broken heart. Amen
  7. Margee

    I will forever bless the name of the Lord.

    Blessing the Lord should be as continual as breathing, because God has given us life to glorify His holy name while we have breath. That is one reason we are here on earth. To praise and honor His holy name. The Lord is gracious and merciful. He is great in kindness and good to all. The Lord...
  8. TeacherBruce

    A beautiful song to Jesus.

    When we walk in way of God we will always see some people singing praises to Jesus down deep in their souls because their love for God is so deep and so alive, they surely rejoice in Him alone. We are standing on holy ground. And I know that there are angels all around. Let us praise...
  9. RevSamuels

    Let us all bow down before Him who made us in His own image.

    Holy Spirit of God. Come to me today. Holy Spirit of God. Make me whole and pure as Thou art. Brake me. Make me. Fill me with Thy holy presence. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted. Isa. 61.1 Jesus is telling us today. I am...
  10. Colleen2

    Depression and worry will depart from us.

    Jesus clearly told each one of us. In Me... ye shall find peace. So, once you have given yourself to Him.. He will take away anything satan has brought to your life. Life of inner peace, being harmonious with everything Jesus has given us, is living in His holy presence and giving thanks to...
  11. Klugger

    On our way to our glorious home.

    The hardest walk we take on earth is the one we take all alone, without Jesus, without family, without friends. The walk that make us all stronger in life is walking with God, just as Enoch walked with the Lord and did not face death because Jesus took him away to be with Him forever. Enoch...
  12. Greg2

    Soft to tread on.

    Jesus is calling us from heaven to continue on serving and loving Him all the days of our life His voice we can hear every day telling us.... Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling. Calling for you and for me. Patiently Jesus is waiting and watching. Watching for you and for me. I love to...
  13. SisterMeghan

    Worthy is the Lamb who was slain.

    No one shall ever ever love you like Jesus did on the cross. He died for you and for me so we will not die or be thrown out into hells burning fire. Instead, we shall enter the eternal kingdom of God in heaven. Jesus the did it all for us because He loved us, He has chosen us before the...
  14. Evangelynn

    Pure Father of light.

    Standing on the holy presence of God almighty is the best place to be. A bouquet of blessings coming our way when we start loving God with all our heart, mind and soul. Singing praises to Jesus for what He has done for us. Adoring His holy name because I His name alone there is power above...
  15. Noreen2

    Jesus wants to give you true peace in your life.

    True peace down deep in our souls is brought only by the holy presence of Jesus living and abiding in our hearts. True peace really is not absence of conflict outside of us, instead it is the peace that comes from heaven is the absence of conflice inside of us. Jesus clearly told us...
  16. Layman

    How do we know we are forgiven?

    The Blood of Jesus can cleanse us from all sin. All evil thoughts and ideas that has come to us, Jesus will take away from us. His love and mercy is from everlasting to everlasting to those who love Him. Once you have confessed all your sins to Jesus, He will come to you and make you know...
  17. Ninah

    Which retirement community Jesus would like me to go?

    Thoughout Scripture we find out that God want us all to be happy and joyful in life while living and serving Him. It is for us to obey His word and seek His holy presence anywhere we live and want to go. To keep the heart unwrinkled, To be helpful and kind. Cheerful and reverent, Before the...
  18. Griffin

    Carrying the heavy burden.

    Jesus was carrying a heavy burden on His shoulders and He fell several times on the way to Calvary. Simon Syrene was chosen to help Jesus carry the patibulum, so heavy to carry along the way while people watched Him do this. He saw lots of women weeping and wailing. He said. Daughters of...
  19. Ensenham

    When she said. I am leaving you.

    A broken heart, tears flowed over my face. Sadness came to my soul. I did not what to do or say. So sudden, so surprising statement came to my ears. How can I recover from this trauma to my lonely soul? Where should I go and what should I do now? Then I heard a voice coming from heaven...
  20. Moodie

    The essence of His presence.

    How can I tell about the holy presence of Jesus all over the place where you come to Him and seek His face on a daily basis. A room in your house where you alone meet the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Without the essence of his love and mercy, we are nothing. Without Me... says the...
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