holy presence

  1. Cranstonson

    A heavenly standard of life.

    How should we live on earth? What should we do when the world show us strange things to follow? Stand up for Jesus. Live like He lived. Love like He loved. Care for others just as He did. Comfort those with broken heart. Weep with those who weep. Jesus did not place a standard on the...
  2. Articles

    Under the Influence

    Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit, ... —Ephesians 5:18 NIV Key Thought Being drunk is sometimes called being "under the influence." While we certainly are not to be under the influence of wine or other intoxicating or addictive...
  3. Holly2

    Remember what Jesus has done for you.

    He has saved you from all sin and evil. He has filled you with the precious Holy Spirit. He has taken away all burdens and all fear from your heart. Healing has come and now you are strong to continue the road that leads to heaven. Blessings upon blessings shall come to you when you continue to...
  4. Gammott

    You deserve the glory o Lord.

    Lifting our voices together in our family. To rejoice in His holy presence. You o Lord deserve the glory due to Your holy name. We declare the majesty of the Lord. We proclaim that the name of the Lord is exalted above all things. Jesus brings blessings upon blessings to all of us who...
  5. Lambert

    Surrender all to Jesus and He will bless your life.

    Among many signs of the holy presence of Jesus is this. He can change us, move us and make us just as He is. Come to Him and taste the living waters that will never ever stop flowing. Hope is putting faith in Jesus to work for our future. When doubt and fear comes, Jesus will lift us up and...
  6. Articles

    'Have Mercy on Me!' - Mark 10:46-47

    Then they reached Jericho, and as Jesus and his disciples left town, a large crowd followed him. A blind beggar named Bartimaeus (son of Timaeus) was sitting beside the road. When Bartimaeus heard that Jesus of Nazareth was nearby, he began to shout, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!"...
  7. Clarabelle

    Glorify the Lord in every situation.

    Now that the Corona virus has come and shut us in our homes we have time to fast and pray for lost souls of our former work place, all our friends on line need the Lord and all our unsaved relatives who are far away from Jesus. We have more time to read Gods word and live in His holy presence...
  8. Ainslie

    Be brave, be strong in the Lord.

    Jesus loves and cares for you and for me. He will send healing and blessing to all of us who believe and trust His word. I am coming soon, the Lord said. My reward is with me to give to those who were faithful to the end. Yes Lord. We are waiting for you. Give us strenght to continue...
  9. God's Masterpiece

    Lord Jesus, I continue to lift up ...

    Lord Jesus, I continue to lift up Hannah to You. Touch her mind and heart and may she understand my point. Let her listen and obey. I also ask that You will soften her heart and she will reach out to me again. Please have Your mercy and may Your Holy Presence surround us that we will reconcile...
  10. APJ


    Dear Holy Abba Father Lord God Jesus, in the Holy name & Blood of Jesus, we bless and thank you for all things & on aldean's behalf. For george bernard somerville, we ask for you holy divine favor & mercy upon him, for full physical healing, due his respiratory situations with his breathing; we...
  11. UsherTimothy

    O Lord, abide with us please....

    There are so many trials and tribulations has come to all of us, distress, fear and worry fill our hearts with doubt and darkness has filled our life. Call on the Lord who is worhty of all praise. Hold Thou thy cross before my crossing eyes. Shine through the gloom and point me to the...
  12. JesusourLordandSavior

    Thank you Father God for being so ...

    Thank you Father God for being so so good. Thank you for guiding me and lifting me up when I have felt so low. Thank you for guiding and lifting up us all!!! Thank you for comforting and giving me strength. Thank you for your Holy presence Lord! You are so so good God!!! Psalm 147:2-5 says The...
  13. Normand

    Jesus is my hiding place.

    When we are facing death due to Corona virus, run to the arms of Jesus. When dark days come and there is no one to help, call on the Lord. When I lost my job and the store closed, I run to the holy presence of God. I asked, why these things are happening to us? The Lord is rock, my...
  14. Cranstonson

    Thine be the glory.....

    Dear Lord, we bow down before Your holy presence to thank you, to honor You and to praise Your holy name. Everything we have now has come with a purpose. Everything we see around us comes from your holy presence. Open our eyes to see what it is and in everything we shall give You all the...
  15. Articles

    Today's Verse - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (KJV)

    What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. —1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse...
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