Grace, mercy, compassion, care are the gifts that comes from heaven. Given to us by the Lord. Through this wonderful grace we are forgiven, Jesus transforms our thinking and the result is the renewal of our mind and heart. Through this wonderful grace of Jesus, His mercy, compassion and...
Let us all refuse to be content only with the knowledge of God and who He is. Let us all insist in experiencing His holy presence in our life. Speaking to Him, telling Him how much we love Him and start praising and adoring His holy name just as angels in heaven are doing right now. Then we...
God ,please tell me what to do with my ex,he always wants to escape resposibilty.I leave this relationship I have with him,please fix it,bring Justice .I am the one here 24/7 doing everything I can and there is not appreciation ,no respect ,just insults ,abuse ,not enough care for me and my...
What a blessed thought for today. To know that God is holy and pure and want us all to be just like Him, full of love, mercy, compassion and care for others. Lost souls in the world need to know for sure who Jesus is and the purpose of His coming.
You know for sure this.
There is no name in...
Good morning Jesus, my dear Savior and Lord. I bow before Your holy presence in worship and adoration to You for being so kind and good to those who seek Thy face. You have been wonderful to me so far, I am not sick anymore. Omicrom did not win. Those who believe, trust and wait for You day and...
God has chosen America to be a light to shine all over the world telling those lost souls to come to Jesus and be saved. Obeying the voice of the Lord. Go ye therefore unto all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. The Pilgrims and the...
No matter what circumstances we are going through, there is Gods mercy and love coming our way. No matter our challenges or trials in our path, remember what promise Jesus has given to us. I will be with you always.
Glory to the Lamb.
For You are glorious and worthy to be praised.
She is the other mother the Lord has sent into my life to pray for her and her husband and make sure they will make it to heaven. The day I wed your daughter I always thought that your were special to me and that I should pray for your soul not to end up in hells burning fire, instead you...
Be happy, be joyful in the Lord.
Live long serving and loving your Savior.
Stay motivated and aware.
He is looking and waiting for us to do His will.
Keep smiling and rejoice in His holy presence.
Live happy with those who sent your way.
Pray and ask the Lord to lead us all to His holy...
At the end of the service, it was so wonderful to see those who got saved full of joy and happiness in their life. Unless you have the experience of having Jesus in your life, touching every single part of your body and your mind, You will never ever know that it is the hand of the Lord who...
If Jesus is being honored, if He is being praised, if He is being glorified by those who love His name, then, recognize that His holy presence is in their midst. Wherever two or three are gathered in My name.... says the Lord. I am in the middle of them. Praise His holy name.
In the...
Jesus has come to earth to give us life and life everlasting. The joy of the Lord is our strenght. Let us all to Him in everything we do and say. He is the light that shines before us and He is leading our path to His glorious presence.
Sometimes hallelujah.
Sometimes praise the Lord...
Jesus You are the sweetest name of all and I love You with all of my heart today and will love You forever more. Please, hear us and answer all these prayers the saints of God are pleading to You for help, healing and mercy. Please Jesus, bless my pastor and his family. Bless our midweek prayer...
He has come to this earth to give us peace, joy and happiness, but the devil want us all to have trials and tribulations on top of that he sends depression, stress, fear and loneliness in our life. Cast out satan in the name of Jesus. He will deliver you and me from all kinds of torments that...
All glory, all praise, all honor to Jesus who came to save, to heal and to promise all of us a home in heaven. His holy presence is felt all over the place where His name is exalted and glorified. O Lord, make our home a place of worship, adoration and praise to You alone. Amen
All glory, all praise, all honor to Jesus who came to save, to heal and to promise all of us a home in heaven. His holy presence is felt all over the place where His name is exalted and glorified. O Lord, make our home a place of worship, adoration and praise to You alone. Amen
Holy, holy, holy are You Lord,
The angels bow,
The redeemed will worship You now.
Holy are You Lord God almighty.
We bow down before Your holy throne.
In adoration and worship.
We lift up Your name now
And forever more.
You and I can find it all the goodness, all the mercy and all the...
It is a wonderful place to be, in the presence of the Lord there is fullness of joy and happiness. It is God who give us the joy and the peace we need down deep in our souls. The Body of Christ are those who live in stay in the holy presence of Jesus, praising Him, love His holy name, adoring...
We are waiting, we are watching Jesus appearing in the clours of glory coming for you and for me to take us all home to heaven. Glorious things shall happen to all of us when this things happen.
Then, suddenly the Lord who you are seeking, will come to His temple, the messenger of the...
Seeking the heart of God means to enter into the holy presence of Jesus and giving Him all the praise, all the honor and all the glory. Many of us fail to understand that the bible was meant to replace to Gods holy presence living and acting in our life.
Gods holy and pure face was revealed...