
  1. Jesussaves89

    pleas epray for me i am desparate ...

    pleas epray for me i am desparate forthe Lord ot help me. i just feel so unloved and so tired of giving . i feel empty and always fightign illness. i am carign for my grandma. i just feel so unloved so aloone so alone.God where are oyu. i feel so alone for o amyn years. Lor dplease intervenen in...
  2. Jesussaves89

    pleas epray fo rme i would liek ...

    pleas epray fo rme i would liek my life ot end. i have been strugglign with illness 24 /7 type 1 diabetes. m ymothe rhas asperger syndrome and i am carign 24/7 with my grandma who ahs dmentia and mayn health problems. i am ina foreign country no money no firneds no fmaily willign to help. i am...
  3. Jesussaves89

    pleas Lord haev mercy help em care ...

    pleas Lord haev mercy help em care for my grandma who is evry ill and bedridden for several years. iaslo have to help my momw ho has aspergers.i haevtn elft the house in years also have coronaphobia and spend lt sof tiem washing my hands..etc.. LOr di need oyur help I dotn knwo howmany times i...
  4. Jesussaves89

    pleas Lord haev mercy help em care ...

    pleas Lord haev mercy help em care for my grandma who is evry ill and bedridden for several years. iaslo have to help my momw ho has aspergers.i haevtn elft the house in years also have coronaphobia and spend lt sof tiem washing my hands..etc.. LOr di need oyur help I dotn knwo howmany times i...
  5. Jesussaves89

    pleas epray for my das hear to ...

    pleas epray for my das hear to be ehealed and grandmas heart and moms too. pelase pray for their alvaiton and my brothers and wifes and baby too. God pelase bring us into good health and help us follow OYu thank OYu Lord Jesus Chirst. thank you to all those praying for me
  6. Jesussaves89

    my dad needs helaing of osteorporsis and ...

    my dad needs helaing of osteorporsis and so does my mom me and my grandm and my hwoel fmaily needs helaign form Christ our Lord, especially form baateria thanky u for oyu rprayers.
  7. Jesussaves89

    Praise Report: Th eLord heale dme so ...

    Praise Report: Th eLord heale dme so much yesterday! praise to Him! by facial bones and shifting ajws in falce i thank YOu God. Thank YOu Lord God almighty. Thank YOu Lord Jesus Chirst . YOu heal and thank you Lord ofr lal your helaign touches for my grandm atoo. Please Lorc today LOrd heal my...
  8. Jesussaves89

    LORD you said let every woman have ...

    please pleas pelease sne dme MY husband in the Lord form the Lord. please th oen you made for me Send HImt o me today!! no delay Lor dim sooo lonely so depressed : pleas ehal my grandma as well. Lord im nto a good caregiver anymore.. im so exhausted. Please cant oyu help me be a bit more happy I...
  9. Jesussaves89

    im sufferign from severe anxiety. cant sleep. ...

    im sufferign from severe anxiety. cant sleep. please i need the Lord ot help me. not feelign well please pra yi can sleep and my grandma and all can have healying in your sleep formt he Lord. if eel so tense and lonley. i pray for God to send my a hsuband form the Lor dGod almighty. please let...
  10. Jesussaves89

    i would liek heaign for my soul ...

    i would liek heaign for my soul and body. i keep haing issues with a relative and i pray fo rtheir helaign as well. pleas epray fo rmy grandma to be helaed as well. for His glory also for my dad to be helaed of osteoporosis in the nameof the Lrord Jesus Christ
  11. Jesussaves89

    pleas epray for my grandmas health. she ...

    pleas epray for my grandmas health. she has been bedridden for years please Lor dhela her of small bowel obstruciton syndroem and dementia. pleas eheal her by your holy spirit and remove all flesh eaitn g bacteria and all sickness and diseases too. please heal her Lord. have merc.y help me be a...
  12. Kynacallyo

    Please keep my Grandma in your prayers. ...

    Please keep my Grandma in your prayers. She has been suffering from Jaundice, and is admitted in the Hospital. My Grandma really need your prayers. Faith can move mountains. And I believe that no matter what the doctors or people say, our Miracle working God is there for us and my Grandma...
  13. Jesussaves89

    pleas epray of rmy fmaily slavaiton and ...

    pleas epray of rmy fmaily slavaiton and helaign my grandma has dementia mom deesna
  14. Jesussaves89

    Lord save em form ym abuser or ...

    Lord save em form ym abuser or end my life Pleas ehal my grandma too. please God pleas ei need YOur help .pelase sned me help pleas emake this person stop abusign me. i cant do this aínymore. i need deliveranc ei need SA Savior. im too afraid to live. i m to ointimidated to live. I need oyu to...
  15. Jesussaves89

    Lord need urgent miracle fo rmy grandma ...

    Lord need urgent miracle fo rmy grandma pelas eintervene now please delive rher form trapped waste gases and please please odtn let herblood pressure get oo hugh pleas ie beg oyu please intervene and help my grandma please.
  16. Jesussaves89

    thank you please pray the Lord heals ...

    thank you please pray the Lord heals my grandma form dmeentia and small bowle obstruciton syndrome urgently please high blood pressur eplease. thanky ou thank oyu int henam oe four Lord and Savior the Lord Jesus Chris ti pray
  17. Jesussaves89

    EMERGENCY right now my grandma need urgent ...

    EMERGENCY right now my grandma need urgent prayer for trapped waste adn high blood pressure pain contastnt. i can only feed her very ver ytiny amount like 5 spoonfully per half ohoru or so. ti sbeen like this for years. i really need God ot help
  18. Jesussaves89

    urgent my grandma needs to be heale ...

    urgent my grandma needs to be heale dof small bowel obstruciton syndrom she has trapped gases and waste. i am eternallly graetful for oyuir prayers.Lor dpleas ehelp
  19. Jesussaves89

    my grandma ha sbeen bedridden for years.Lor ...

    my grandma ha sbeen bedridden for years.Lor dpelas ehal her. hela he rof all sickness and disease includign dementicia and all spinal fractures issues osteorporosis and pelas eehla my moms heart. dleiver my fmaily of all unclena spirits. pelase protect all peopelf orm evil. please heal Tovi form...
  20. Jesussaves89

    Pleas epray that my grnanda heakled her ...

    Pleas epray that my grnanda heakled her spianl column and my dads spinal columa dn mom too that osteoporosis leaves my fmaily int hename of the Lord Jeus Chirst all boens teeth be heale din my fmaiyl int hename of the Lord Jesus Christ
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