IM askign God to pela shelp em i have aske dfor several year si dotn knwo how many times. i suffer from er ybad dehydration problem and i jsut can thandle it anymore. ialso care fo rmy grandma also suffeirmng form this problem. I am fighitng for my lfie and my grandmas all day and triyng to help...
Lor dpleas ehal and straighten my teeth broken teeth type 1 diabetes and hela my grandma pleas fix drianage problem mirauclously. Lor dit sbeen YEARS and years anyears for any breathoguht. I need YOu Gdo im desparate. pleas ehlp me hold on to youLOrd Jeus Chirst. Pleas ehal my grandma. I am so...
urgenti need serios prayers for my grandmas helath and my own. sufferign severely. also my mom and granda ened help 24/7 GOD PAS EHLP ME. pelase hela us fiy drianage roblem SENDHELP pELase LOr dif oyu love me help me tday. tpelase INEED oyu LORd HELP ME!!!!!
urgenti need serios prayers for my grandmas helath and my own. sufferign severely. also my mom and granda ened help 24/7 GOD PAS EHLP ME. pelase hela us fiy drianage roblem SENDHELP pELase LOr dif oyu love me help me tday. tpelase INEED oyu LORd HELP ME!!!!!
I am so exahsuted so Lor dGdo help em today in a major way pleas eims o tire dof so mcuh work God make it easie rhela my grandma at least a tiny biti need sleep also if you have husbadn then brign us together today. I cant stand the stress with a relative giv ehe rosem empahty and also she...
I am so exahsuted so Lor dGdo help em today in a major way pleas eims o tire dof so mcuh work God make it easie rhela my grandma at least a tiny biti need sleep also if you have husbadn then brign us together today. I cant stand the stress with a relative giv ehe rosem empahty and also she...
I am so exahsuted so Lor dGdo help em today in a major way pleas eims o tire dof so mcuh work God make it easie rhela my grandma at least a tiny biti need sleep also if you have husbadn then brign us together today. I cant stand the stress with a relative giv ehe rosem empahty and also she...
I am so exahsuted so Lor dGdo help em today in a major way pleas eims o tire dof so mcuh work God make it easie rhela my grandma at least a tiny biti need sleep also if you have husbadn then brign us together today. I cant stand the stress with a relative giv ehe rosem empahty and also she...
pleas epray fo rmy grandmato b heale dof dentia and for her to have the best car epossible.. please Lor dhelp em care for her and giv em wisdom at all times. plese Lord
Please prayers for my grandpa he is at the hospital right now, please pray for recovery and that he get well soon and also that my grandma and my dad that this doesn't feel sick or bad in Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Please prayers for my grandpa he is at the hospital right now, please pray for recovery and that he get well soon and also that my grandma and my dad that this doesn't feel sick or bad in Jesus name we pray. Amen.
pleas epray of rmy parents slavation and baptised in Chris tname and my grandma too and all fmaily as well. Lord let us really experience the power of oyur holy spirit and pelase also Giv emy dad your salvaiton it is HIs birthda ybless HIm with abundan tlife pelase also hela my grandma help em...
i feel so tired and weary. haivn g ahard time wiht type 1 diabetes. Lor dhelp em wiht the illneses i hav epelas eheal my and thank you I knwo YOu are the healer. thank you for helaign my bones teeth. thank you so mcuh. pelase also heal my grandma form all illness as well as my mom dad brother...
Lord please hela my grandma and help em to care for her aslo please provide a mobile bed for oyur glory and by your power. Lord giv eme wisdom how ot help her. help me to be strogn. pleas ehal my grandma form all brian damage all neurdegnerative diases dementia everyhtign that is formt he enemy...
Praise report: The Lord gave me much healing in my facial bones . praise to t he LOrd Jesus Christ. pleas epray for my my parnets to be healthy free of all satanic opression .pelase pray fo rmy grandma to be healthy and healed in eevery way. she has been beridden for years. Lor dhela he rpelas...
Lor dpleas eprovide my grandma th ebst care the bst food the best bad so we cna go otu side. pelas edo all iyn oru power to heal her all iny our power Lord ot asave and heal all my fmaily mebers. pelas eod all iynor power to reahc us all Lord and to destroy everyhitngin oru lives that destroy...