
  1. Jesussaves89

    Lor dim lonley so slonely wish i ...

    Lor dim lonley so slonely wish i had a husbadn formt he Lord. pleas help with cargivng taks . help me to be obey my mother help me to care fro my grandma . help me to change her matress clena her feed her. help me to brush my teeth . help me not be so sad all the time and worried. i pray for all...
  2. Jesussaves89

    Lor dim lonley so slonely wish i ...

    Lor dim lonley so slonely wish i had a husbadn formt he Lord. pleas help with cargivng taks . help me to be obey my mother help me to care fro my grandma . help me to change her matress clena her feed her. help me to brush my teeth . help me not be so sad all the time and worried. i pray for all...
  3. Jesussaves89

    LORd eithetr take my life otngiht or ...

    LORd eithetr take my life otngiht or help me get awqaa foirm ymom. send em help i can tdo this anymore. i odnt want her aournd me. i ewanna from break form go away i just cant handle the SHe botheirng all the time. i cant do this someonebody kill asperger syndrome. i cant do this i need abrekla...
  4. Jesussaves89


    PLEAS EPRAY FOR ME I BEG YOU. i cannotr deal with my life. my grandma is very evry sick and my mother has aspergewrs syndorme. she always need help with everythign everythign everything!!! i am so exhasuted and my mothe rdoe snto undersstandend personal space at all. I AM AN OVERWORKED DOg and i...
  5. Jesussaves89

    Lord pleas ehlp em do my taks. ...

    Lord pleas ehlp em do my taks. help em to repent. help me to be okay when people persecute me. help me not to back bite help me to seek YuiLord Please save me. help me to belive Lord in You. Lor dheal my grandma of dmeentia. please hela my of diabetes
  6. Jesussaves89

    im nto feelign well .. kidneys ar ...

    im nto feelign well .. kidneys ar enot workign properly and mom ocnstantly yelllign about everyhtign. i dotn knwo how to be bette rbecasue she is ALWAYS ALWAYS upset with me. im tired. i wish God coudl help. i cant heal uif she is alwqyys yeelling. God please i need help.pelase stop her yellign...
  7. Jesussaves89

    Lord pelas ehlp em mom to stop scremaing a tme its killing me

    Lord can you pelase fix the toilet o i use the bathroom. please? also can you please take awax covid gfrevr pelase? pelas ehela my grandma please? pelas ei hav epanic attack livign wiht my mom and type 1 diabetes acan oyu some how mak eit peaceful in my hoem so i dotn have to think about my...
  8. Jesussaves89

    i feel so alone and just so ...

    i feel so alone and just so down please pray God heals my grandma
  9. Jesussaves89

    Lord plas ehal my grandma she is ...

    Lord plas ehal my grandma she is sufferign form severeal different illnesses you knwo them all.I ask YOu Lor dtoplease intervene miraculoulsy in Schnider Vilmsonés life. pelase she really needs helaign pleas ehave mercy have mercy. Lor dim sorry..
  10. Jesussaves89

    Lord pleas eotuch my grandma giv e ...

    Lord pleas eotuch my grandma giv e hr exceleltn oxygen to her brian excellent blood pressur ehelp em clean her help me todo your will help me to please do Yur Will. ppleas enot emergency visits to hospital.pelas erbing healign. Lord pleas eall peopel in icu please doa ll iny our power to hela...
  11. Jesussaves89

    pleas ejesus save uicant liv elike this ...

    pleas ejesus save uicant liv elike this my mothe ris abusive lal day ebvery day lal night ebvery ngiht i cant take car eof my grandma like this i cannot do this pleas ehelp please gdo almgiht yi cannot handle this bause aqnymor eif you arre real pelase help or end my life this is
  12. Jesussaves89

    i cant seem to get past an ...

    i cant seem to get past an issue. Lor id feel weak hela my kidneys and diabetes pleas eim so tired all the itme help em car for my grandma pleas ehal her. pelase help emi feel so aloen. pleas ehal my dads and mosm and grandma and my osteoprosis and hela al my fmaily pelase lOrd Jeus Christ hela...
  13. Jesussaves89

    Lor dpela smake my mother stop verbally ...

    Lor dpela smake my mother stop verbally abusign me i can thandle it anymore stop it take away the aspergers form ehr pek,ase god i odtn feel well stop the abuse PLEAS EI BEG FOR YEArs stop abuse stop it please stop it i cant handle it anymor .pleas eplea stop i already feel so low i hand on to...
  14. Jesussaves89

    pleas elOr dhelp me car for my ...

    pleas elOr dhelp me car for my grandma today pelase no fightign with my mother. pelase Lor dim heartbroken pelase help thank YOu for yur prayers.
  15. Jesussaves89

    please Lor bring miracle isn ym life ...

    please Lor bring miracle isn ym life Lord and my fmailys life osemhow for your glro yin the nam eof the Lord Jesus. Lord heal my grandma if you are Willign. Lor id feel so alone please Lord help. i dont to be aloen anymro eLor di dotn want to be aloen anymore. pelas ehal my dads spinal fracture.
  16. Jesussaves89

    pleas pray i will not be so ...

    pleas pray i will not be so incredily deprewssed today. Lord is thi seven possibel?? i dotn know how to keep goign.. pleas ehal my grandma make it easy to feed and clena h rgiv esoem joy i beg you i need joy in my lif ei beg you Lor di beg you
  17. Jesussaves89

    Lord Jesus Christ pleas eheklp me. I ...

    Lord Jesus Christ pleas eheklp me. I dotn want to b broken anymore. please heal my grandma of dementia pelase. pelase heal my mothe rof aspergers please pleas heal my broken teeth blood garisses broken heart broken everythign i dotn want to be broken anymore. ican tlive broken l. i dotn want to...
  18. Jesussaves89

    someone pleas eHELP ME I NEED HELP!! ...

    someone pleas eHELP ME I NEED HELP!! SOMEONE Pleas emy mother has aspergers and i every isngle day its the same thing. i care for my grandma and my mom has a meltdown all day. I ODN TKNWO WHAT TO DO SOMEONE HELP ME: I JSUT WANT TO DO A DIFFERENT ACTIVITY FOR ONCE! RVERYDAY ITS WHAT SHE WANTS TO...
  19. Jesussaves89

    Pleas eLord hela my grandma of dementia. ...

    Pleas eLord hela my grandma of dementia. pleas edela my dads spinal fracture. Lord help me not to be so sensitive when my mother order sme aorund. i feel liek so unloved. ugh.. i feel so alone. if you be willign please give me a Husabdn form you God asap. Lor dpleas eprtect my entire fmaily form...
  20. Jesussaves89

    Praise report! the Lord gav eme helaign ...

    Praise report! the Lord gav eme helaign my flehs joaw alignment facial boen alignment! He is so goo. pelas epray the Lord ocmpeltley heals ms grandma form severe severe muscle atrophy adnosteoporsis dementia. bedridden for years. Lor dhelp em feed and clena her pelas ehal my of diabetesisnsipuds...
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