I had an abortion and I feel horrible. I have a lot of sinful and lustful things I’ve done and I just don’t want god to not forgive me and for me to be left behind. I know that I keep living in sin but I need help changing it. I want to get closer with god and turn away from my sins. I feel...
Please pray for me to heal and be happy, healthy, and whole again. I want to have enough strength to be a Mom and Grandma again. Pray for me to finally be healed. I have suffered some much since almost dying from Covid. Asking for prayers of healing please
please pray he mobile bed i bought for my grandma is able to be erfect for her and the nighbour helps and gGod helps forgibe me LOrd but dont know what else to do forgivre me for disobeying m mother but i am i neneed of amobile bed help LOrd
Forgive all the sins of my husband from the Lord and the sins of myself. forgive the isns of our ansectory and our parents and repective fmailies. i pleadad oyu hOly blod upon all relative family both close and distan their spouses and children and same wiht my husband formt he Lord my true...
Last night i dreamt of entire relatives together under one roof and even my grandma was alive again talking to me. Some relatives looked young again. Then my grandma was asking me how I was doing? I remembered when family burried her when she hugged me and I started crying. My grandma was...
Last night i dreamt of entire relatives together under one roof and even my grandma was alive again talking to me. Some relatives looked young again. Then my grandma was asking me how I was doing? I remembered when family burried her when she hugged me and I started crying. My grandma was...
Lor dpelas esnd me my own husband despite lal my uneblif foroyur glor yLor dby our power nto my human rationign go above tha tplas ena hela my grandma pelas ehal her spinal frcture im so tired Lord. pelase make diaper chaing mroe fun orsmomthign pela soemsehow an dpelase make my om eb nic et me...
plea soera yof rme im in a ver yterribel situaiotn. pelas epray th washign machine and dryer is fine and that my mom clams down and i clam down.Lor dpelas ei dont want to be wiht ym toher anymor epelase send semoen who help her other thna me i beg oyu with my entir ebeign. pela help me her clam...
Lord forgv em for wstign time please pela sie achknowledge you pelas emak emy paths strihg ti feel so down. pelas ehal my grandm aso urgently please.. please
iv ebeen trying to get a mobile bed for my grandma for years . she hasn left her bed in years. God pelas iem so tire dof searchign etc. cna oyupelas eprovide it easily the perfec toen for her im so tire d of searchign . please. but even bette rlOr dhela her pelas epela sheal her i nee dhelpw ith...
pleas eLor dim tire dof hivng so much illness pelse take away this diabete sform em and my grandma an dalso im so tired how coem i neve rget any rest Pleas eGod hela me and giv eme some joy and help. pelas emake my relative xtra quiet today.pelase tell ehr stop tlakign al the time im so...
Hi I'm Tina from Nigeria . I have pains on my wrist,I have a friend with pneumonia who is sick and my grandma too,please pray for them,for God's healing power in our lives.I also request you pray for my future school results too, Amen.
plesepray fro my grandma ot b ehealed mymom is reall hurting please lord heal her bakc muscles spine shernia please do so for my grandma too asmall bowel obsntruciton syndrom. Lor dpelas ehal my teeth nomro edepression pelas ehlp Lord hela my teeth and mentla illness pelase aqnd o so for all my...
prais ereport: thank you Lor dof rhelaign touches in ym body. pleas heal my moms backs she is in a lot ofain and grandma to oand dad and all peopel. pelse belss and abudnantl ybelss al thos eont his site and thos ehelping me liek RIt.a pelas ehal girl form accident dotn klet them amputate her...
I pray in memory of my grandma who was a big influence in my life. I wish I had more time with you and I know that you are somewhere better know. I hope you see how grateful I am for you and how much I miss you. There is nothing more than I wish but to see you happy and at peace. There will be...
Praying for freedom from lust abuse the ability to say no to men and more discernment praying for the health of my grandma and the life soul and spirit of rw sg sb ts also Prayers for my request since birth to be answered from heaven
Prayer Points: The Lord should and would use me in any and every way possible. The house that my parents are building will be completed this year. The Lord will show me what next to do as my one year national service The Lord will heal my grandma of eye failure and brain latency. The Lord will...
pleas eLord Jeus Chris tif oyu are willing hela my grandma and please pleas epleas eno mro eabus ein my life. i beg oyu i kidnly beg youw iht all my heart no more abuse no more peopel controllign meLor dhela me of all problems. i am always abused dotn oyu see htis Lord pelase have mercy LORD...
please pray fo rmiracle healign and salvation for my grandma ebdriddenf ro years. need mriacle she neds helaign form many thigns. pelas epray nee dhelaign and sttenghtenign helaign to al ehr flehs . pelas epray for her. pelas epra iy cna care for her and not be distracte.d pelas epray i can do...
Hey Prayer request family. Please pray for my house to remain peaceful, pray for my boyfriend and me to get closer, and to love one another in a Godly way. Please pray over my finances so that I can provide for my family. Please pray for my grandma's health to be restored and that she lives a...