Моя молитва за це село де я живу.Тут так багато залежних високих людей,деякі йдуть до мене .Я молюся, щоб при моєму невеликому знання мови Бог дав мені ті слова, які змінюють їх життя.Щоб сила Духа Святого для їх звільнення текла через мене. Молюсь щоб ,Іісус у мені став відповіддю на потреби...
My abusive ex and i own a house. It has been impossible to sell due to his mental health. I stayed alone with our kids, paying for both house and kids. He has post separation abused me for years. Making treaths. Now he wants me out right away. I just underwent surgery. And the house needs to be...
Father God please. This sorrow is too much. Whit her you brought something back to my life. A family a home. And now it's lost. I trust in you and I am sorry I have fallen back to my old addiction and sin to cope whit my emotional pain. I just feel so bad. I need you but you feel distand and...
Father please help me. Heal me and deliver me from my old sins and habits. Heal and restore the broken spirit I have. I am yours and I struglle whit whit feeling unworthy and too unclean. But in my heart I know I am cleansed in Christ. Father plase help me and all I love. In Jesus name and blood...
Господи, я не дозволю поразці зупинити мене! Я довірятиму Тобі, Твоєму Слову і Твоєму шляху — адже цей шлях призначений саме для мене! Вкажи мені шлях перемоги,будь моїм провідником на уьому шляху.
В Ім'я Ісуса, амінь!
Father God here I am. In prayer you told me I bear your mark. Father God here I am before you and I submit to your degrees. You placed a great faith and love in my heart. And I remain on what you have placed in my heart years ago. Spirit and mark of Hosea I take them whit acceptance. The love I...
Father bless K. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good nigth in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them to...
Father I don't know if this leads to anything. Tofay my sorrow grew so bad I wrote a message to her. Telling her I am sorry too for the mistakes I made. Telling her how much she and our relationship meant for me. That home she told we had. I told her that we had so much good things that this...
biggest blessing
blood surrender
couples therapy
deep love
end most important thing
good things
happy good moments
new beginning
Father bless K. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good nigth in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them to...
Father bless K. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good nigth in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them to...
You are teh God who gives and who takes away. Despite all I praise you for creating her and the time we shared. She told we have a real family together and you know Lord how important that was and is to me. I really felt home whit her all the time and she felt it too. Her BPD (bordeline...
biggest most beautiful blessing
blood amen
bpd borderline personality disorder
enough reason
heavens choir
love feel
real family
situation father
sorrow longing
Father bless K. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good nigth in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them to...
Господи, знесиленими від горя рук я підіймаю щита віри, перемагаючи скорботу, яку відчуваю. І діаволе, в Ім'я Ісуса Христа, я відмовляюся дозволити цю смутку повернутися на гіркоту! Я знаю твою тактику, і зі мною вона не працює. Щитом віри я відкидаю шкірну брехню про мою втрату і моє...
Дорогий Боже, я одягаю панцир праведності як щит від сильного болю, який ворог хоче заподіяти моєму серцю. Він знає, що можна використовувати втрачений біль як список, щоб завдати вам довготривалої шкоди. Дякую Тобі, Отче, за те, що допоможеш мені протистояти його планам. Він хоче, щоб я...
Отче, моя втрата робить мене нестійким, розхитаним. Я молюся, щоб Ти підтримав мене, коли я підпережуся паском правди. Дякую за те, що Ти зі мною навіть у найтемнішій скорботі. Господи, я молюся, щоб ворог не зміцнився через руйнівну втрату. Боже, будь ласка, допоможи мені, щоб ця втрата не...
Father bless K. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good nigth in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them to...
Father bless K. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good nigth in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them to...
Father bless K. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good nigth in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them to...
Господь молюсь за охорону,безпеку,благословення для моїх дітей і онука
Ти Отче сказав,що ради одного праведного ти благословиш рід до 1000 родів.я стою Отче в Іісусі Христі. І живу від серця у Твоїй волі.даруй і на мені далі життя єдності з Тобою
І ради мого ходіння благослові моїх дітей.ради...
Father bless K. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good nigth in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them to...