country: finland

  1. Bujore

    Вічна Слава Великому Богу.

    Господь молюсь за охорону,безпеку,благословення для моїх дітей і онука Ти Отче сказав,що ради одного праведного ти благословиш рід до 1000 родів.я стою Отче в Іісусі Христі. І живу від серця у Твоїй волі.даруй і на мені далі життя єдності з Тобою І ради мого ходіння благослові моїх дітей.ради...
  2. Awivis


    Father bless K. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good nigth in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them to...
  3. Awivis

    Praise report

    At least K is getting back to contact whit her friends. I pray she meets you God and comes to know Jesus. I also pray we can reconcile whit K and we could keep building the family she told we had together. I pray she would remeber all the beautyfull memories and moments between us and really...
  4. Awivis

    Father bless K. Bless her and bring ...

    Father bless K. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good nigth in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them to...
  5. Awivis

    Spiritual warfare

    9. From the time of the water of Noah this is My purpose; as I swore to him at that time, saying of the earth, I will no more be angry with you, neither when you are threatened, 10. shall the mountains depart, nor shall your hills be removed; so neither shall My mercy fail you, nor shall the...
  6. Awivis


    Father bless K. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good nigth in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them to...
  7. Awivis


    Father bless K. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good nigth in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them to...
  8. Awivis


    Father my friend is now at hospital going to ward because of his drinking. Please let him meet you Jesus and come to salvation in Christ. Also bless K and bring her to know you. Bless my parents and brother and bring them too to know you Lord. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
  9. Awivis


    Father bless K. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good nigth in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them to...
  10. Awivis

    Good nigth

    Father bless K. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good nigth in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them to...
  11. Awivis

    Good nigth

    Father bless K. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good nigth in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them to...
  12. Awivis

    Good niggh

    Father bless K. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good nigth in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them to...
  13. Awivis

    My family

    Lord please give me strength. I chose to stand for my brother and made a hard decision to report issues from healthcare to suppervising authorities and reporting my familys situation to social services. I know my father will get angry to me since I chose to stand and defend my mother. As if...
  14. Awivis

    Good nigth

    Father bless K. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good nigth in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them to...
  15. Bujore

    Молюсь по Слов Твоєму Господь

    В ім'я Ісуса я наказую всім демонам залишити моїх дітей (див. Марка 7:29). Господи, викрий у моєму житті всіх дяволів у чоло-вічному образі (див. Іоанна 6:70). Господи, викрий усіх дітей диявола, які попи- намагаються прийти до Твоєї Церкви (див. Дії 13:10). Хай буде всякий дух, що ховається від...
  16. Bujore

    Молюсь по Слову Господа .В ім'я Ісуса ...

    Молюсь по Слову Господа .В ім'я Ісуса я наказую всім демонам залишити моїх дітей (див. Марка 7:29). Господи, викрий у моєму житті всіх дияволів у чоло- вічному образі (див. Іоанна 6:70). Господи, викрий усіх дітей диявола, які попи- намагаються прийти до Твоєї Церкви (див. Дії 13:10). Хай буде...
  17. Awivis

    Good morning

    In Jesus name and blood I release healing of trauma, BPD, PTSD and all other mental aflictions in the life of K . In faith I believe you will let her remeber how she did believe in Jesus years ago. I also believe you will remind her from the love she felt and told about towards me and remove all...
  18. Awivis

    Good nigth

    Father bless K. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good nigth in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them to...
  19. Bujore

    Подяка та хвала Богу Небес.

    дякую Господи за те, що даєш мені право бути світлом для світу та сіллю землі. яке ступає моя нога для затвердження там Царства Небесного.Молбсь, щоб усі "козні" диявола,всі його задуми щодо мене та мого призначення були зруйновані в Ім'я Іісуса . Та душі, які поіменно я ношу у своєму серці...
  20. Awivis

    Good nigth

    Father bless K. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good nigth in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them to...
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