In Jesus name and blood I release healing of trauma, BPD, PTSD and all other mental aflictions in the life of K . In faith I believe you will let her remeber how she did believe in Jesus years ago. I also believe you will remind her from the love she felt and told about towards me and remove all...
Please, help me. There is so many ways, how I could have end up in this situation, I hardly understand this, and it so scary, horrific. Thing is right now that I am possessed and propably my little son too. This all started around 2008, but I could have been involved with wrong, dark things...
I'm in a deep whole right now in my life. I don't know how I will survive. I just hope that justice will happen and I will get my relief. I really need support right now. Best regards, Antti
Father bless K. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good nigth in Jesus name. In Jesus name I pray amen.
Her friend is speaking whit K about her behavior and things altogether. Bless this communication between them and make K to think and reflect. This whole situation is in your hands Lord. As you said in prayer to me your angels have been released. I surrender all to you. In Jesus name and blood I...
Father bless K. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good nigth in Jesus name. In Jesus name I pray amen.
Просьба стоять в молитві до Богу про двох жінок в моєму житті :Ратушна Наталія і Фарафонова Валентина, які все розрушили в моєї сім'ї своєю клеветою і колдоством і украли у мене буквально все.
Пусть Господь приведе їх до покаянию разрушил все их колдовские замыслы,желания и облачил Духом Святым...
Просьба стоять в молитве к Богу о двух женшинах в моей жизни :Ратушна Наталия и Фарафонова Валентина которые все разрушили в моей семье своей клеветой и колдоством и украли у меня буквально все. Пусть Господь приведет их к покаянию разрушил все их колдовские замыслы,желания и обличил Духом...
Despite the hurt and her actions. I am this morning blessing her and asking you God to bring her into accountability over her actions. Let her meet you and your love. It may be hard for her to face the consequence of her actions but I know you will heal her eventuallu. I believe this whit faith...
accountability healing
blood amen
blood release healing
current break
first place
inner change father
lost case
other mental afflictions
trauma bpd
Father bless K and let her meet the consequences of her actions. Bless her and bring her to accountability over her own behavior and make her meet you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I am sad I can't wish her good nigth. In Jesus name I pray amen.
Father bless K and let her meet the consequences of her actions. Bless her and bring her to accountability over her own behavior and make her meet you. Keep her safe and bless her. In Jesus name I pray amen.
I connect myself to the altar,as I want to go for medical test,since I was born,I have not undergo test,so I want you to pray with me so that I can receive good result and negative results from all diseases in the world,even that blood, and fluid in my body should normal,I don't want any bad...
Father in Jesus name I praise you for teaching me trough this love the deepness of your love towards me. How you don't give up on us mere sinners and how you trough Jesus loved us and how Jesus willingly gave himself to death to take the punishment that should have been on us. Father I praise...
Father please help me. I surrender all to your hands. Please heal, restore and ease my sorrow and tears. I am down feeling like I am just surviving trough my days trying to hold back my tears. Father you see this all please help me. In Jesus name and blood I surrender amen.
Pray please for my h e a l t h and my family things, and all things, husband for me. If you want Jesus. Jesus help. Lord give me Holy Spirit and full me and give your gifts. I am from Finland. Protect our country.
W o r l d h u n g e r problem to J e s u s. P l e a s e bless Africa, Jemen, etc. tragedy places in w o r l d. Give them rain and bless their food and water every way. P l e a s e take Rich People away their too much everything. Help very Quick, lord Jesus. Thank You.
Father I have given up the matter into your hands. She sended me a message gloating on her happiness. After all she said and promised me this just hurts. It just hurts when she claims good things to me etc. You know what she said and you know the whole situation. I know my wrong doings God and I...
Glory to God the Heavenly Father! I prayed for a successful end of the school year for myself and my grandson. And God answered. We sent all the final reports. Now summer vacation with homework, and autumn practice. I pray that God will prepare a place for practice, a good team that will accept...