country: finland

  1. Awivis


    Father bless ###. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good night in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them...
  2. Awivis


    Father bless ###. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good night in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them...
  3. Awivis

    Praise you in the storm

    You are the God who gives and who takes away. Despite all I praise you for creating her and the time we shared. She told we have a real family together and you know Lord how important that was and is to me. I really felt home with her all the time and she felt it too. Her BPD (borderline...
  4. Awivis


    Father bless ###. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good night in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them...
  5. Bujore

    Твоя перемога Отче в Іісусі Христі.

    Господи, знесиленими від горя рук я підіймаю щита віри, перемагаючи скорботу, яку відчуваю. І діаволе, в Ім'я Ісуса Христа, я відмовляюся дозволити цю смутку повернутися на гіркоту! Я знаю твою тактику, і зі мною вона не працює. Щитом віри я відкидаю шкірну брехню про мою втрату і моє...
  6. Bujore

    Бережи моє серце Господь

    [This post was redacted due to privacy concerns]
  7. Bujore

    Отче, моя втрата робить мене нестійким, розхитаним. ...

    Отче, моя втрата робить мене нестійким, розхитаним. Я молюся, щоб Ти підтримав мене, коли я підпережуся паском правди. Дякую за те, що Ти зі мною навіть у найтемнішій скорботі. Господи, я молюся, щоб ворог не зміцнився через руйнівну втрату. Боже, будь ласка, допоможи мені, щоб ця втрата не...
  8. Awivis


    Father bless ###. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good night in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them...
  9. Awivis


    Father bless ###. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good night in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them...
  10. Awivis


    Father bless ###. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good night in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them...
  11. Bujore

    Вічна Слава Великому Богу.

    Господь молюсь за охорону, безпеку, благословення для моїх дітей і онука Ти Отче сказав, що ради одного праведного ти благословиш рід до 1000 родів. я стою Отче в Ісусі Христі. І живу від серця у Твоїй волі. даруй і на мені далі життя єдності з Тобою І ради мого ходіння благослові моїх...
  12. Awivis


    Father bless ###. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good night in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them...
  13. Awivis

    Praise report

    At least ### is getting back to contact with her friends. I pray she meets you God and comes to know Jesus. I also pray we can reconcile with ### and we could keep building the family she told we had together. I pray she would remember all the beautiful memories and moments between us and really...
  14. Awivis

    Father bless ###. Bless ### and bring ...

    Father bless ###. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good night in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them...
  15. Awivis

    Spiritual warfare

    9. From the time of the water of Noah this is My purpose; as I swore to him at that time, saying of the earth, I will no more be angry with you, neither when you are threatened, 10. shall the mountains depart, nor shall your hills be removed; so neither shall My mercy fail you, nor shall the...
  16. Awivis


    Father bless ###. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good night in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them...
  17. Awivis


    Father bless ###. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good night in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them...
  18. Awivis


    Father my friend is now at hospital going to ward because of his drinking. Please let him meet you Jesus and come to salvation in Christ. Also bless ### and bring her to know you. Bless my parents and brother and bring them too to know you Lord. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
  19. Awivis


    Father bless ###. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good night in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them...
  20. Awivis

    Good night

    Father bless ###. Bless her and bring her to know you. Keep her safe and bless her. Help her to sleep good and speak to her in dream. I wish her good night in Jesus name. Also today I bring my brother and my whole dysfunctional family into your hands Father. Help and restore them and bring them...
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