Please pray for all my students and fellow faculty members to be faithful to Jesus and to walk in the light of Gods word so they too will reach heaven when Jesus call us home. Pray for all Camp Meeting for Young people. Ask Jesus to bless the youth pastor and his assistance. O Lord, bless our...
Please continue to pray for me so no cancer cells will be found in my body as the scan will tell the doctor. Please Jesus, send healing and mercy. In Jesus name. Amen
Panhandlers all over the place. Please Jesus, save them all and provide for their needs. You love the poor and the needy, please help each one of them we pray. Amen Please God, bring everyone of them to church this Sunday and get them saved. Amen
My nephew and nieces are going to a Cristian Camp far away from town. Please pray for the to be touched by the Holy Spirit of God and to learn the love of God that passeth all understanding. Please Jesus, save our young people and bring them all back to Yourself, I pray. Amen
Dear Lord, please, have mercy on me and heal me. I need You today and need Your help and mercy. I am only trusting in You, as you healed lepers, gave sight to the blind and the lame walked, I believe You can do miracles for me. In Jesus name. Amen
Pray that my cancer will go away from me by the power of the Blood of the Lamb. Just as Jesus healed lepers, gave sight to the blind, the lame walked and people were delivered from devils, so Jesus can do wonders in our life. So, fast and pray that I will be healed by the power of of Hand of...
I had pain in the left side of my belly and I am asking for prayers to everyone for Jesus to come to my life and heal me and bless me. I could not sleep at all and I need some rest right now. O Lord send help and mercy I pray. Amen.
O the glory of Your presence we Your temple give You reverence, so arise from Your rest and be blessed by our praise as we glory in Your embrace, as Your presence now fills this place. O Lord, we love You today and will continue to love You all the days of our life. Please, answer all the...
I will bless the Lord and give Him glory, o I will forever raise my voice to Jesus for giving me life and strenght to continue to road to heaven. The Lord is gracious and merciful, He is great in kindness and good to all, the Lord is righteous in all His ways so let us all bless the Lord and...
Pray for me please. I have my belly hurt so much, last night I could not sleep well and took pain relief and that helped. Please ask Jesus touch my body and send healing to my life. I need the Lords help and grace. Thank you and may the Lord bless your life.
For You are great You do miracles so great, there is no One else like You. I bow down before Your holy presence and adore Your holy name. Yes, You deserve the glory and the honor Lord I lift your name to honor You for ages to come. Please, forgive all my sins, cleanse me from all unrighteousness...
Forgive me o Lord all my sins I have committed in the past, I need Your help, mercy and care. Healing I need more than anything else in this world. Please Lord, come to me and help, I am so tired and cant go on and on, but with Your grace and mercy we can do wonders. Have mercy on me and help me...
Protect us o Lord as we travel and guide our steps towards heaven. O Jesus we adore Your holy name that wherever we are we will be praising Your holy name. Amen
Requesting prayers for my health. I was so sick lately and I need Jesus to touch my body and my soul. When you are sick you cant pray well or read Gods word. The pain is so deep we cant concentrate. Please pray that I will get better.
Please pray that I will not have kidney stones. I was having severe pain in the lower back and could not sleep well last night. I do not want to get an infection or organ damage. Please pray for healing and taking away this pain from my back.
Please pray for my kidneys I have such an awful pain. Got musscle cramps, loss of appetite, itchy skin and loss of breath. Please pray to God to heal me so I can continue to share the Lord with all my friends on line and those I see at work.
Dear Lord deliver me from air turbulence when we take off and protect us when we are going on vacation. Climate change is making the air act so strange and now we do not know when it is gona happen this turbulence and will affect our plane and people will be so afraid to fly. O Lord, protect us...
Yes, for the glory of the Lord we have been created to be blessing to others. Please pray for me to be a blessing to my unsaved loved ones, for all my friends on line and coworkers who are not saved. Please God bring them all to church and save them. Amen