country: bolivia

  1. Omar Trigo Rojas


    My Prayer Request is that OUR LOVE GOD JEHOVAH, THE WEALTHIEST, may enter the Deepest of My Love Mind, Heart, Soul, Spirit, and Body, so JESUS CHRIST Teach Me and All the United Members of Our Family, This Very Instant and for Ever, How to Work Intelligently 1 Trillion Times Better, for JEHOVAH...
  2. Omar Trigo Rojas


    My Prayer Request is that OUR LOVE GOD JEHOVAH, THE WEALTHIEST, may enter the Deepest of the Love Mind, Heart, Soul, Spirit, and Body of Lizeth Mamani, so JESUS CHRIST Take Me Out of Lizeth Mamani's Heart. This Very Moment and for Ever, For I Like Her as a Friend, and I don't like Lizeth Mamani...
  3. Omar Trigo Rojas


    My Prayer Request is that OUR LOVE GOD JEHOVAH, THE WEALTHIEST, may enter the Deepest of Our Love Minds, Hearts, Souls, Spirits, and Bodies of Each of All of Us the United Members of Our Family, so JESUS CHRIST Create Everyone of All of Us the United Members of Our Family Blessed by JEHOVAH 1...
  4. Omar Trigo Rojas


    My Prayer Request is that OUR LOVE GOD JEHOVAH, THE WEALTHIEST, may enter the Deepest of the Love Minds, Hearts, Souls, Spirits, and Bodies of Our Parents Bety Rojas and Luis Trigo, so JESUS CHRIST Create Our Parents Bety Rojas and Luis Trigo Blessed by JEHOVAH 1 Billion Times Better, for Our...
  5. Omar Trigo Rojas


    My Prayer Request is that OUR LOVE GOD JEHOVAH, THE WEALTHIEST, may enter the Deepest of the Love Minds, Hearts, Souls, Spirits, and Bodies of Our Parents Bety Rojas and Luis Trigo, so JESUS CHRIST Grow 1 Billion Times Greater All the Love Our Parents Bety Rojas and Luis Trigo Have for Each...
  6. Omar Trigo Rojas


    My Prayer Request is that OUR LOVE GOD JEHOVAH, THE WEALTHIEST, may enter the Deepest of My Love Mind, Heart, Soul, Spirit, and Body, so JESUS CHRIST Reveal to Me, This Very Moment, Everything I Have to Do for La Razón Newspaper Company to Pay Me, This Very Instant, Every Trillion Dollar that...
  7. Omar Trigo Rojas


    My Prayer Request is that OUR LOVE GOD JEHOVAH, THE WEALTHIEST, may enter the Deepest of My Love Mind, Heart, Soul, Spirit, and Body, so JESUS CHRIST Help Me Fire Beatriz Pérez, This Very Instant, Perfectly and Completely Well, Constantly and Eternally.
  8. Omar Trigo Rojas


    My Prayer Request is that OUR LOVE GOD JEHOVAH, THE WEALTHIEST, may enter the Deepest of My Love Mind, Heart, Soul, Spirit, and Body, so JESUS CHRIST Help Me and All the United Members of Our Family Find, This Very Instant and for Ever, the Right Ministerial Partner, for Everyone of All of Us...
  9. Omar Trigo Rojas


    My Prayer Request is that OUR LOVE GOD JEHOVAH, THE WEALTHIEST, may enter the Deepest of the Love Mind, Heart, Soul, Spirit, and Body of Our Father Luis Trigo, so JESUS CHRIST Grow 1 Trillion Times Greater All the Love Our Father Luis Trigo Has for OUR GREAT GOD JEHOVAH, This Very Instant...
  10. Omar Trigo Rojas


    My Prayer Request is that OUR LOVE GOD JEHOVAH, THE WEALTHIEST, may enter the Deepest of My Love Mind, Heart, Soul, Spirit, and Body, so JESUS CHRIST Take Out of All My Man Being, This Very Instant and for Ever, All Diabolic Sexual Desire for Glinda Sito. For Glinda Sito is a Married Woman, and...
  11. Omar Trigo Rojas


    My Prayer Request is that OUR LOVE GOD JEHOVAH, THE WEALTHIEST, may enter the Deepest of Our Love Minds, Hearts, Souls, Spirits, and Bodies of Each of All of Us Human Beings, Men and Women, from Adam and Eve to the Last Person JESUS CHRIST Creates, All Over the World, so JEHOVAH Reveal to...
  12. GreeterJustin

    Years and age, farewell.

    We are flying away to be with the Lord. When our work on earth is finished, then we shall see the reward of our deeds done here on earth. Pray that I will be faithful and true to Jesus till He calls me home to heaven.
  13. Omar Trigo Rojas


    My Prayer Request is that OUR LOVE GOD JEHOVAH, THE WEALTHIEST, may enter the Deepest of the Love Minds, Hearts, Souls, Spirits, and Bodies of Our Parents Bety Rojas and Luis Trigo, so JESUS CHRIST Create Perfect and Complete Teeth Inside Our Parents Bety Rojas and Luis Trigo's Mouths, for Our...
  14. Denielle

    Pray for my church to be full of sinners-

    Dear God, please bring all kinds of sinners and unbelievers to our services today. Save them all we pray, all hackers, spammers and physhers also bring them in and save them. Fill our pastor with the Holy Spirit of God and may Your word touch our hearsts we pray. Amen
  15. Omar Trigo Rojas


    My Prayer Request is that OUR LOVE GOD JEHOVAH, THE WEALTHIEST, may enter the Deepest of My Love Mind, Heart, Soul, Spirit, and Body, so JESUS CHRIST Create Me 1 Trillion Times More Blessed by JEHOVAH, for Me to Feel 1 Trillion Times More JESUS CHRIST'S Abundant Life, Joy, Happiness, Pleasure...
  16. Omar Trigo Rojas


    My Prayer Request is that OUR LOVE GOD JEHOVAH, THE WEALTHIEST, may enter the Deepest of My Love Mind, Heart, Soul, Spirit, and Body, so JESUS CHRIST Create Me 1 Trillion Times More Blessed by JEHOVAH, for Me to Be Able to Understand JESUS CHRIST Exactly the Way JEHOVAH Understands HIMSELF, This...
  17. Franklin

    I almost fainted in the street.

    I called on the Lord Jesus to save me and do not let me die in the middle of the street. He heard me from heaven and saved me. I just love Him with all of my heart today and will forever more. Please continue to pray for my health. Jesus knows what I have and He will send healing to my body and...
  18. Omar Trigo Rojas


    My Prayer Request is that OUR LOVE GOD JEHOVAH, THE WEALTHIEST, may enter the Deepest of Our Love Minds, Hearts, Souls, Spirits, and Bodies of Each of All of Us the United Members of Our Family, so JESUS CHRIST Help Everyone of All of Us the United Members of Our Family Find the Perfect and...
  19. Omar Trigo Rojas


    My Prayer Request is that OUR LOVE GOD JEHOVAH, THE WEALTHIEST, may enter the Deepest of Our Love Minds, Hearts, Souls, Spirits, and Bodies of Each of All of Us the United Members of Our Family, so JESUS CHRIST Create All of Us the United Members of Our Family with All JEHOVAH'S Love Multiplied...
  20. Omar Trigo Rojas


    My Prayer Request is that OUR LOVE GOD JEHOVAH, THE WEALTHIEST, may enter the Deepest of My Love Mind, Heart, Soul, Spirit, and Body, so JESUS CHRIST Show Me, This Very Moment and for Ever, How to Work Excellently Cleaning All Utensils of JEHOVAH'S Delightful House of Offering in the City of...
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