country: bolivia

  1. RevCrestwood

    May the blessing of the Lord fall ...

    May the blessing of the Lord fall on each one of you who pray daily in obedience to Jesus word. Pray without ceasing. Day and night we should be in prayer and asking God for peace on earth, peace in our life and families. We pray to God almighty for revival in our churches and lost souls of our...
  2. Ricketts

    Pray for me so this flu will ...

    Pray for me so this flu will stay away from me and healing will come to my body and soul.
  3. Ricketts

    We are strangers and pilgrims on earth.

    Never ever settle for anything in this world because we will not be able to take anything to heaven with us. Jesus clearly told Pilate the whole truth about Himself and His eternal kingdom in heaven. He said... My kingdom is not of this world. John 18.36 We profess to be strangers and...
  4. Dolliet

    Would you all please pray that all ...

    Would you all please pray that all these pain I am going through will pass away soon. Jesus said to me. In the world you will have tribulation but I have overcome. Amen
  5. Dolliet

    The upward call of Jesus.

    Those eternal words coming to our ears will resound all the time wherever we are. Come to Me, I will give you rest. Our primary calling on earth is this. Love Jesus with all your heart. Obey what He said. Follow Him all the way to heaven. Those wonderful traits in our personality will...
  6. Everestt

    Gods wardrove.

    Heavenly clothes will be given to all of us who have overcome evil and sin and have lived holy and pure life on earth, serving and loving the Lord all the time. We will have the same clothing Jesus wore at the Mount of Transfiguration. His face and clothes becoming dazzingly bright. Matt...
  7. Everestt

    I am taking a wonderful medication for ...

    I am taking a wonderful medication for my broken knee and please pray that Jesus will heal me and I will continue to love and serve Jesus with all of my heart. Also pray that I will be a blessing to all my friends and loved ones.
  8. BrotherBingham

    Senior citizens and the infirm in the ...

    Senior citizens and the infirm in the hospitals and nursing homes need your prayers so they will recover and praise the name of the Lord. Please pray for all of them.
  9. Lewiston

    Requesting prayer for our youth pastor to ...

    Requesting prayer for our youth pastor to be full of the presence of Jesus.
  10. Lewiston

    Building a church of the living God.

    Come to Me, says the Lord. Calling all of us to reach for help and mercy. When we are going through a hard time and have no strenght to go on, let us all reach Gods hand and mercy shall come to all of us. Church attendance is so vital to all of us. It is like fresh blood flowing through our...
  11. RevSamuels

    How do we know the presence of God is right here?

    Witness of the presence of God in our life are so diverse and so different. The disciples felt the presence of God through the Holy Spirit of God filling their lives with power from heaven. Today God manifest His presence in different ways to different people. Some people will feel the...
  12. RevSamuels

    Requesting prayers for my church to be ...

    Requesting prayers for my church to be full of the glory of God the Father so lost people of our city will come in and feel the holy presence of Jesus and be saved and be on their way to heaven. Jesus is waiting for them with open arms to bless them, help them and heal their troubled soul. In...
  13. Ziggy

    Would you all please pray that I ...

    Would you all please pray that I will continue to honor, praise and glorify the name of the Lord our God. Wherever I am, I will lift up my voice to Him and glorify His name. Amen
  14. Ziggy

    Holy is our God worthy of all praise.

    I am not worthy to enter into Your holy presence o God almighty. I am so sorry for all of my sins and for making your heart full of pain. Forgive us, cleanse us, purify our hearts. We want to come to You and ask for mercy and compassion. There is no other place safe and secure we can be...
  15. Glenneth

    Can anyone escape from pain?

    I dont think so. Jesus went through a lot of pain and sorrow, He wanted all the disciples to see Him and overcome the pain He was going through. He said to Peter.... My heart is full of sorrow and breaking with sadness. Stay here with Me and watch. Matt. 26.38 Pain is a constant in life...
  16. Glenneth

    My knee is looking so bad and ...

    My knee is looking so bad and it hurts a lot. I cannot bend my knee if I do, then pain comes and see stars all over the place. I took pain pills and I need your prayers for my knee. May Jesus heal me so I can walk straight and not feel pain anymore.
  17. Corinnah

    Let Your glory fill this house.

    Wonderful desire coming out from our hearts that wants to praise, honor and glorify the Lord. This is the time right now to stop everything we are doing and focus our attention on Him completely, lifting our hearts and voices to Him because Jesus alone is worthy of all praise. Let Your glory...
  18. Corinnah

    Yes, Jesus touched my heart, my mind ...

    Yes, Jesus touched my heart, my mind and my soul. I belong to Him and He belongs to me. Something beautiful happened to me when Jesus came to my heart. No more smoke, no more reading horoscopes, no more drinking and parties. No more yoga or anything that despleases the Lord. Holy is the Lord our...
  19. SongleaderKate

    Satan will not stop me singing praises to the Lord.

    As we gather together to praise, honor and glorify the Lord our God, satan will do anything at his disposal to make us all miss our way to heaven and stop our singing to Jesus. He knows that the Lord delights in the praises of those who love HIm. As we join together as one body and hear and...
  20. SongleaderKate

    Love to sing songs to Jesus. I ...

    Love to sing songs to Jesus. I always did and wonderful happened to my life. I will not quit and the devil will not make me quit because Jesus told. Sing unto the Lord a new song... Yes. I will forever sing to Jesus songs that honors and glorifies His holy name. Please pray for me that I will...
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