My prayer request for to get miracle money from almighty God in Jesus name.i also pray to almighty God for to restore my hair in to thick and long in Jesus name.every body please pray for this prayer request in Jesus name for me to almighty God.
I pray to almighty God for to recover my mother's health issues forever in Jesus name.Amen.please pray for my mother's good health always in Jesus name TO almighty God.
I pray to almighty God for my mother's good health always in Jesus name.please God, make sure that my mother is always healthy and live long in Jesus name.amen.kindly pray for this prayer request in Jesus name.
Kindly pray to almighty God In Jesus name for my reconciliation with my specific person as soon as possible.pray To almighty God for to reunite me with him in Jesus name.Amen.
Dear Almighty God, please make sure that my specific person contact with me in Jesus name.God, please make sure that he is in deep love with me in Jesus name.Amen.
Almighty God, please restore my hair as very thick, longer And beautiful healthy always in Jesus name.Amen. Please pray to God In Jesus name for my situation.
Dear God, please make sure that my hair totally stopped To Fall out forever in Jesus name.Almighty God, please cure my hair fall and cure my hair thinning problem forever in Jesus name.Please pray for this prayer request in Jesus name TO almighty God for me.