İ pray to almighty God for to protect me from every harmful person, enemies and toxic people forever every day in Jesus name.pray for my protection always please pray to almighty God In Jesus name.Amen.
Prayer request for my mental healing and happiness.please pray to almighty God for my all-time happiness with good health always in Jesus name.pray to relief from my anxiety and sadness for ever in to Jesus name.Amen.
Almighty God, save our planet earth from every harm and pollution in Jesus name.please God, protect our planet from all pollution in the name of Jesus Christ.please pray to God for the safety of our planet In JESUS name.
Heal my sleeping problem issues in Jesus name.Almighty God, please make sure that I can sleep properly every day in Jesus name.Amen. prayer warriors, kindly pray for me and my prayer request in Jesus name TO almighty God.
Almighty God, please make sure that he would contact with me soon anyway in Jesus name.prayer request to almighty God for the communication with my specific person in Jesus name.
I pray to Almighty God for to restore my hair as very thick, healthy, long forever in Jesus name.i pray to Almighty God for my faster hair growth and thick healthy hair in Jesus name.
Prayer request for my mother's good health and long healthy life To almighty God In Jesus name.please pray to almighty God for my mother's good health always in Jesus name.
Kindly pray for my mother's health and dental problem to almighty God In Jesus name.pray To cure my mother's dental condition forever naturally in the name of Jesus To almighty God.Amen.
Kindly pray for my sleeping problem cure forever to almighty God In Jesus name.Pray for my cure from All of my health and mental problems to almighty God In Jesus name.Amen.
İ pray to almighty God for to reconnect with my specific person in very soon in the name of Jesus.i pray to almighty God for our communication in Jesus name.please pray for my prayer request in Jesus name TO almighty God.Amen.
Dear Prayer Nursers. Me ..Tubal Biswas. I am from Bangladesh. I have a Ministry that is led by me from my tithe & Saved money. I work for the depressed chidden and community for deponing them in Education, Health and Moral. It has been a major challenge to continue these further as the people...
dear nurses
great commission
major challenge
money work
outreachtotheunrea wixsite
pastor john samar outreach
peace tubal william
tubal biswas
unreached choto boyra market road
Prayer request for my reconciliation Asap in Jesus name.pray To almighty God for my reconciliation with my specific person.pray for his return to me ASAP in Jesus name.
Kindly pray for my mother To Almighty God in Jesus name for her good health condition always.Pray for my mother's dental problem and diabetes issue forever in Jesus name.Amen.