Prayer request for my good health always and good sleeping in Jesus name.God ,please make sure my good sleep tonight and always in Jesus name.Amen.please pray for me to almighty God in Jesus name.
I pray to God for my sleeping issue.please God, cure my insomnia problem forever in Jesus name.please God make sure my good health forever in Jesus name.Prayer partners! Please pray to God In Jesus name for me.pray for my prayer request.
Almighty God,i pray to you for saving our planet earth from every pollution and harms in Jesus name.God, please save our planet from human's in Jesus name.Amen.please pray for this prayer request in Jesus name.
Dear Almighty God, please stop my hair to greying and stop my hair to Fall out forever in Jesus name.Amen.kindly pray to almighty God for my prayer request in Jesus name.
GOD, please recover my sleeping issue in Jesus name.Almighty please cure my insomnia forever in Jesus name.Amen. Kindly pray to God In Jesus name for my prayer request.
Hello, my name is Tubal Biswas. I am speaking from Bangladesh. I have a care organization. It basically works in the midst of marginalized populations. I have been working on it for the last 4 years. I have 3 friends with me. We are now working with about 120 children in two fields. One is in...
2 good quality tubes
care organization
marginalized populations
pastor john samar outreach
peace tubal william
tubal biswas
two fields
unreached choto boyra market road
unreached document
I pray to almighty God for my every situation that I am facing every day in Jesus name.Amlighty God please remove my All problems forever in Jesus name.Amen. Kindly pray for me in the name of Jesus.
I pray to almighty God for my always safety from every harm full person around me in Jesus name.Almighty God, please always protect me from every harms in Jesus name. Kindly pray for me to almighty God In Jesus name.pray for this prayer request.
I pray to almighty God for my always safety from every harm full person around me in Jesus name.Almighty God, please always protect me from every harms in Jesus name. Kindly pray for me to almighty God In Jesus name.pray for this prayer request.