Please pray for me. I am under attack by the devil in all areas of my life. My Health. My Finances. My Personal Life. I am too sick to work due to physical and mental illnesses and I can barely live on what I get every month in disability. I live in a dirty run down farm house where the rent can barely be paid. I take baths in dirty unsafe well water. I can only eat because I go to food banks and get food stamps from the government. I have had numerous accidents and injuries in this house. I have hospital bills I cannot pay. I have no money or car of my own. I cannot afford to move. Years ago my entire family turned their backs on me and I was rejected, forgotten and left for Homeless and dead on the street by all my Loved ones including my children. I have no friends out side of my house. I am surrounded by evil hateful ungodly people that I cannot trust. I am a prisoner in a prison for a house. Despite the fact that have never smoked or did drugs and I stopped drinking over 25 years ago still All of this has taken a terrible toll on my Mental and physical health. I have prayed and prayed and prayed over this and I have asked so, so many people to pray for me and nothing is getting any better in my life. I am backsliding and I have stopped praying. I am weary and running out of faith in God, Hope and Love.