Beloved of All
pleas epray the Lor d heals my grandma compeelte form mal nutrition blood suagr issues bacterial infections tumors cancers ( oif she has that ) wsmall bowel obstruction syndormof type 1 diabetes and kidney disases pelas epra ytha tmy movhter is healed of aspergers syndorm and osteoporisis and periodontsis disease and her heart and her hips are healed for glory of otu lOrd Jeus Christ. Lord my kidneys ... the yneed your healign touch i ened oyur help Lor di need oyu help with blood pressure for me and my grandma. pelas ehal my da dof osteoporiss itn hename ofthe Lor dJeus Chirst.pelas ehela Vilike of autism. pelas heal my brothe rof histmian intolernac e(aspergers) please heal his baby from unwight issues gastrointestinal issues and diarrhea.pLOrd forgiv ey sisn.lor di pray oyu will heal my whole fmailand sav eus Lord Jeus Chirs.t Lor dJeus Chirs tplease save and hela my fmaily. heal my dads bones.pelas eno osteoporsis hela his spianl fractur eheal his fungs heal astham. delive rhim form all sickness and disease. pelase deliver my grandma form all sickness and disease please delive rmy mother form all sickness and disease pelase dleiver all my fmaily blodo form all sickness and disease. Lor dhave mercyPEase sned help to my fmialy inevery way. Lor dhelp me emotionally. help me to be a good caregiver to my grandma.Lord giv eme hop Lor dim so ewak.Pleas eotuch and dleive rmy whole fmaily bloodlien form all demonic attacks generational curses adn idols, from all idols. lrod Jeus Chirs tbe the head our our fmaiyl. Save us restor eus caus eus to be well caus eus to see good days.Lord help us please. thank you Lord thnak Lord Jeus Chirst all glro yis Your. pelas eintervene in or lives toda iyn very obvious way.pelase do all iny oru power to bless us heal us restore us all for YOur glroy and i ask you pelase forgive our sins and help us ot have faith in YOu pelase saveus .protect us form death,accidents illness calamities and injuries,bidn up our wounds.restore our family. help us all eb united in Christ. sae Lor dpleas esvae us Lord