Beloved of All
pleas epray the Lord heals all thos ehwo nee dhelaign and new teeth and heals me of type one diabetes despite my unbelif. Lor hdave emrcy pleas hela my grandm who is bedridden Lor di keep eatign the wrong foods help me not to eat the wrong foods again help me God please hela my teeth pelase pleas hela my grandm and hela my mom of asperer syndorme. pelas ehlp my mom be more empathtic wiht her word spleas ehea her anxeity please hela my dad emotionally and dlieve rhimf rom homlessnes please dleive rmy hubby whoever he is form the deivl nd form all satanic opression incluidng witscraft. Lor dif oyu have ahusband for me or anythign to bless me wiht please d o all inyou rpower os the nemy doe snot take away my blessing. Lord i beg your forgivnessa dn i prais eYOu for eternal lfi eis a gift. thnak you. ipray that oyu save all souls and pelase please hel my brothers tetth. Lor dmy fmaiyl fsuffers form severe dehydration and blood sugar issues pelase take away the root cuas eof these dehydration issues. pelas egiv eus livign water. Please giv em hope bout my teeth and my body. please i am sorry fo rmy sins im sorry. pelas ehelp me. please im so sad i dont knwo what to do. please how do i go on? how do i go on? pleasepleas peleasegiv em hope please raise the dead thing sin my lfie bakc ot life and o the same for all peopel. Lor di beg oyu pelase dleiver me form dehydration i beg oyu please fic óx my bod yso i can metabloizie sugar adn use it for energy i pray this for my grandma too. and lal peopel. pelas eldiever us form all flehs eatign bacteir. pelase Lr hela my dad insuin . hjela my moms brian hela By teeth an dbody.dleive rhim form all evil including ungodly peple and habits and dleive rhimf orm all addicitons that oyul d harm him.pleas hela him help him and provide of rhis needs. Lor id nbeg you for mercy i beg you for mercy please help me . help me care fo rmy grandma .please odnt let me beocem dehydrated . hpelase the source of dehydration.pelase sned angely to ocnofr tme and help i felt fvery laoen . sen dhelp to my mom too . send help please lOr dsne dthe irhgt help t o my parent shela them and dleivr them form alle vil. please also Lord give my hope about my broken teeht. please odnt let them break break further. pleas ei wnt helaign for my bod.yim sorry fo rmy isns pelas ehavemercy an dhelp me. pelas have mercy n dhelp me.please have mercy and help me. please have merc yan dhelp my grdnam heal her bod yan ddliever her form high blood sugar giv her excelleent insulina dn same wiht me. help us dleistory lal that is destorying me an dmy fmaily and alos my hubby and his famly. dlestory the works of the deivl have emrcy please giv eus lif e an dlife in abudnanc.e have merc yhelp have mercy have mercy pleaee have mercy help me Lor di beg you. lla prias eglroy and honour goe sot oyu.protect me form evilprotect my fmaily form evil protect allpepel form evil. pelase send help and hope and joy into my life. hve merc y.i am sorry of rm yisns. pelas help plea ehlp please in thename of the Lord Jeus Chirst. God please turn my mourign into joy. please do al the same for all as awell. thank you for oyur helaign and for your provision.