Beloved of All
pleas epray my mom is heale dof asperger syndorem. we are tkaign car eof my grandma and iti impossible to communciate and we are stuck together 24/7. Please someoen help meits been 7 years. i have no friends no fmaily in foreign coutnry. i want the curse of asperger syndroem out of my fmaily .Lor dhave emrcy .please jsut end my lfie Lor di see no hpe. i see no hope its to hard for me loen someon please pray for us pleas pra ymy grandma be heale dtoo. I dont knwo how to deal with this all the itme . I jsut wish for relief for help Gdo how do i communciate wiht my mother why do i have to follow all these unatural rules. why can ti jsut be myslf. pelas hel her pelas ei ebg you. Please giv em hope wiht mym om and my grandm and my self. pelase pelase its too hard. i do not knwo wha to do PLEas eLor dtell me why evryhtign has to be so hard. please forgiv emy sisn. pelas hela myóoms brian so i can commucniate wiht her and iwht you Lord. help me please i reall ask your help .pelase LOr di ebg you please od somehtign to help us. i ebg you wiht lal my beign i beg you i beg you i beg you please hea my mom form asperger snydorme pelas epelase hela the ocnfusion in her brian nd mien too an dhela my grandma please help my mom itneret thigns correctly both behaviour and emotion adn motive please please laos hela eye contact and ocmmucniattion heal her ability to interpret commucniation 100% accurat ehal her brian and whoever needs similar helaign or any healign including all fmaily memebrs and possibly B please hela them .Lor di dont knwo how i cna ddela wiht this every day is so har dlike this . I need oyu rhelp i am so tired of this difficulty. i want relief need help Lor dpleas ie beg you o pelas ehalp i really jsut odnt knwo what to do anymore. the years have goen by. pelas help i knwo im nto perfec i knwo i need ot repent of so many thign sbut make it clear to me to Lor doyur voice motives plans for my lfie help me and forgive me. i dont knwo what o do anymore. please take away all misunderstandign between me and my mom and beteeen me and all othe rpeople. Lord hela me as well form this. in thenameo fthe lORD jEUS cHIRST SEND ANGELS HOLY ANGES TO DLEIVER MY MOM FORM ALL ILLNESS ALL COMMUCNIAITON DISPRDER AND AL PEOPEL WHO HAVE THIS AS WELL. IN THENAME FO THE lORD jEUS cHIRST NAM I PRAY. ALL GLOR YIS YOUR lORD jEUS cHIRST ALLPOWE RIS YOURS. I EBG YOU. PELAS PELASE HEAL ALL WHO HAVE COMMUNCIAION DISORDERS PELASE HELP lORD I AM LOST. I REALL YMA ADN I ODNT UNDERSTAND HWY..