Beloved of All
PLeas epray for my grandma who need shelaign in her bloo dpressure please. please pray she is heale dby Chirst. please pray Christ does the helaign she needs ot be healthy and hwole. so far u prais egOd of rsh eis making progress askign God of rher toal helaign of hihgbloos sugar and illness related ot that be fgone forevewr andhe rblood sugar be he exclelnt same wiht me. pleas epray for me as i am her care giver an dineed healign form type 1 diabetes . pleas peray ofr mymom who has apserer syndorme to be helae idn ehr brian and i an di am abel to enjoy he rocmpany better no constant murmerign . pleas eGod hela her out look on she rbirthfda yopelase od all iny our power ot bless her mother an dhe rbtorothe rher fmaily and o allin your power to releas emy dad form homelssness. Please keep himw arm and afre and God bels shim finaniall with a god pension he can liv eoff of pelase lor dif oyu are wiling also help me wiht tithing. and fdleiver me form all metbaloic illnesses and pelase giv emy grandma full totaly helaign of dmenita small bowel obstruciotn syndorme and may she be able ot bliknk see excelelnt and walk and sit up and al things and pelase do all inyour power ot heal her. pelase remove the devils power over he rover me and my mamokm and dad and brother and my hubby. pelas ehal B hela BS brian mind souls and hela mymom in everyway physiclal yemntlly emotionynla and please hela her teeht heal my brothers teeth heal us pleas elOrd hel Bs teeeth and heal Bรฉ heart and body hela my granmd aheart giv emerry hear tgiv eher free form all deiseas.e giv eme and my fmaiyl and B and my hubby form the lord ocmpelte dleiveranccef orm all witch craft deliverance form allgeneraiton curses and LOr dim having a har ditme with you knwo what pelas ehal mem ehlp me and ealp my pinkei toe form dieabrs pelase and pelase take awaay all dlehydraiton form all fmaily ememnbers andb too. please take away the devils power ove rus forgiv eour sisn lOr dhep me to trulylly and fulyl seek you. pelase cotuc my grandma nd giv eher excelelntblood pressure and please bless mymotom on ehr birhtday above and beyond help me find more caivnton pelase Go dont feel like goign out tommmorw to to terrand shelp me take her of my granmd andmom ehlp me do osothign fo rm ymoms brithdaypleas eotuch and reneareat emy moms mouth restorheer osul dleive rher form sadnessbitterness giv ehe rhope reeval oyu love ot her and salvation to her andmy dad pleas ehal my dads spinal fracture and laos her heart valve restor ehis osusl heal his mind body and meoitons and my mom too please do recreati ve miracle s in allpopeels live. pelase help physiclany doctors caregivers do oyur will gudie thenm storgnly and gently. pelase may no one perish but find their slavaiton foreve rin You Christ Lord Jeus Chirst. tongiht. pelas eprotec all homeless ofrm freezing cold form starvation adn illness helal. hela b form mokign and alchauisma ndd sire for those thigns. please hela all thos ewho have addicitons. please hela mye form resenment helmy fmaly form resenetment bittneress badd attitudes adn help us find hompe in oxyu. pelase dleive rme andmy fmaily form suffering struggle pain and illness hela us strgnthen us an dhelp us seek and find oyu wiht all our heart si pray this for my hubby too. pease destory the works of the devil in my fmailys lifemy hubby life and his fmaily life in my marriage Lord wiht hte man you choose for me. pelas etell me who He is i odnt want no strange man adn certianly not and unbelive. please guide meinto al truth concernign all thign sincuidng YOur Will for my lfie my hubsand do oyu have a husband for me then who is it? protect himform alle ivl ungodly habits nd evilpeopel dont elt anyone decive him dont le the deivl decinve me or my husbadhusabndor our respectiv efmialies or anyone for that matte.r gudie al poel into al truth show us what YOu wil is for our lives an dofrvgive our sins. i pelad you Holy blood upon me my hubby form te Lord our fuutre fofspring this prayer ana dall my prayers andhis prayers. Lord odnt le tme be decieved in any area of my lfie and same wiht my hubby form the lor d. or ddleive rme form chaisng vnity and deiver me form bad comany thnaky ou i pray htis formy hubby and lal popel too.,. pleas ehlp me not ot be a stumblign blcok ot anoyne and vice versa towardsa meabd my fmaily huubby form the lord for B and also pelas heal Bs teeth gus dentla flesh adn strnghtne him and guid eHIm tood OYur WIll sma ewiht me guid eus Lord hela my grandm pelas emiroculdsy otuch her for oyur glory prais ena dpower hela her heart giv eher the love an affection adn helign and dleiverance whe nends for her to be helae idn thenameo fthe lor djue sChirst please dleivrher form that vagina dischagre and the caus ehterof. what is thatr, i how cnai help her what do i feed her ? Lor di nend oyu to advic eme what to feed amy fmaiyl andmyself i ened oyu reading . also please hela my grandmas form dmentia and form all illness otuch her strgnthen her and no weapon formed saagisnt he ror anyoen prospr. elase send trilliony of Holy angels to protect us strnghten an dhela us Lor d. pelase send triiliogn of holy angels to help my dad so he does not freeze in to cold giv ehim the lve and affirmation and strenght he needs Lor dgiv ehim the Bless my parnets bless and protetct my fmaily all relatives by bloos giv ehtem your slavation pelase and helaign in every area fo ftheir lives. hel p us ot follow you. thnaky ou.pleas edleiver al who have tumors cancer diabetes type 2 2 and diabetes insipiudus dliever them all form diabetes reverse their diabetes andhela them pleas ehla me hela all who have kidney disaes and metbalic acidosis .please giv eme wisdom on my helaht issue sand my fmailys pelase protec otur rhealth resore joy into our lives for all poeple and protect lal marriages you have ordine form adultery and confusion and protect lalpopel form strnage marriage,s Lord do al in oyour power if oyu have husband for me pelase do all in your power ot join me and the man you made me for out of his own rib may i recognize him as my Adam and i am HIs eve pmay the Lor dgiv eus and indestructbale devine connection bond and emoitonall phycial mntll spiritul ocnenction so connceed by Chris thImself. may Chirst be foiund in every ebcunter we have. may my husband alwys be wise ocncnrignme and may he be very logvign and affectoinate and vice versa. may he be very protective supportive and provid eof rme and may God blesosut union ineveryway for HIGlory and by HIs power. Lor di thnak you for my ubby my adam my tue adam and may you please join me and him to beone flehs at oyur appointed itme and please protect himf orm strange eves that dont belgont o him.. may he find me breathtakignly attractive ine very way and se notign uncklena in me,. may he nsee me as Chirs tbride n may i fsee him ike i see chirst as Chirst wants me to see HIm. may the Lor dbles sus and provid eof oru own dwellig place and provsion of food shalter lcothign and fo rou r respective fmailies all our rleatives and our fuutre offspring God willign .Lord please guid eme into al truth is ... my husband form you Lord Jeus Chirst? yes or no......... Clearly.. help me Lor dpleas ehlp me an help him as well. thnk you Lord in thenameo fthe Lord jJEsus Chirs ti pray that oyu also dleiver em form uncena htoughts resenment thnak you Lord and ofrgiv eme for my backsliidign please dleiver me form such foolish htoughts. help me be patient always and always do oyur WIl wiht gladnmeness joy and iwht wisodm same wiht my hubby adn may you be gorified inour lives and i pray htis same for lal popele too. pelas eldieve rus ofrm codi and dleiver em form strep dleiver my fmialy form all bacterial infections strep and blood deisease lyme diseas. pelase dleiver me form hirutism and the cuse therod. pelas ehal B sperm coutn if applicable. pelas hela his cough and his midn and body emiotns. pelase heplp ihin find a better way by servign YOu only Lord and smae wiht all poepel htnka ouy.pleas ehela my mom form peridodntis diseas ehlp her eat helahty food pleas perovide the nutrtion all peopel need for thier need sot be helthy and pleas eha lall who have metablic disease and incurabel disease . By YOur stripes be are heale.d pelase ressurect he dead. pelase help my dad financialla dn also find affordabel housing and provid eht emans inwhich he can restire wiht diginity pelas eprovide of rhis fneed slord an dsend help orm you Lord tomy dad in every area of his lfie shalter food helaht medicine wisdome love form you Lord. plรฉease restore heis youhthis body his spien and may you ave all the Glor yin thenameof the lord Jeus Chirst my fmaiyl beheled my hubbybe healed our respectiv eblood reltives mbe healed an dmade and sanctified clense dby the blood of Christ.. forgiv em ysisn and guid eme Lor dwiht the powe rof oรญur hOlysporiti join me an dmy hubby by the power of you holy spirit.. i wdont want o to be aprat form my hubby any longer . thy Will eb doen OYu Holy spirit join us and pelase prepar eus to be togehte rso i it is sa true blesisn gine very wa. thnak you Lord also hela me emotionaly in thenamoe fhte lor d JEsus Christ name i pray. thnak you Lord for lal your heaign and mirccles.