I feel Light inside me now as This topic has actually released me from my state of regret after laminating a fotograph of a 51years woman who has not seen her twins children who are now 24years of age, and according to her, the children was taken from her at their ages of 5.the cause of my regret was that the woman while explaining her ordeal to me This New year,even though This is not her first time, went and BROUGHT one and only photograph of one of the twins, which she saΓd she kept since the babies were taken from her by their father who decieved her as she put it, were to put them in better Schools in Nigeria (here is sΓ£o TomΓ© and prΓncipe). When she gave me the old, almost destroyed passport-foto, i heard in my heart, go and save This only foto for her and i closed my Shop and went immediately to solve that, but to my surprise, when i handed her back the foto, she collected it and put in her bag, (no expresion at all, i can not use Words to explain what happened,, then I told her to see the picture well, and also advised her that, she should have done the same since that soo long time, she only told me she forgot, and that even that was the reason she lost the rest fotos. ( THIS ARTICLE HERE HAS HELPED CALL ME BACK TO THE TEACHING OF PROPHET JOSHUA OF NIGERIA,WHO TOLD US NOT TO LOVE TO BE APPRECIATED AS CHRISTIANS, OBEDIENTE CHILDREN OF GOD. SO THANK YOU AND I THANK GOD FOR USING THIS ARTICLE THIS MORNING because This happened Just yesterday afternoon. EMMANUEL !.