The last thing I am going to tell you is of one of the hardest things God has ever said to me when I was at my lowest and was very close to taking my own life nearly continually. And a short part of my story.
I've got a lifetime of horrific trauma. So I've known nothing but suffering from the very moment I was born. This did not stop when I became a Christian, rather: it got worse. And this was because of demonic covenants/legal rights in my life. It got so bad I was left alone, Christians didn't know what to do with me, many didn't even believe me, I almost never heard or felt God, I only heard and felt demons, who were harassing me, threatening me, sending physical people on assignment to murder me, demons physically attacked me, made me lose my mind into utter despair and confusion because of all my traumas and the false reality they were feeding me on all sides so I lost control of reality, people didn't understand me, Christians shunned me and left me to die on the road like the man from the story of the Good Samaritan. I've had many trauma dreams about the way Christians have treated me, upon my already existent traumas. I thought God hated my guts. That He abandoned me. That He loved everyone but me. And it got worse, and worse, and worse. I cannot even go into all the details because that would be a whole book.
But there was a moment I heard God very clearly. I was in my usual rage moments, raging at God, being so angry at Him. I didn't sleep, was being tortured by satanic agents and demons, if I slept the nightmares and attacks were absolutely unbearable. It was no life. Then I heard Him very clearly and He said: "I want you to change your behavior. I want you to praise Me. You've done this for years and it didn't change anything". And that at first made me very angry. Because I was like, excuse You? Praise You, when I'm nearly a dead woman walking and I'm being forced to be on this earth against my will, suffering 24/7? And yet I forced myself to obey. It made me swallow my pride. And make a very conscious choice to make a sacrifice of praise. Because that's what it is. A sacrifice of praise.
I've learned tons of things in the last couple of years concerning demonic bondage. Many. Wherever the enemy is attacking you there are legal rights. One of those is the way you speak. Your words carry power to bring either life or death. You can open doors with your words to Satan or to God. That's why praise is so powerful. It can literally open prison doors. But you need to be willing to lay down pride, and make a choice.
Because I obeyed Him in this, I've been changing. I'm still struggling, and if I told you what I am still going through you wouldn't understand why I'm still standing and talking with you, telling you all this. That is all God. I can finally see that now, even through all the darkness. I should have been long dead because the enemy has tried to kill me many times. And when he couldn't kill me because God didn't allow (though he got very, very close), he tried to make me kill myself.
What you come into agreement with has a lot of power over you. Right now you're in agreement with death and cursing yourself. You thereby have made death your lord. Please consider changing your words and behavior, even though your entire inside doesn't want to. I've been there. I won't bother you much longer with many words but I did think this was a very important last thing to have said. I know you don't want advice but I felt compelled as your sibling in Christ to reflect to you the truth in love as I refuse to close my eyes and ears towards those that are suffering deeply. I do genuinely wish you well and I bless you in Jesus' name. God truly loves you.