Except for the fact that it would be nice to have a choice,not have the situation forced on me through circumstance.Yeah, most auto shops throw in the inspection with the oil change.With the point about a certain verse comes to me upon knowing of someones pending death,that happens with other things, I experience something, and a verse comes to me.With going to a cemetary, the verse would be,"The time is coming when all those in the graves will hear the voice of the Son of Man,and"Some will arise to everlasting Glory, but others to everlasting shame".I've been to pet shops that specialize in exotic pets, and looking at the snake,I can almost hear the lie of Satan in the Garden,"You shall not surely die".Or if some spectacular new experience happens, I hear."Then I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth'.I would think this has happened to you{?}I would think it would be the Holy Spirit talking to us?